Our past does not limit

in #steemchurch6 years ago

We read is 2 Corinthians 5:17: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things happened; behold, all are made new. " This biblical verse shows us a transcendent fact and it is the power of God to annul your past. The past should not exercise any dominion over people and should not have any authority over them. However, the unbelievers and some believers suffer the onslaught of the power exerted by the past on them. But I have good news to give you: you will not live in the past! The rest of your life you will live it in the future! Therefore, you can not take the future, your past.

Uncertainty is part of the experience of being a human, but we can walk with the assurance that, although the world is uncertain, God will give us the victory. It is important that we maintain our expectations according to reality, but our hope is deposited in the Almighty God, who is not based on our circumstances, but who is powerful to give us more than we understand.


There is a story of a mother who had two children, each at a different extreme: One was very pessimistic, and the other was very optimistic. She wanted to teach them to have a balance, so one day, she decided to give a bicycle to the pessimist. For a few moments, he was moved, but then he said he would never use it because, as soon as he got up, he would fall. To the optimist, he gave him a box full of manure. When he opened it, he immediately ran through the house; went to the rooms, to the garage, to the patio. Seeing this, the mother stops him and asks what is wrong, to which the optimist replied: If there is so much dung in that box, there must be a horse somewhere!

To a person who has hope, and who is optimistic, there is no box that you bring to disappoint him and make him stop waiting for something bigger. Sometimes, what we are going to receive are boxes of surprises; but you have to understand that this little box is just an indication that something bigger is going to happen in your life. The problem is that we did not find the horse, because we did not look for it, and we spent our lives frustrated, claiming to God why he touched the box and not the bicycle. Now, if it is difficult to go through negative circumstances due to the decisions of others, and to remain positive, it is more complicated when our own decisions are those that give us the box.

In Acts 7, at which time Stephen would be stoned, Stephen began to preach, speaking of different men of God. Specifically, he shared a very interesting detail about Moses' walk; detail that shows us that it is vital that we develop a full confidence in the direction of our inner being.

"22 And Moses was taught in all the wisdom of the Egyptians; and he was powerful in his words and deeds. 23 When he had reached the age of forty years, it came to his heart to visit his brothers, the sons of Israel. "Acts 7: 22-23

When he was forty years old, when Moses was in a good position, he hit the children of Israel. There he saw one who was being mistreated, and wanted to avenge him, thinking that his brothers understood that God would liberate them through his hand, but it was not so.

26 And the next day he appeared to some of them who were quarreling, and he set them in peace, saying, Men, brothers are you, why do you mistreat one another? 27 Then he who mistreated his neighbor rejected him, saying, Who has made you ruler and judge over us? 28 Do you want to kill me, like you killed the Egyptian yesterday? 29 On hearing this word, Moses fled, and lived as a stranger in the land of Midian, where he begot two sons. "Acts 7: 26-29

Moses lived as a foreigner, after being rejected by one of his own, because he moved by the heart. How many times have we been moved in the heart to do something, and ended up running away because not everything goes as we think? The problem is that this affects our future decisions. But we have to know that our decisions can not depend on our mind. Your decisions can not be based on what the government says, on what the economy says. If you are a child of God, you are guided by the Spirit of God; Your direction does not come from outside, but from your interior. Instead of doubting your ability to be directed by God, every day more you must be sure and firm that you can hear the voice of God within you, and you can walk safely towards what God has promised you. What happens is that you think that the last time you did it, you went wrong. You thought that would be a good business, and it was not; You thought that she was a good person, but it did not turn out that way.

Moses, fleeing, spent forty years wandering in the desert, knowing that God had a special calling for his life. What made Moses run away was not a mistake he made. Moses kills an Egyptian to free that Jew who was being abused. Moses was the leader, he was great, he was well positioned; Moses would have been forgiven for the death of that Egyptian. What made him flee was the rejection of his people. And the truth is that, sometimes, we run away and live in times of uncertainty, because we pay more attention to what our people say about us, than to what God has said about us. We are not filled with uncertainty, when one of our people points us and says: Who do you think you are?

You have acted from the heart, thinking that it was from God, but yours reject and, while you try to bury your past, there is one that you love that stands before you and says: I know who you are and what what did you do. But enough of being in the wrong desert because someone rejected you. Do not let anyone's rejection make you leave God's plan and purpose for your life. There is no error in your past that no one can claim, that will limit you from the victory that God has promised you.


When we accept God in our hearts and repent of our sins, he forgets to leave us and leaves us white as snow. The only one who likes to remind us of the past is our enemy, but God has a future of glory full of hope when we decide to love him.

We are not what we used to be immediately we are saved and wlak in obedience to God's word and commandment. We now have a new life and our future begins at that moment.

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