Achieve wisdom for your finances

in #steemchurch6 years ago

The wisdom and intelligence that you can acquire, and that will come from God, is what will make the difference between poverty and abundance. A wise person, his ways, his steps, go towards the future that God has before them. A foolish person is one who does not seek wisdom and intelligence, so he makes too many mistakes. Probably, you have ever said: If I had known before what I know today, I would be in a totally different position. This is a thought of nostalgia that does not necessarily help us face our present, but it does tell us a great reality; When you say this, you are accepting that what separates you from the destiny you want to have or that you want to reach is your wisdom. What you would have then is to ask yourself what you need to know to get to the place you want to reach.


"He who has understanding loves his soul; He who keeps his intelligence will find good. "Proverbs 19: 8

That word understanding, in the original text is wisdom. He who possesses wisdom loves his soul; the one who seeks to study, to learn; natural and spiritual wisdom. This wisdom is acquired through books of intelligent people who have discovered secrets and can help us transform our ideas. And, above all, the spiritual wisdom that comes from the word of God. Those who love wisdom, love their soul.

There are several decisions that demonstrate a moment of ignorance in the financial life of many. Maybe one of these you have done or are about to make these decisions, and this word has come in time to help you take them and experience the economic freedom that God has for you.

"26 Do not be of those who commit themselves, Nor of those who leave as guarantors of debts. 27 If you do not have money to pay, why should you take your bed from under you? "Proverbs 22:26

In other versions he says that you are not one of those who make promises without conditions; Do not be a co-signer The only way you make a promise without condition as guarantor is if you do not have to pay. In other words, if you do not have to pay, do not commit and do not be co-debtor; but if you have to pay, then you can be a co-signer and make promises.

It is a lack of wisdom to make a promise without establishing the conditions through which that promise can be fulfilled. It is not the same thing to promise a child to take him to the park, to clarify that it depends on the fact that it does not rain. It is important to establish the conditions of your promise when you commit, because the natural world is very changeable. When you promise something to God, the condition is that he will provide you. Jacob promised: If you go with me, if you prosper me, from what you give me, I will tithe for you. Jacob did not commit himself without there being a condition, a way that that promise could be fulfilled. When you promise God something, He knows, knows that part of the fulfillment of that promise depends on certain factors and that his favor and his grace are manifested on your life. Therefore, God puts himself into action by hoping and believing that you are going to fulfill your promise, because He is going to do his part. Not conditioning your promise what it does is put a pressure on your life too extreme; Then you feel committed to fulfilling your word and that decision can lead you to commit other economic errors.


Another factor that shows lack of wisdom in your financial decisions is to sign as co-debtor of another. It is better to give an offering. When you sign as a co-signer of someone, it is with the expectation that that person will keep that job; God forbid, you get sick, you're fired, you close the company, you're divorced. There are many things that can happen to change your condition; and then you find yourself responsible for something that probably does not even help you today because of the situation in which you are now. It is not wise to be a co-signer of someone, unless you have the ability to pay what the person with whom you are signing has committed.

"5 The thoughts of the diligent certainly tend to abundance; But everyone who hurries madly, surely goes to poverty. "Proverbs 21: 5

Rushing madly is making emotional decisions. The diligent, the one who is consistent, the one who does not think that abundance comes from one day to the next, but goes step by step, little by little, working with effort, his way is abundance. Making decisions in a crazy way is to take them without thinking, without analyzing. If you had doubts about spending outside of your normal budget, as a general rule, you could set yourself up to let several days pass before making the decision. For what? So that the emotion passes; because you may have the money, but perhaps it is something that, shortly, you will not want, or perhaps you can get it cheaper. Take time to think. Everyone who makes crazy decisions goes to poverty.

"19 He that tills his land shall be satisfied with bread; But he who follows the idle will be filled with poverty. "Proverbs 28:19

An idle person is one who pursues things without true value, things without eternal or lasting value; and that person, unfortunately, will not be able to enjoy economic riches. Your money represents time; the time you invest in a job is what makes you give money; therefore, every time you buy something, what you are is exchanging your time for that. Your time has already gone, and if with the money you got for your time you buy things that disappear immediately, you have truly wasted your time. In the natural world, of course, nothing lasts an eternity; but there are things that are more valuable than others, more important than others, things that their effect on your life transcends your now, and help you to live a life full of success and fulfillment; and it is in those things that you should invest your money, your time.



If you follow the path of wisdom and self-control, the day will come when you will have what to buy whatever you want; but if you hurry, you will soon become indebted.
Proverbs 24:27 says, "Prepare your labor outside, and set it in your fields, and then build your house."

Wisdom is profitable to direct....

He who has wisdom has life and he who operates in it loves his soul

Nice take on Wisdom


It really takes God's wisdom to really make the right decision as regards our finances .
We need to be discipline and walk in line with the set down principles of God as regards finances.

What we need is wisdom from God, is only God that can give wisdom to do exceedingly above average

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