Liberation comes after silence

in #steemchurch5 years ago


It is good to have hope and to wait in silence for the Lord's salvation (Lm 3:26)

I believe that one of the most difficult things for Christians today is to wait on the Lord. It is not easy to "wait on the Lord" in times like today, where everything runs at a thousand per hour.
I also believe that it is even more difficult to wait in silence for God's deliverance. But often silence in God means trust and calmness.

The psalmist David said:

"Only in God, my soul, wait silently, from him comes my salvation" (Ps 62: 1).

There are moments in our life that the best thing is silence. Although it is not easy to keep silent, mainly in the face of persecution, insults, insults and defamations. But the word of God shows us that many victories of the people of God, happened when the people fell silent.
It says the word of God in the book of Isaiah that in the years of King Hezekiah of Judah, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, went up against the fortified cities of Judah and took them. Many attempts tried Sennacherib to conquer Judah. First he tried to demoralize the Lord (Is 36:10), then tried to make peace with Judah, bribing them with food and abundant land, since they were hungry. The word says that after another affront, the people were silent and did not answer any words, because thus the king had ordered, saying: I will not answer him. After the latter confronts King Hezekiah began to pray to God and what was the word of the prophet in response to the Lord: Do not fear, by the word you heard, with those who the servants of the king of Assyria blasphemed against me. Behold, I will bring a spirit into him, and he, when he hears a certain murmur, will return to his land; and in it I will make the sword fall dead (Is 36: 7). What happened, there was destruction of the Assyrian army, because an angel of the Lord injured 185,000 in the camp and the rest who got up in the morning, all were corpses. Sennacherib retired to Nineveh, it happened that while he was worshiping in the house of Nisroque, his god, his sons Adrameleque and Sarezer slew him to the sword, killing him (2 Chron. 32: 21; Is 37: 36-38). This was to show that no one makes fun of God and that we should not discuss when confronted. Many believe that silence consents. But it's not like that. We see that Israel was silent before the enemy, but not before the Lord. The word of God says that: "our struggle is not against flesh or blood, but against principalities and powers." (Eph 6:12), but we must place our petitions before God. This is what Hezekiah did,

The prophet Daniel says that justice belongs to the Lord, but to us the color of shame (Dan 9: 7). The Lord will give to the proud and ungodly.

When we do not shut up, before the accusations, our tendency is to murmur, that is, to demand in a low voice. Many times we complain to others and at least we pray to our God. We trust much more in people than in men. The Lord says: Cursed man who trusts in man, our trust must be in God.

The word of God says that after Moses freed the people, the people of Israel were being persecuted by Pharaoh. It came about some time that, having seen the Egyptians, the people feared saying, "Did we go from there to die in this desert? Why did you treat us like this, making us leave Egypt? It would be better to serve the Egyptians than to die in the desert. Moses, but he answered the people: Do not fear, remember and see the liberation of the Lord, which you see today, will never see again. The Lord will fight for you
and you keep your peace. After these words came the liberation, the people marched, Moses extended his rod and divided the sea, the people passed on dry land and the Egyptians were submerged by the waters and perished in the sea.

The word of the Lord says: Remember and know that I am God ... (Ps 46:10)

The greatest example

Jesus, even silenced before accusers: When he is interrogated by Pilate, he hears the question: Do not you hear how many accusations they make you? The Scriptures say that Jesus did not answer any words, coming to the governor to admire himself (Mt 27: 14). Even in the face of false accusations, Jesus did not justify himself, because he knew that the justification of humanity was in his death. Even knowing that Pilate could release him, Jesus preferred silence. (Jn 19: 9-10). Because he knew that the Lord was authority over him. (John 19:11)

Jesus fulfilled what was said about him by the prophet Isaiah: He was oppressed and humiliated, but he did not open his mouth, like a lamb was taken to the slaughterhouse and, like a sheep, changed before his shearers, he did not open his mouth. (Is 53: 7).

Beloved, Jesus remained silent, because everything he needed to say was already said by His Word. It is enough today to believe!

The word of God, dear ones, says that much talking, there is no lack of iniquity. Many times we talk too much, we justify ourselves too much, we act in self-righteousness and forget that there is a God who has already justified us.

Injuries, criticisms and defamations, there will always be and the enemy will use it, through some person, be it a relative, friend or even "brothers" to destroy the call, the life and the promises of someone. But the Lord commands us to wait and to be still in Him. One of the strengths of David's life was that he waited silently in God, because his hope comes from the Lord (Ps 62: 7).


We must understand that before persecutions, affronts and accusations, it is the Lord who fights for us.

If you are being unfairly confronted by someone or being insulted by what you did not do, remember that it is the Lord who fights for you and no cursed word against you will prosper. He reassures himself in God and awaits liberation.

Below is a prophetic word for you that is in 2 Chron. 20:15; 17

Fear not, nor be afraid because of this great multitude, for the fight is not ours, but of God. In this meeting, you will not have to fight, take position, stand (remember) and see the rescue that the Lord will give you, Judah and Jerusalem.
Do not be afraid or scared; tomorrow, they go out to meet, because the Lord is with us.


Patience is a fruit that will lead you to great blessings, the sayings of God are always Yes, When He promises something, He fulfills it.


I think one of the most difficult things for Christians today is to wait on the Lord. It is not easy to "wait on the Lord" in times like today, where everything works at a thousand per hour.
I also believe that it is even more difficult to wait in silence for God's deliverance. But often silence in God means trust and tranquility.

How much truth these words contain, but God always knows what is best for our lives, may the Lord teach us to wait, Blessings...

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