Complete Dependence Of God

in #steemchurch5 years ago


In you, O LORD, have I trusted; I am never confused; Deliver me in your justice.2 Bow down your ear to me, deliver me soon; Be thou my strong rock, and strength to save me.3 For thou art my rock and my castle: Thy name shall guide me and guide me.4 Take me out of the net that they have hidden for me, For you are my refuge. I commend my spirit, you have redeemed me, O LORD, the God of truth.6 I hate those who wait in illusory vanities, but I in the Lord have waited.7 I will rejoice and be glad in your mercy, Because you have seen my affliction, You have known my soul in anguish.8 You did not deliver me into the hand of the enemy; my feet in a spacious place.9 Have mercy on me, O Jehovah, for I am in anguish: My eyes, my soul, and my body have been consumed with sorrow.10 Because my life is spent in pain, and my years of sighing;My strength is exhausted because of my iniquity, and my bones have been consumed.11 Of all my enemies I am object of reproach,And from my neighbors much more, and the horror of my acquaintances: Those who see me outside flee from me.12 I have been forgotten from his heart like a dead man, I have become like a broken vessel.13 Because I hear the slander of many Fear assails me on all sides, While they consult together against me And they devise to take my life.14 But I trust in you, O Jehovah; I say: You are my God.15 In your hand are my times; Deliver me from the hand of my enemies and my persecutors.16 Make your face shine on your servant; Save me for your mercy. 17 Let me not be ashamed, O Jehovah, for I have called on you; Let the wicked be ashamed, be silent in Sheol.
18 Let lying lips be put to silence, which speak against the righteous with haughtiness and contempt. How great is your goodness, which you have kept for those who fear you, which you have shown to those who wait for you in front of the children. of the men! 20 In the secret of your presence you will hide them from the conspiracy of man, you will place them in a tabernacle covered with tongues.21 Blessed be Jehovah, for he has made wonderful his mercy to me in a fortified city.22 I said in my haste: I am cut off from before your eyes; But you heard the voice of my supplications when I cried unto you.23 Love Jehovah, all of you His saints, the LORD watches over the faithful, and He pays abundantly to him who proceeds with pride.24 All of you who are waiting for the Lord, be strong and your hearts take courage. Psalm 31

We find in this psalm, David in anguish, going through difficult times, why not say that his life was being hit by a storm. Throughout the psalm we can extract rich lessons that will serve our daily life. We can not fail to perceive what this passage conveys to us; security, trust and above all the experience of dependence on God. What I observed was that from the first verse, he reveals God as his strength, reveals David asking for help, help, crying out for justice. And I could not help but mention that he reveals the goodness and mercy of God. Confidence, faith and repentance are the bases to reach the mercy of God. How is your life? Distressed by the persecutions? Disappointed with injustices? Look what David wanted to happen;

Dear parishioners; When David said, in your hands are my days, he was wanting to say that his life was given into the hands of God. Not unlike David, we are not immune to storms, problems and difficulties. Many anxieties of our life proceed, that is, from Satan, why it is sown in the heart of man; hatred, envy and ambitions. These satanic attributes are already enough to disturb humanity. Where they cause anguish and sadness in the lives of many people. But if someone is being persecuted or suffering a similar problem, it will be in vain their persistence in what we can not solve, because it is only suffering more.

In the Gospel of Luke (23.46); Jesus himself showed dependence on the father, crucified on the cross he cried out in a loud voice, Father, into your hands I give my spirit.

Now analyze the life of Jonah, after he tried to flee from the presence of God, so as not to carry out his work. What happened? The suffering was greater, now I find a man who tried to direct his own ways, that is, he was no longer in the direction of God, he did not depend on God, on the contrary he was against the hand of God. In the book of Jonah (2.2-9) the Bible tells us in the book of Jonah (2.2-9) that he resorts to God, in the cry of the belly of the great fish so that God may free him from death. Notice that to relate to God or better to get something from God; as escape; liberation, refuge, succor, miracles; in short, victories. There must be total submission to God, then it comes to the response as well present relief.


How are you? How is your life? How is your altar? Do you really depend on God? If you depend on God do not worry about the persecutions. God will leave all his persecutors confused, those who persecute him, deal with God himself.

Do you remember the story told in the book of Esther (3.12)? When was a persecution against the Jewish people? It happened when a man named Haman tried to kill all the Jews in the provinces of King Ahasuerus. It began with the persecution of Mardoque, a Jew who had been captive to Babylon.

The decree of the king exalted Haman, determining that all the servants of the kingdom should bow before him, but the servant of God, did not bow down or prostrate himself before him, then he began to be persecuted and threatened with death. It happened that Haman tried to destroy all the Jews that were in every kingdom of Ahasuerus. We observed that it was not just a man being persecuted, but all Jews. Then they began to fast for Esther to the queen that God had chosen. However, now, not only Queen Esther, as the people of God after knowing that a persecution was going to rise had only seen an exit to escape death, it was to seek help in God, was to depend on God or die. As I said at the beginning that God does not leave those who depend on him confused, what happened to Haman the persecutor of the servant of God; he had prepared a gallows for Mordecai, but his plans were frustrated, God made him go out into the streets at the command of King Ahasuerus, so he did, dressed the servant of God with royal robes, rode on the horse that the king used to He walked and put the royal crown on his head. Stay well, something is still missing, the sentence of God. The gallows that Hamas prepared for the servant of God, the king ordered Haman to be hanged.

"Woe to him who contends with his Creator, the cacao among other cacoons of clay! Will the clay say to the one who formed it: What are you doing? Or will he say your work: Do you not have hands? Isaiah 45.9

Some might even argue that the text applies only to the Old Testament, and that they are now "kings and priests." The argument is unfounded, since the Apostle Paul calls this sovereignty of God in his letter to the Christians of Rome, chapter 9, verses 20 and 21.

Who are we to not agree with God? Are we equal to Him, or are we on an equal footing to discuss something with God? Job in his torment curves before the sovereignty and the power of God investigating.

"Who hardened against him, and was he safe?" (Job 9: 4)

Our God is eternal, sovereign, powerful, omnipotent and omniscient. There is nothing to escape from his eyes, nor from his hands. Everything that happens is by express permission of God, although this is not his Will.

In chapters 38 to 41 of the Book of Job, the Lord inquires and inquires about how the Lord works. And Job is obliged to recognize that he spoke arrogantly and pretentiously about what he did not understand and did not know. Wonderful things for you (Job 42: 3).

When we do not accept what happens in our life, we are deliberately and consciously saying that God is not taking good care of us. We are rebelling against the sovereignty and authority of God, or, at the very least, saying that God has no control over all things that exist; that there is something or someone greater than God, and that he can oppose his will and his determination. Who is greater than our God, who can rise up against his Will and his determination?

As we grow spiritually, living together and becoming acquainted with God, we perceive the richness of his glory and his immense love for us. And we see that the ways of the Lord are right. And that all things contribute to the good of those who love him, of those who are called according to his decree.


It is a good advice Sister Syramma, Jesus confirmed that separated from Him we can do nothing.

Resteem by: EC

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