Christ a new opportunity

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Greetings dear parishioners of Steemchurch, today we will talk a little about the importance of giving and receiving a new opportunity. Very appropriate for today when people do not have a new opportunity in life.


Contare a brief illustration a mayor was once dismissed from office for administrative impropriety, was re-elected with approximately 52% of the vote. I do not want to spiritualize the situation here, even because I am against such a measure, but I would like with this example to present a controversial issue that causes controversies in the Christian churches and that, therefore, are very little practiced: to give a new opportunity. The candidate that I am referring to won a new opportunity, even though he had committed abuses in the mayor's office, due to his qualities when he was in office.

But in the churches we see that the situation is a little different, we have difficulty in giving a new opportunity for changes, on the contrary, we send the person to court, we judge and present the verdict and in the vast majority of the time the final result is the life imprisonment or even the sentence to death. But then, how can we change this picture in the churches, how can we work for inclusion and not exclusion?

How can we give a new opportunity? And more precisely what is to give a new opportunity?

Giving a new opportunity is to forgive

  • Forgiveness is a noble characteristic, but little practiced. In theory she is very cited and preached.
  • Everyone makes mistakes, but God's forgiveness is released over our lives.
  • Forgiveness is to forget past mistakes and never judge
  • Observe the attitudes of Christ in front of the people who were looking for him: Jesus forgave the adulterous woman; Jesus forgave Zacchaeus; Jesus forgave Peter; Jesus forgave those who arrested and tortured him.
  • Forgiveness liberates, restores and renews.
  • When we are caged by guilt, forgiveness opens that chain.

Give a new opportunity is to help

  • Giving a new opportunity is to reach out to those who are being condemned by society and by the church itself.
  • Many times the person is released from the chain that supports it, but she does not want to leave that place, because it is arduous due to the weakness with which she finds herself.
  • Jesus helps the adulterous woman, intervenes for her of the condemnation of the Pharisees.
  • We must help, being together, praying, giving support, intervening if necessary.
  • But, why should we help? Because we must believe in the change of life, in the potential, in the qualities.


Giving a new opportunity is to believe

  • Believe, a strong and deep word. As we can believe in someone, if in the world we live in, not believing is what dominates mentalities.
  • This is one of the great differences for imitators of Christ, to believe in people, in the change of life.
  • This can certainly reach lives in a profound way. Just give some examples. In big cities that believe in prostitutes, in the corrupt, in the beggars, in the marginal or in the businessmen who do not pay taxes, in the corrupt politicians, in the religious leaders without character?
  • Jesus believed and still believes, but because we who call ourselves imitators of Christ, ambassadors, propagators of the good news do not believe, on the contrary, we are the first to discredit, saying: "this is lost, that has no solution."
  • If we had a solution with the death of Christ, because we were prostitutes, beggars, marginal, vitiated with our crimes and sins, because such brothers who are condemned by society can not have a new opportunity?
  • But believe walks hand in hand with another word that shows practice.

Giving a new opportunity is to value

  • We can say that to value is to give importance or meaning to something or someone that previously had its reduced value.
  • Sometimes we are like stock exchanges, we give importance to people when they value, but because they are not agents of valorization, that is, why do not we invest in the qualities of discredited, humiliated people, condemned by society so that they come to resume their due value, which was always there, but due to the situations they felt worthless.
  • Many believe to be the adulterous woman, the same one who kissed and cleansed the feet of Jesus with the ointment. * Jesus valued her in the midst of all the Pharisees and doctors of the law, saying that she had honored him, while the hosts had not given such honors to Christ.
  • But we can say that before forgiving, helping, believing and appreciating, Jesus loved her with all her problems and crimes. Therefore giving a new opportunity is above all to love.


Giving a new opportunity is to love

  • Love is the supreme gift. Who gives a new opportunity loves.
  • Love makes all pre-judgment, all social condemnation, all discrimination, be transformed into forgiveness, help, valorization.
  • The effect of love is something inexplicable, immeasurable. The effect is instantaneous.
  • Today people lack love. Unstructured families, people who are condemned by their past, young people who are vitiated and discredited, human beings who are treated as animals by society, often comparable to the value of garbage, such a lack of love that is observed today.
  • In all the new opportunities that Jesus gave, related in the Gospels, we see love being the great matrix of all action. And it was because of this love that Jesus caused so much scandal, because love goes through the law.

If we apply this to our days we must forgive people for their mistakes they may have made and present God's forgiveness that will free them from the prison of accusation in which they live. But forgiveness goes beyond the discourse and is concretized in practice, helping them to get out of the deep well they are in when they are condemned for their mistakes and always, at all times believing in the change of life and valuing them as sons and daughters of God, always remembering that the great engine to give a new opportunity is love.

I conclude then beloved brothers that giving a new opportunity, including and not excluding is something extraordinary. As in the examples of Christ, we can also give a new opportunity. The story to a boy says that he was discredited by drugs, excluded from the "ministry" of music, which was his great pleasure, excluded from the social groups of the church, mainly young people.

When this young man showed up, after a year the church was dying, thin, sick, but when he himself was included again in the music of the church, even though he was still involved with drugs, and when he was forgiven, he he felt forgiven, valued, loved and today is with restored health, the family united again, with a good job, but above all, the joy of living in obedience to Christ was restored.

God gave us a new opportunity when he sent his son to die in our place, and he will continue to give us possibilities day after day until our last breath, then why do not many of us give people opportunities to change? May we learn with Christ in the Gospel accounts. Include and not exclude, give a new opportunity and not condemn that we will learn that practicing every day of our lives

I invite everyone to close their eyes and curve your forehead. Maybe you need a new opportunity, we all need it. Maybe you condemn yourself and also condemn others. Pray to God so that we can together learn to give a new opportunity, not by our own strength, but by the grace and mercy of God that reaches us day after day.

That we learn to forgive, to help, to believe, to value and above all to love, because this way we will be against what this post-modern world encourages and preaches, only in this way the biblical values ​​will be perceived.


Hello @syramma, very good teaching.
When you can send me photos of the delivery of the kit please.
Greetings and God bless you.

Resteem by: EC


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