in #steemchurch6 years ago

IMG_8325.JPGToday there's a large growing population of christians all over the world thanks to the increasing rate of evangelism and reach out to the ignorants. This large population of christians have their belief in God's existence as a result of 'faith'; believing the signs and wonders which happened in the days of old.
After knowing and believing in the existence of God, the next thing is building a relationship with God..which is a day to day process. Getting to know more about God and his wonders. In building a relationship with anyone, communication becomes the greatest key.
Communication is a two way thing; hearing and speaking. From my view, communication with God (prayer) isn't done in the right manner as most Christians only pray when they are in need of a thing neglecting thanksgiving and hearing from God. Waking up daily is a daily miracle that demands thanks given to God. Most times when hearing from God is being talked about people expect to here a loud voice speaking to them from the sky not knowing God's word is all around us in the form of the Bible and his servants to earth (pastors etc).
Most times what we get bothered about is already sorted out by God but we don't know and can't tell how to go about it because we don't have a good relationship with the Father.
We should learn to pay more attention to God's word and not just demanding from God whenever we're in gets easier that way.

Meditate on this bible verse daily
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phillippians 4:6-7


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Our relationship with God is what will determine if we'll be saved or not in the last days.

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Thanks 🙏🏽

Am truly amazed i came cross this post, you have indeed boost my Christian life. Thanks for sharing this post with the steemchurch

Your relationship with God truely matters because your Relationship with God determines how close you are with him and the rewards you can get being with him.
Being Close to God comes with a whole lot of benefits and achievements

1 John 1:5-10

Each and every day of our lives, we have relationships with others that have been formed through the years. Some relationships are positive in nature, others are just acquaintances, and some quite frankly, are horrible relationships that have been destroyed by either our actions and words or the other person’s actions and words.

Over the next four weeks, we are going to embark on a journey discussing “Relationships”. The series is entitled “Building Relationships.” Today, we begin with the ultimate relationship in life, our relationship with God. We must remember that without a relationship with God, we have no hope. However, with a relationship with God, we have tremendous hope and outstanding guidance – if we will just listen and follow.

God’s word cites many passages that feature the importance of a relationship with God:

• Abraham and the offering of Issac (Genesis 22:1-14)

o God provided a lamb, due to the obedience of Abraham

• Joseph and God’s constant hand upon his life (Genesis 37-45)

• Joshua and his armies – “Being strong and courageous”

• David in all of his escapades!

• Daniel and his unending faith.

Biblical fellowship is a three-way relationship between us, God and His people (1 John 1:3). God puts us each in His Church where He wants us, with our own specific part to play (1 Corinthians 12:18; Ephesians 4:16). He listens lovingly to our conversations and records His precious people in a book of remembrance (Malachi 3:16-17).

God warns us not to “neglect our meeting together” because we so desperately need to encourage each other to “outbursts of love and good deeds” (Hebrews 10:24-25, New Living Translation). VT

As Christians if our relationships with God is not very solid, then it will be difficult for us to really understand or hear God, in the book of James the bible said "draw nigh unto me, and I will draw nigh unto you" in a nutshell our nearness to God, is our ticket to blessing and even eternal life in heaven.
That's why a relationship with God is important, if not we're nothing

The more we want to know God ,the more He reveal himself to us in new dimension.

We need to keep our relationship with God flowing through consistent meditating on His word , a lifestyle of praise, prayer and fasting and a humble heart that obeys his word.

Thanks for sharing this with us, we must create intimacy with God, Good relationship with God led to a productive life, If God is with us who can be against us

"Most times what we get bothered about is already sorted out by God but we don't know and can't tell how to go about it because we don't have a good relationship with the Father"
Very true. Our relationship with God is very key to how we should behave.

We as christains need to build up a decent association with God. As you have said in regards to some christain, isn't just supplications that issues in speaking with God yet in addition acclaims and thanks given. We have negleted such a significant number of tenet of christ and we have neglected to get notification from God.