STEEMCHURCH- Questioning God

in #steemchurch7 years ago


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A very good day to you brothers and sisters in the Lord. On this beautiful day, i bring to you a topic which many people see as an abomination in the sense that it's something that christians should not engage into.

Is it right to question God and if so, what kinda question are we supposed to ask God? Many at times people are scared to ask God questions, or not aware of the kind of questions they are supposed to ask God, but regardless of all this, people don't seem to understand God and the Love he has for us. A God who loved us so much that he had to send his only son to come suffer and die for our sake, a permanent sacrifice that we might be safe, if he could pay such sacrifice for our sake, and he knows his knowledge is above ours, why them would he limit himself to us, regarding things our earthly minds can't accelerate.

God is open to all humanity, as long as you come to him with a clean heart and all sincerity, and talk to him. But here is the issue...

Questioning God is not itself wrong, but in what manner and in what reason do we question God. Insincere questions, or questions from a hypocritical heart, are a different matter, and without faith, it's impossible to please God. Because if you must come to God, to question him, you must first believe that he exist and he able to grant you your answers to your questions.


Also, if you must question God you must be able to apply patience, you don't expect to ask God series of questions and you require an immediate answer, God is God who takes his time to fulfill whatever he wants to fulfill, and he is not to be rushed, because he's timing is never our timing.

Another important point we should grab, is that, you must be able to open your heart and mind to the answers God is going to provide. most people ask sincere questions, with faith and patience, but are blind to the answers God provides. We're praying and piling up questions for God, we should also seek his help in realizing the answers to the said questions. Because God might answer your questions in ways in which you would not expect, in ways in which it will be hard for any human to realize it, and thats why we need to seek the divine assistance from God to help us realise his answers when it comes to pass.

1 Samuel 28:6

6 And when Saul inquired of the Lord, the Lord did not answer him, either by dreams, or by Urim, or by prophets

The above passage briefly explain to us in a very understanding manner, what happens when you don't follow the rules of God, or you disobey God and still seek him for a particular purpose, the passage clearly told us, the Lord did not answer Saul, when he disobeyed him. He did not answer Saul, through all the means in which he used to answer Saul.

Having doubt is different from questioning God's sovereignty and questioning his character. An honest question is not a sin, but a bitter, untrusting and rebellious question is a sin and put God in the position of not answering you, and even by that, you might have just committed a great sin towards the Lord of Heavens.

We must understand that God is not intimidated by question, but the manner and believe in which the question is asked. God knows our heart and knows when we genuinely seek him, he knows when our heart if full of bitterness, and by so doing, no answers is going to be rendered to us, and that's why, the most perfect condition must be met before you question God and you must believe he is going to come through with answers for you, because he loves you that much.


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We must take into serious consideration that God might not answer our questions the way we expect, because he does not follow the ways of man. In (Psalms 10, 44, 74, 77) is filled with the cries of the persecuted who are desperate for God's intervention and salvation, many questions are put into these Psalms.

Finally my brothers and sisters, we should learn to come to God with a sincere heart and faith, believing that he exist and would always come through for our questions. And we must also take a great notice of the manner on which our questions are submitted to God, in other for us to be able to get his divine amswers at the appropriate time.

May the good Lord grant us the ability to know when our questions have been answered. Amen.


God appreciates it when we speak to him from our hearts, it shows we really want to communicate to him. It is not wrong to question God, but we can do it politely.

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God is very understanding. He knows there are situations we find ourselves that we do not really understand. When we question God he does not take it against us, rather he tries to help us out.

This part is just amazing "Finally my brothers and sisters, we should learn to come to God with a sincere heart and faith, believing that he exist and would always come through for our questions. And we must also take a great notice of the manner on which our questions are submitted to God, in other for us to be able to get his divine amswers at the appropriate time"

When we “question God,” it should be from a humble spirit and open mind. We can question God, but we should not expect an answer unless we are genuinely interested in His answer. God knows our hearts, and knows whether we are genuinely seeking Him to enlighten us. Our heart attitude is what determines whether it is right or wrong to question God.

"God is open to all humanity, as long as you come to him with a clean heart and all sincerity, and talk to him. But here is the issue..."
Obviously true

Our lord us very powerful , he does everything according to his wish and he never take control from any man .
He is able to conquar all you iniquities and give you an evalastimg peace

It's not right to question God, but it is right to ask God polite questions...
Thanks for sharing!

As christian in whatever situation you are going through we should not question the decision of God

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