in #steemchurch6 years ago

At the point when Paul was composing the second letter to Timothy, he summed up the pragmatic reason for Scripture in the words, "All Scripture ... is gainful ... that the godly man might be immaculate, throughly outfitted unto every good work" (II Tim. 3:16, 17). The best work under the sun is that of the soul-winner, and we should give genuine thought to the planning for it.
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In Great Britain, in each division of life, there is an expanding interest for productivity. The bum is in for a hard time, and a man or lady in business or in a calling must be totally outfitted for his or her life reason. Should we to be content with a lower standard in the administration of Christ? I trust that the Lord Jesus Christ has a privilege to request the simple best that we can offer Him, and I am splendidly certain that we should never be genuinely yielded in His sight except if we offer to Him every one of the possibilities of our delivered identity body, brain and soul. You recollect what Paul says: "Concentrate to shew thyself affirmed unto God, a laborer that needeth not to be embarrassed, appropriately partitioning the Word of truth" (II Tim. 2:15). That was Charles Alexander's watchword, and it is engraved on his gravestone in Birmingham, England: "Concentrate to shew thyself endorsed unto God."

Make sure of Your Conversion

Give me a chance to help you to remember a couple of fundamentals on the off chance that you are to be a viable winner of souls. Above all else, and obviously, we should be certain of our own transformation. But, I ponder, is it obviously it? Two hundred and fifty years prior, Richard Baxter proclaimed, "Numerous an evangelist is presently in damnation that hath a hundred times called upon his listeners to utilize each care and determination to escape it." When I first read that I was slanted to think it was an embellishment, however in the light of further and more extensive experience, I am slanted to imagine that Richard Baxter was correct. Truly, it is conceivable to caution men to escape from the fierceness to come but then not to have fled from it oneself.

And after that I recommend that we endeavor to keep the freshness and the ponder of our transformation encounter. God preclude that we should ever come to see it as one of the commonplaces of life. A companion of mine years prior capriciously said to me, "I was changed over to God forty years back, and I never got over it!" It is an incredible thing to live with a consistent feeling of ponder that the beauty of God has contacted us and spared us.

In the second place, in the event that we are to be successful soul-winners we should have an unadulterated and unselfish thought process. We should be "affirmed unto God." That is one of the beautiful articulations of the New Testament. It implies being subjected to uncommon tests. I found a representation of that in Saturday's Daily News. Here is a photo of a specialist in a foundry taking liquid steel from the heater. From that point it goes to the research center where it is subjected to the investigation of metallurgical specialists. The fire will attempt each man's work. Study give ingenuity says Paul, to be affirmed unto God—to be brilliant metal scrubbed from all of dross, compelling for its purpose.Oh, let us be careful keeping in mind that there is any compound blended with our intention! Be careful with endeavoring to pick up a notoriety for ourselves as a soul-winner as opposed to looking for the brilliance of Christ.

I think the most over the top case I at any point ran over was the point at which a man really promoted himself after this mold: "I will pick up for you fifteen church individuals in seven days, or I will give you twenty pounds." Fancy a man making a wager in the matter of what number of souls he would win for Christ in seven days! All notorieties of that character are bubbles that will soon blast and vanish. Whenever D. L. Ill humored was asked upon one event what number of proselytes he had made, he replied, "I don't keep the Lamb's book of life." We can leave the outcomes to God!

Make Large Use of the Bible

At that point, in the third place, we should be people of the Book. In the tale of the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8), three fundamental things are specified: (1) There is an on edge inquirer; (2) there is a duplicate of the Scriptures; (3) there is a man vigilant to win a soul for Christ. Philip could have done almost no with the eunuch in the event that he had not had a duplicate of the Scriptures previously him. From the Scriptures, Philip "lectured unto him Jesus."

Have you seen what an extensive place the Scriptures possessed in our Lord's service? His entire individual life was sustained and developed upon the Word of God. Furthermore, in the entirety of His open work it was to the Word of God that He turned over and over. When He met the seducer in the wild, He vanquished him by citations from the Word of God.

It was the same with the messengers and in the experience of the early Church. What a great respect Peter, Paul, John and whatever is left of the messengers had for the Scriptures! We may finish in general history of the Church of Christ and locate a similar thing rehashing itself. A portion of the mightiest soul-winners were the Puritans. What was the mystery of their prosperity? It was on account of they were men who from morning to night soaks themselves in the Word of God.

I read some place that Dr. R. A. Torrey stated, "There are four reasons why each Christian specialist should know his Bible: First, to demonstrate men their need of a Savior; second, to demonstrate to them that Jesus is the Savior they require; third, to demonstrate to them industry standards to make this Savior their Savior; lastly, to manage particular troubles that obstruct their tolerant Christ."

I assume you know everything about D. L. Grouchy in the Institute, however may I remind you how Henry Moorhouse showed Moody this mystery? Moorhouse said to him, "You are committing an error in giving individuals your own particular words. Give them the Word of God, and you will take in the mystery of intensity. " And around thirty years sooner Robert Murray McCheyne, of Dundee, had said a comparative thing: "It isn't our remarks upon the Word that bring life; it is simply the Word." Our remarks resemble the plumes of a bolt which direct the bolt of the Word to its stamp, yet it is simply the Word that returns home.

A Personal Testimony
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It is an incredible joy to see such a significant number of youthful faces previously me, and it is for their purpose specifically that I say these things. Some of you may state, "How might I pick up this office in the Word of God? How might I know in a split second where to turn for a proper section?" I assume there are different techniques. I will give you my very own smidgen encounter. In my initial Christian life I was enormously helped by perusing all that I could lay my hands on that D. L. Irritable composed. Later on, Dr. Torrey went ahead the scene, and I started to peruse his books. I recall that he brought out what was known as The Vest Pocket Companion. It was an extremely basic course of action of Scripture verses under different points with the goal that one could promptly locate a fitting content on a given theme. That book was exceptionally valuable to me as an unpracticed apprentice.


Nice topic @Slippers

God has commanded us to win more souls and we at Steemchurch are very happy to be winning this freedom fight


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