in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)



With huge thanks to Brother @tikhub for our new flyers


Ecclesiastes 3:17

I said to myself, “God will bring into judgment both the righteous and the wicked, for there will be a time for every activity, a time to judge every deed.”

The evil ELITE are being rounded up Ladies and Gentlemen - the truth to be revealed soon - justice to be served.

With thanks to SGTreport for this vital update on the take-down.

Brothers and Sisters of the Church

Two further 'Apostles of the Blockchain' have been revealed unto SirKnight.

Brother Abiye - simple poultry farmer of Nigeria. Bosom friend to Apostle @tikhub. Scholar of the scripture.

Prime Cleric Richard Ruff of the Ecumenical Order - Expert in Bible, Torah and Canon interpretation.

Now 5 of the 12 fabled 'Apostles of the Blockchain' have been revealed - and for this we give thanks.

@tremendospercy - The Valiant!
@gniksivart - The Just!
@tikhub - The Insightful!
@abiye - The Humble!
@prime-cleric - The Spiritual!


Acts 22:15

'For you will be a witness for Him to all men of what you have seen and heard.'

The heavens did command of me - SirKnight... seek thee now thy Witness to the STEEMCHURCH.
A Witness to represent the first ever 'CHURCH OF THE BLOCKCHAIN'.
A Witness to support the GREAT CELESTIAL CHALLENGE and the humble Steem Minnows it feeds.
For the chosen Witness will be proxy unto the ANGELS OF THE STEEMCHURCH.

Spread the word - 'SteemChurch seeks a Witness!'





While I enjoy seeing the gospel preached on steem, I am wondering something.

Is the true reason for this to spread the gospel and help "feed the minnows" of steem, or is it for self glorification?

I don't mind the dramatic flair and the usage of exciting words, but this @steemchurch seems to point more to yourself and an organization people can be a part of more than it points to Christ. While I'd like to find a group to participate in to spread the gospel, and briefly considered the @steemchurch movement, but I want to make sure the main focus isn't to make an income on steem or to make the group more popular to make more crypto. I would like any "church" to lead people either closer to God, or help them get deeper in their relationship with God, or help them see God for the first time as the all loving father he is, and hear about the forgiveness through his son.

If you would like to respond more privately, my discord name is the same as it is on steem. And while I am not a Mormon, I did participate in the #lighttheworld movement to help spread the gospel, immediately after I joined steemit. So my "sermons" or Bible teachings can be found on my steemit blog.

Hi sonofthunder.

I just replied to a post of yours on last night's SteemChurch blog.

With regards to this one - let's just say these are difficult questions to answer.

Yes it is about spreading the word of God. Yes it is about feeding minnows. Yes it is about growing and becoming successful. Yes it is about creating a Community to discuss Christ... and freedom, liberty, human rights, family, the patriarchy, community spirit - and other the other wonderful themes of the bible.

I don't seek personal glorification. However, do I think that there can ever be a Christian revolution without revered figureheads willing to drive change - no I don't. And yes this will take a whole lot of dramatic flair.

Christianity was never meant to be about learning and reciting passages from a Bible ad nauseam. It was about understanding the message of God, and then embracing the beauty and splendor of the world around us. The Church used to be beautiful, exciting and entertaining - and this is my vision for SteemChurch.

Do I care about the money and should those in the SteemChurch community? Yes we should. Those contributing to the community definitely need to be remunerated accordingly. @steemchurch was created with 6 Steem and I would like to see this grow to many thousands as a message to the world - that God has not been forgotten.

Hope this helps with your decision sonofthunder.


I think it will take further discernment. To follow Christ is to make him your only goal. So when we speak or write or help someone it all comes from a desire to seek God. When other desires get in the way, then sin occurs. Seeking God, money, and popularity at the same time just doesn't work. But if you become popular and God blesses you with money because you seek first the kingdom and his righteousness, then he will add these things to you.

I asked those questions above to see where in your heart, you were coming from.

So as far as steem church goes, I will continue reading the posts, resume my own posts and maybe even tag steem church, and I will pray about what my role if any should be in it.

Thanks for replying so promptly :)

The primary aim of every church is to promote Christ, all other activities are secondary, and as Christians it is our responsibility to support and grow the church. Christ came to preach the message of liberty and freedom and that is why the Steemchurch is here!
All the glory belongs to GOD

Spread the word - 'SteemChurch seeks a Witness

I'll vote for that witness.

All Hail to Sir and knight.

I will follow, upvote and resteem your post
Please check my profile once @sirknight

Sangat menarik kawan

WTF! How did I miss this post, I'm getting slack in my old age 😂
I hope Sean is right and the work going on in the background is the start of dismantling this criminal system of debt, death and destruction.
The real work starts when they are removed and dealt with, hopefully blockchain and those of us that have embraced can be a catalyst for a better, fairer world.

Great post, Love the concept @sirknight
dig the design,you're good! @tikhub

A hail the greatest of all knight @Sirknight

exceptionally pleasant post sibling..

I like your post.

Great post,i like your post

The church is matching on, congratulations
@abiye - The Humble
@prime-cleric - The Spiritual.

The church awaits your revelations.

A hail the best of all knight @Sirknight

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