in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Ladies and Gentlemen of the SteemChurch,

'Peace be with you.'


For the past 1-2 weeks this Knight has been on the crypto-research wagon, paying particular attention to the newly launched EOS blockchain.

As this Knight has discussed previously. SteemChurch is bigger than you and SirKnight and more important than the STEEM platform we sit on. It is therefore our responsibility to monitor the free markets of cryptography for other platforms to spread our virtues.

This Knight's time in EOS has led him to believe that STEEM under no immediate threat from EOS. Nor is there any pressing opportunities or need for migration to EOS. It would not surprised this Knight at all to see some flighty Steemians return to this platform very soon.

Spending time in EOS makes this Knight appreciate the terrific platform we have in STEEM and the amazing and user friendly apps that our hardworking developers have created for our community over the past 2 years.

So we sit and wait. Firstly for Hardfork 20. Then for our new SteemChurch, Smart Media Token.


Now that the deep dive into EOS is done - it is time to reflect. But not reflecting upon falling cryptocurrency, gold and silver prices. These will rise again in time.

It is time now to reflect upon our true mission here at SteemChurch - our Crusade for Freedom.

SirKnight describes himself as a Freedom Fighter. Others have referred to him as a Liberator. However here at SteemChurch, we are all 'Warriors of God'. This being said, do you know who and what it is we are really fighting?

The Holy Bible does!

Ephesians 6:12 (NIV)

'For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.'


Understand this. We are not the only people of Faith who have taken up arms in this battle. There are many working hard to ensure that the people of the world are freed from there enslavement. We are but one regiment in God's great army.


Until recently this army we has never had a uniform understanding of who and what it is we are fighting.

This changed recently. On 25 June 2018 - YouTuber Joe Masepoes published a 13 minute video titled 'Q - The Plan To Save The World'.

'Current Status; History; Enemy; Plan; Allies' - all spelt out clearly for the world.

This video will finally unite the freedom fighters across the globe, through common understanding. Our brothers and sisters are calling this... 'The Great Awakening.'

'Q - The Plan To Save The World'

Go now and spread this message - and know that the good guys are winning the battles. However, don't expect to read about our victories in 'mainstream media'.

Operation Broken Heart

The US Department of Justice announced that 2,300 pedophiles had been arrested following a three month surveillance operation. You would think this would have called for massive celebration in the streets - but barely a peep. (Links to some news reports attached below).

So next time you are feeling sorry for yourself because the price of STEEM is back to $US1.20 - just remember... you are a Parishioner of the SteemChurch and a Warrior of God... and you have more important things to focus on.


Definitely SteemChurch is a community with a divine intervention, not only has brought economic benefits, but freedom from the deepest part of our being, I am thrilled to see that even our beloved leader, is not the same one who started, his heart has been moved to another level, of faith and love. I'm proud of you @Sirknight.

I love Fridays, because I can read the writings of our leader SK
we are the army of God, we are the biggest community in the blockchain

Worthy Encouragement from someone who understands and believes in the system

We are surely facing a very bad time here concerning the price of steem but there are a lot of things to cheer up about

Firstly, we have the EOS breakthrough and the highly anticipated Steemchurch Smart Media Tokens.

Secondly, we are surely fighters and warriors of God and this is not the time to give up.

Thanks For The Message, it was a beautiful reflection.


What we are experiencing in steem now is but for a moment.....steemit community is an amazing community i have ever seem....
"Those who endure to the end shall be save". .
We shouldn't expect the road to be smooth because no pain no gain....
@sirknight using freedom fighter to describe you is an are indeed a blessing to all and are a gift sent from above to wash away tears of lack, poverty from the needy....may God give you more grace to continue fighting for the oppressed and the needy.

I've also been following EOS since its launch, one thing I found out is that it's a bit techy unlike our very own STEEM which has so many amazing user friendly apps and easy to understand.

So next time you are feeling sorry for yourself because the price of STEEM is back to $US1.20 - just remember... you are a Parishioner of the SteemChurch and a Warrior of God... and you have more important things to focus on

I love this and I'm happy to be a parishioner of Steemchurch and a warrior of God.

Thank you SK for this words of encouragement - exactly what the parishioners need to hear!

Excellent thoughts Amigo, lately I have thought about how positive are your frequent publications for the community that we recognize leadership and love of the word of God. The sacred Bible, as you say, is the most powerful weapon to overcome the chains that want to oppress us. Freedom Freedom Freedom is equal to SteemChurch. regards

Regarding the video: incredible ... sincere to the last point. A blow to the intestine of the Cabal. Very inspiring too. Of course, the period of "history" addressed here is very brief.

You have to banish these criminals forever!

Thank you for the word of encouragement and the word of wisdom you have altered, focusing on our mission is the best way to overcome this up and down movements of steem and sbd.

We believe in you.

God bless steemit church
God bless sir Knight
God bless steemit
God bless us all

However here at SteemChurch, we are all 'Warriors of God'.

I am a worrior of God, proud & happy. Tested & trusted

A message of inspiration and reflection for all the people of members of Steemchurch, there are things for which we must continue to fight and thank God for being in Steemchurch, even in the world there are people who need this freedom and we are here to teach them. God bless sirknight

minha firma.png

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