in #steemchurch6 years ago

Ladies and gentlemen of the SteemChurch,
'Peace be with you'.


By now dear friends you will have surmised, @jackmiller will be acting as our Church's Witness Representative in the blockchain.

For some time this Knight has known - for us to be taken seriously as a Steemit Community, we needed witness representation. This representation being a 3 pronged spear.

The first prong - we needed a Witness who would represent the best interests of the Church and our Christian faith with respect to blockchain management.

The second prong - we needed a Witness who would report back to us on management initiatives, in a concise, relevant and timely manner - allowing us to make quick decisions in managing the direction of the Church.

The third prong - we needed a Witness who could see the potential of our Church, develop a passion for it and drive our growth within the upper hierarchy of the blockchain.

Aside from a carrying this mythological and metaphorical 'Trident of the SteemChurch', our witness representative needed to be strong, broad-shouldered and stoic.

@jackmiller - is that man!


See Jack's 'New Witness Announcement' here.

And see Jack's introduction to the SteemChurch here.

Jack is a family man, a freedom fighter, an innovator and a Christian. And he does not let his team down!

We welcome you aboard Jack and we thank you.

Witness Vote for @jackmiller

2 Corinthians 5:20

'Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.'

This Knight does not ask much from our parishioners, aside from high quality posting in the spirit of freedom and our Lord Jesus Christ. However, I ask this of you now.

Please go to 'Vote for Witness' at the far right drop down menu and enter 'jackmiller' in the box of witnesses outside the top 50. Alternatively follow Jack's instructions below.

The higher we can lift Jack up the Witness ladder, the better he will be able to represent our Church.

With thanks in advance.


Awesome SteemChurch gif by @hboi




I've sent my vote off. Refreshing to see the work of Christ constantly moving with the times. I noticed you citing 2 Corinthians 5:20 and it reminded me that another anointed ministry I'm supporting via Patreon also uses this as their moto, fittingly they're called the AoC Network and have a massive Youtube following. As it's said, 'There are a variety of ministries but one Lord'. I'm glad to have discovered you're account 😃

This is very good, we will all support the church because we all want the best for the church, very good improvement sir.forward ever @steemchurch

I have done mine

@jackmillar, upvoted for witness

great post sirknight! keep it up! and thanks again for following!

This is a great one for the steem church. A movement in the right direction. I wish @jackmiller success in this.

Hi @sirknight

Your effort to keeping the gospel going in steem blockchain is fully appreciated.
Glory be to God we now have @jackmiller as a witness to be our eyes in this community. This is the future we have been waiting for and God is perfecting everything already.

At long last, this is a great progress for the entire steemchurch community. voted!

That's right decision you have, i fully agreed with you. always love to visit your post and Commented for your fair and supportive work. This will help us to make steemchurch knowledge easier for us to understand that. Thank you for sharing.

You cannot hope to build a better world without improving this community. To that end, each of us must work for his own improvement[quality article] and, at the same time, share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful.

The world is being revolutionized by the blockchain, and the church mist change with it. We must build the church wherever we can as was our final command.
With @timcliff, we have a righteous to represent us and protect our interests because when the righteous rules, the people rejoice.
All thanks to @sirknight and @steemitchurch for being the kingmakers.
Vote @jackmiller for witness everyone

A trident has three prongs. The number three in the Bible stands for that which is solid, real, substantial, complete and entire as is the Trinity.

The symbolic significance of the "third day" therefore reaches its climax in the fact of the resurrection on the third day. It is then that the emphasis of the third day as one of spiritual activity and completeness finds its culmination in Christ’s finished redemptive work.

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