Friday Night Reflections: LIVE! With SirKnight.

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Ladies and gentlemen of the SteemChurch,

'Peace be with you.'

Jack and SirKnight ponder - what does 'FREEDOM' mean - to you?

As SirKnight sits back and enjoys a responsible Tennessee Whiskey of the Jack Daniel's variety, he finds himself thinking...

'What is this 'FREEDOM', which the SteemChurch, the conservative YouTube activists and the crypto-market in general is fighting for?

For SirKnight, FREEDOM is seems a simple, family-based concept...

'Freedom' is a child having more opportunities than what their father and mother had.

Simple, worthwhile and a foundation for happiness.

At present these opportunities are being stolen from a whole new general of children. Stolen by government regulators, by Marxists, by elites. All of which seek to retain their own power through socialist policies designed to enslave the world's workers and enrich themselves.

SirKnight could ramble on about this all night and would love to read your thoughts on the matter. Therefore SirKnight it taking this 'Friday Night Reflections' LIVE!

LIVE... right here in the comments, let's discuss 'FREEDOM' and what it means to you.

And just to get us in the mood for freedom... STARSHIP.


For me, freedom is something that goes beyond the political, social, and economic systems. It is the freedom of ourselves, each one of them being at heart and living in peace with one another. Whom the son of man frees will be truly free. I think Steemchurch is promoting this kind of freedom that comes from the soul and then translates into physical, social, and economic freedom. In these days I have thought so much about the freedom that God has spoken to my heart, if you want to give freedom begins by removing people from captivity of their thoughts. freedom is love without limits.

Beautiful Darlenys. Sometimes I believe that SteemChurch is riding on the winds of change.

A beautiful song about the fall of Berlin Wall and communism in East Germany. A shame the German's have forgotten how bad communism truly was.

Freedom is just as simple and free as the word is

It is simply an avenue to be on the air like a bird

Ready to go wherever it pleases

Freedom is worth everything for what it is

Thanks for your thoughtful idea of freedom

Have a great weekend

......"Freedom Regime".......

I tend to see the struggles in Steemit as a digital world analogy to Dune universe.

I would like to add two quotes from Frank Hebert:

“Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.”

Chapterhouse: Dune

This is an important thing to consider as we need to difference the individual freedom from the group freedom, if the actions are directed to a greater good freedom goal, with discipline; individual freedom is achieved as a consequence.

When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles.

This other quote from Hebert makes me think on how the ones stealing freedom tend to see it...

And that view is the one that needs to be changed!

We can all work together towards the greater good, and build the future shaping the world to a more just and fair environment for.

It all starts with Family!

I love this response - partly as I am a fan of Hebert and Dune.

I agree 100% - freedom for me has nothing to do with frivolous desires - it is about allowing everyone the opportunity to succeed in life as they choose, but this success will ultimately been driven by the dicipline and determination of the individual.

And of course.... 'The spice must flow.'

Exactly, I like to see it that way because it leads us to explore the concept of Selflessness and to the understanding that freedom is a balance of our rights and duties as a collective.

That way all together we can bring water to Arrakis, one bucket at a time.

The steem block chain is a tool to reach those who understand how we can positively impact the world and the need for freedom that has been stolen from us.

We don't need revolutions, we need to work together.

Freedom, justice and life have their foundation in God, and the glory of God appears as the ultimate meaning and the supreme goal of it. Therefore, it is a question of consolidating collective freedom in such a way that, without allowing itself to be led to the extremes of libertinism and totalitarianism, there is the greatest possible freedom of natural right. The human being is not free by nature, but above all is liberated: the salvific action of God (in Christ) frees him from sin and makes him free for justice, frees him from immorality to serve justice, from death (the wages of sin) for eternal life (gift of God). The freedom promised and granted by the word and action of God must be visible and realized now and as far as possible by Christians.

Not all that familiar with the affronts to freedom that you face in Australia. We're halfway around the world and all we see of Australia is the Masterchef series, no news, not even fake ones. I do know that you've got socialism reigning there with mandatory vax and no homeschooling and all this other dog shit that comes from having scum in power.

Freedom is being able to do, think, say or communicate whatever you want within the basic tenets of decency. We don't have any of that here in Canada because of the libertards and similar filth. We're at about the same spot as the Soviet Union during Stalin where everything you say will be reported to a whole bunch of people who somehow got roped into dealing with it. It's popular because in the end, most people are too damn stupid to want freedom. They want someone to tell them what to do, to absolve them of any personal responsibility.

Sorry about the shitty vote, my VP got wiped out and recharging.

This Knight absolutely loves this reply Guilty Parties - truly from the heart.

Fortunately for Australia - we are about 10 years behind you guys, US and Europe. We had a Golden Era of conservative prosperity under Prime Minister John Howard in the decade prior to 2007 - which put us a long way ahead.

We then suffered socialist rule for about the next 6 years. Then Aussies were smart enough to put another conservative Government in place.

How you Canadians managed to elect this Trudeau boy as Prime Minister is beyond this Knight. If he were Australian, he would simply be a Left Wing Television News Anchor - which would barely get 50,000 viewers a night. Sure he would still be able to virtue signal for the feminists - but the damage would be kept to a minimum.


I don't know how we elected that filthbag. Leave it to Canadians to replace a great government with total garbage and then wonder why our neighbors hate us.

Freedom allows us to decide to be responsible for our behavior, it also enables us to choose between good and evil. There are many types of freedom in different areas, in finances, in the spiritual, in the soul, body and spirit we can feel freedom in different ways, all living beings are free in some areas but we are also slaves in other areas, I think that in Christ we can have a true freedom in fullness, although we end up being slaves of Christ, tied in his love.

An example I can give, is that in Venezuela it is difficult to be free in terms of choosing a special brand of food or medicine, we are also limited in terms of the type of daily food to eat. Although we are not yet free from this kind of selfish system of government, on the other hand we have experienced a certain kind of freedom that you @sirknight has given us, and not only economic aid, but in each of your publications you leave traces in the hearts of his followers and I am one of those who love his reflections, makes us reflect on life on freedom, be free to liberate others.

Thank you for your thoughts on freedom Michelle. Perhaps we are all destined to be slaves in one way or another. And perhaps with more opportunities - through the blockchain and benevolent people - more opportunities will be available to all.

Freedom is a state of being free to do whatever you love doing. When you have to decide for yourself without constraints or any influence.

The true freedom we desire is here with blockchain technology most especially STEEM blockchain. Where we have a decentralized world and no central governments and Central Banks to control, victimise or manipulate anybody.

We are not there yet but we are on the verge of getting there. We now have @steemchurch (church on blockchain), @steemcourt (court on blockchain) and @farms (to feed the world with STEEM), all on Steem blockchain. Thanks to one of the greatest freedom fighter @sirknight

I understand what you are saying Father, however, have a looks at the post above please - you may find it enlightening. Let me know.

Freedom is the power to be who you want and do what you want based on merit, freedom should be about you and not who you know.
The world we know revolves around an unending cycle of Connections, we are no longer defined by who we are but rather who we know in the upper tier of society .
Growing up, i was told by my family and friends ; go to school, read your books, graduate with a good result and get a good job,you will be freefrom poverty and successful.

The Blockchain is true freedom, you are defined by your work and development to the community.

Glad i found the crusade for freedom when i did.

This Knight is glad you found the crusade too Druids. Thanks for dropping in. There was a time when the advice you received was right - but no more. Yes the blockchain is freedom. And as far as education goes - the half life for a degree is getting shorter and shorter - successful people need to be reskilling continually now. What should we listen to next Druids?

Next, how can we make everyone free and sustain that freedom?

I believe freedom should be an infectious chain reaction in which We;parishioners and members of the blockchain strive to set others on the path of freedom and revolutionize the idea of freedom in our respective communities.
We are free and it's time to set others free, i no longer depend on my government.
With the blockchain,i am free to be who i am if am willing to work the work and achieve my dreams.

Thank You Sk for the steemchurch.

Nice to hear from you today @sirknight, for me freedom just as the name implies means being free, look at the birds of the air, they have nothing to worry about, i would say that freedom is having outmost peace of mind!!

With nothing to panic for or doing things just to please someone or get noticed!

Thanks for the interactions, today is my birthday, i would say am grateful to have found you and steemchurch!

You have been a blessing, God bless you!


braveheart 😊

How's going Sir Knight. This Steem Church project of yours grows rapidly and becoming one monster project, I see. I often bump on accounts posting under steemchurch tag, pretty cool 👍

Good luck to you and Jack in uniting the Christian of te blockchain

TKF - feels like it has been forever since we last spoke. Thanks for the feedback on SC - that's what me William Wallace and like to hear. (hehehe) What are you up to tonight?

Its been months for sure, SirKnight! I think back in December 2017?😁 I was taking a little break from upgrading my witness-server and saw your posting, I just had to say hello 😊

Be well SirKnight!

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