Don’t Say, “No” – Exodus 4:13-14

in #steemchurch6 years ago


But Moses said, “O Lord, please send someone else to do it.” Then YHWH’s anger burned against Moses…

Moses wanted nothing to do with YHWH’s call on his life. He felt inadequate. Yet, keep in mind that Moses’ response came after YHWH made his hand leprous and then immediately healed it. It came after YHWH turned his rod into a snake and then back again. All this happened while speaking to him through a burning bush that wasn’t being consumed.

YHWH gives us the strength and ability to do things that we can’t do on our own. Yet, how easy it is to look at how small we are when YHWH gives us a task.

I believe the most interesting thing we find in this story is how we are told that YHWH’s anger burned against Moses. Did you know that this is the first time in all of scripture where we see YHWH’s anger mentioned? The first time. It wasn’t mentioned with Adam and Eve, the story of Noah and not even at the Tower of Babel. It’s first mentioned when someone says “no” to their calling.

Let this be a focus in your time of meditation throughout the day. Until next time, Shalom.

SOURCE: Steve Moutria at (Posted with permission)



Howdy sir simms50! oh wow, this is something I hadn't realized before! God really doesn't like being told no and rejecting His calling! That's a serious thing isn't it. Well as far as I know I haven't done that.
Mrs. J certainly hasn't and is in a new career right now that it pretty mind-boggling. Thank you sir for another great lesson, I'm trying to build my voting power so I'm voting with a low percentage today unfortunately.

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