Reading The Bible With Understanding

in #steemchurch5 years ago

All scripture is inspired by God and it's useful for refuting errors, for guiding people's lives, and teaching them to be upright
2Timothy 3:16

Jesus said to them, surely the reason why you are wrong is that you understand neither the scripture nor the power of God
Mark 12:24

Unlike the thousand literatures out there written by men from their explicit knowledge, the Bible is an inspiration from the Holy spirit (Which means God Himself). The authors behind every book with no doubt are better intrepreter of their contents than anyone else and so is the Bible, no man can better interpret it than the Holy spirit which is the inspirator. The error behind trying to interpret the letter by our human wisdom and understanding has led the church of God in chaos and Dynamics of doctrine that doesn't go in line with God's plan for His church.

............For the letters kill, but the spirit gives life
2 Corinthians 3:6

Our knowledge of the Bible really matters and on what our knowledge is dependent on. If it's base on the letters, then we may be missing it completely and practicing the world system indirectly and if it's dependent on the Revelation from the Spirit of God, then a clearer knowledge of the word of God comes Into action.


Some so called men of God have taking hold of the letters interpreting it to the lust of their desire and luring the believers into strange doctrines , deceiving many and permitting Immorality all because they read the Bible with no understanding from the Author's point of view.

There are lot of benefits that comes with reading the Bible with understanding, First ,it helps us know God and His loving mind for Us as believers, it gives direction (correcting and rebuking), it helps us discern the spirit of God and the spirit from the world, build our faith in God,gain boldness to face the world and persecution . This benefits can only comes when we read the Bible with clear understanding of what the spirit is saying.

To gain understanding on the word of God, you'll need to ask the Holy spirit to open your eyes of understanding to the truth of his word whenever you pick up the Bible to study. Only the author of any book can give a better interpretation if we keep in mind this words, we would esteem the place of the Holy spirit as we study God's word.


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