SteemChurch Venezuela: moving towards biblical counseling.

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Happy day brothers of Steemchurch, @Sc-v, has started an automated process for biblical counseling, in the next few days we will be indicating the steps to follow to promote this program in development, since an important aspect is the attention to the brothers They need it at a certain moment. We owe all the grace that we have received. Counseling is not something mechanical but a relationship. A relationship that will help us grow spiritually.

To this end, a team specialized in Therapeutic Biblical Counseling has been assigned, with a Master's Degree in Theology, Certification, Coaching and Leadership.

It has been considered important that the members of a community enjoy a healthy emotional and spiritual stability and maximize their potential to achieve their purpose and help others.
"The purpose of it is to help the believer to have every area of his life have a perspective totally centered on Christ"

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another ..." (Col. 3:16). This passage of the Scriptures is one of many that speak to us about the importance of counseling and helping each other applying the Word of God to our lives. This is the heart of good church counseling.

If we want healthy churches that multiply healthy disciples, biblical counseling can not be optional.

Learn to give biblical advice applicable at the secular or pastoral level (i.e. they do not require medical care or professional psychiatry). (Cognitive goal)
Grow in trust, compassion, and counselor skills at the level of friendship and Christian fellowship. (Affective goal)
Apply biblical principles and counseling processes to representative cases of common problems in the contemporary world. (Volitive goal).

In a nutshell, what is biblical counseling?

To begin with, it is good to understand that we are all counselors in some way. The only question is whether we are biblical or not, because we all give advice daily to other people and ourselves. Therefore, we need to define and focus on our councils being based and synchronized in the counsel of God.

Biblical counseling in essence is the application of the one-to-one ministry modeled by Christ, using the Word and his wisdom, to serve people in the problems they face. Thus we seek to guide them in the process of knowledge by experience of the Word, so that they can live a true transformation that glorifies God.

A module or application will be enabled to attend the counseling for the moments only for the community @ sc-v. Which will be able to obtain it in the next days, for more information write to the mail: [email protected].

Who are these personalized consultations for?

Mentoring is directed to men and women who are on the battlefield, serving the Lord and who need accompaniment in some area.

We will assist you in an individualized way to face the different stages of your personal or ministerial life.

You can use the sessions to:

Resolve a specific topic through a confidential and personalized session to your urgent needs, where you need support.
Direct access, independent, confidential and without prejudice. Our greatest desire is to listen to you and help you.
How continuous training to learn more through modules designed specifically to cover key aspects. (5 or more sessions).

A way of drainage, catharsis and reduction of stress related to the ministry and personal crises.
A hand, a shoulder of support and support from battle mates who will join to face challenges at your side. (You will not be alone).

  • The personalized mentoring program is done online via camera (via Skype)

Some topics that we will usually deal with topics adaptable to your personal situation will include:

*How to Become a Change Agent
*Crusade for freedom
*Habits to be highly effective.
*7 habits that block effectiveness.
*How to make sense of the development of your Leadership
*Advance and Effectiveness check.
*Personal Statement of Mission.
*Faith Challenge
*How to develop a change strategy.
*Eight Essential Concepts
*Integrity check
*How to Mobilize Leaders
*Spiritual battle
*Crisis Process
*How to Find Personal Intercessors
*Transitions in the Ministry
*How to Deal with Power Breakers
*Disclosure of Destiny
*How to Communicate the Vision
*Negative Preparation
*Divine contacts
*How to Find Personal Mentors


Thank God and the team that has placed to take the reins of Steemchurch Venezuela, without a doubt some people with humble hearts, willing, giving everything for love to God. God with us hand in hand, to conquer hearts for Christ.

This is a wonderful idea, My parents always tell me that good advice makes us mature. With this initiative we can consult the word of God regarding the problems of life.

This is great, every time I am surprised by the great work that Venezuela's steemchurch does. This is a breakthrough, and a great help to many people.

This is a great initiative to really bring forth fruits in the life of people.
I really commend the efforts of @sc-v and the #team

Wow, am so speechless on this. This is a wonderful idea that will help bring people more closer to God.
Great idea, we beed more from this.

@sc v surprises us every day, In times of conflict people tend to be out of focus, even many Christians do not escape from this reality, I think it is important to provide free guidance to people who need it, this will be a blessing

It is wonderful as our Lord Jesus full of wisdom and the understanding of his soldiers to carry out his word and help the neighbor in these times. Greetings blessings

Great initiative @sc-v y apostle darlenys01 for this initiative, God I hear my prayer, the biblical counseling offers good advice, a biblical verse says that where there are councilors there is victory and I think this will be another way to help people, thanks for contributing with the crusade of freedom

Wow wonderful idea we ask God to be of great blessing, so it is best to bring the word of God. Blessings

This is a magnificent thought, My folks dependably reveal to me that a word of wisdom makes us develop. With this activity we can counsel the expression of God in regards to the issues of life.

Express gratitude toward God and the group that has set to steer of Steemchurch Venezuela, undoubtedly a few people with humble hearts, willing, giving everything for affection to God. God with us as an inseparable unit, to vanquish hearts for Christ.

Interesting. Biblical counseling will be a powerful tool to move forward and consult specific situations of our lives in Christ. Let's move towards the success of this spiritual tool. Blessings

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