Know your spiritual gifts.

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Definitely If we want to be taken care of the purpose of God for our lives we must be able to identify what are the gifts with which God has enabled us to serve Him. In the same way that our temperament points to our vocation, the spiritual gifts we have received are evidence of the kind of call God has made to us. Knowing our spiritual gifts will help us to be aware of their presence in our lives and thus be able to exercise them when necessary.

Below you will find a list of spiritual gifts contained in the Bible, as well as references to the passages in which they are manifested. I am sure that if you take the time to read each of these Biblical references, before you finish the list you will have discovered at least one of the most important gifts that already operate in your life and that you should continue to develop, because they will help you greatly. to fulfill your call.


Mercy: The ability to feel genuine sympathy and compassion for people who suffer from physical, mental and emotional problems, and translate that compassion into works that are done with joy and reflect the love of Christ to alleviate suffering. Matthew 20: 29-34, 25: 34-40; Mark 9:41; Lucas 10: 33-35.

Exhortation: the grace to minister words of comfort, encouragement and advice to other members of the body in such a way that they are helped and healed. facts 14:22; Romans 12: 8.

Give: the willingness to invest with their material resources for the work of God with liberality and joy. frames 12:41; Romans 12: 8.

Help: the willingness to invest their talents in the life and ministry of other members of the body of Christ in this way, allowing them to increase the efficiency of their own spiritual gifts. Mark 15: 40,41; Lucas 8: 2,3.

leadership: the ability to set goals according to God's purpose for the future and to communicate those goals to others in such a way that they willingly and harmoniously work together to achieve those purposes for the glory of God. Luke 9:51, Acts 7:10, 15: 7-11.

Administration: the ability to clearly understand immediate and long-term goals, and to design and execute effective plans to reach those goals. lucas 14: 28-30; facts 6: 1-7,27: 11

hospitality: the provision to provide an open house and a warm welcome to those in need of food and lodging. facts 16: 14,15; Romans 12: 9-13.

Service: the ability to identify needs that have not been met and make use of the resources available to cover them. Acts 6.1-7; Romans 12: 7.

Intercession: The willingness to pray for extended periods of time on a regular basis and see frequent and specific responses to their prayers to a much greater degree than an average Christian would expect.
Luke 22: 41-42


Liberation: The special ability that God gives certain members of the body of Christ to cast out demons and evil spirits. Matthew: 12-22-32.

Apostol: The ability to minister with any other spiritual gift in a second culture in order to establish new works. Acts 8: 4

Prophecy. The ability to receive and communicate a message from God to his people through a statement inspired by the Holy Spirit. Lucas 7:26.

Shepherd. The willingness to assume a long-term personal responsibility for the spiritual welfare of a group of believers. Juasn 10.1.

Teaching: The ability to communicate information relevant to the building and strengthening of the body of Christ and its members in such a way that others can learn. Acts 18: 24-28 ...

Evangelist: The boldness to share the gospel with non-believers in such a way that they become disciples of Jesus and responsible members of the body of Christ. Acts 8: 5 ...

Wisdom. The sensitivity to know the mind of the Holy Spirit in such a way that it can receive an understanding to apply the knowledge received in the best way to the specific needs of the body of Christ. Facts 6.3 ...

Knowledge. The ability to discover, accumulate, analyze and clarify information and ideas that are relevant to the well-being of the body. Acts 5: 1-11 ...

Faith: The ability to discern with extraordinary confidence the will and purpose of God for his work or work. Acts 11: 22-24 ...

Discernment of spirits: The ability to know with certainty the origin of a person's behavior to determine if it is divine, human or satanic. Matthew. 16-21-23 ...

Miracles: The grace to serve as intermediaries through which powerful acts of God that have the ability to alter the ordinary course of nature are manifested. Acts 9.36-42 ......


healing: the grace to serve as intermediaries through which God manifests his power to heal diseases and restore health supernaturally. Acts 3: 2-10 ...

Languages: The ability to speak to God in a language they have never learned, and to receive and communicate an immediate message from God to his people through a divinely anointed declaration. Mark 16: 17 ...

Interpretation of languages: The ability to make known in an understandable message what has been spoken in tongues. 1 Corinthians 12: 10,30,14: 13,26-28.


Teaching has been a beloved ministry for me. I had always yearned for it long ago when I only operated in the "help" ministry until God endowed me with this gift too. It is always a blessing being taught and teaching. Thank you @sc-v for reminding us that we all have to discover our gifts and use it for the edification of the church.

When God created the gifts for the Church and for humanity, he had in mind a brilliant idea of how things should work. A few days ago, a person told me that he was a nobody because he had no talent, simply that person has not discovered his gift, each person has a special gift in which it is good for something, without exception.

Knowing the spiritual gifts of God helps us to understand what our purpose on earth is. Each gift is to serve others with the love of God. Since I was a little girl I like to sing, it's something I love doing. You will discover your gift for what you are passionate about

God blessed us with spiritual gifts for the edification of the church. The gifts are not limited to the circumstances, they are endorsements of the grace of God.

The house of the Lord is always made up of numerous spiritual gifts and talents, it takes those who accept the word in their heart to unlock this talents. Thanks @sc-v for this powerful message this morning. Greetings from Ghana.


We don’t have to be the best at everything to know we’re worthwhile children of God. We just need to be dedicated to discovering and developing our gifts and talents—then, through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can become perfect in Him

The gifts that God has given us are good, we must treasure the noble gesture of the Lord. God bless @sc-v for this teaching.

Brothers this theme identifies us, it is an example to determine that each and every one of the members of the church has a gift, our leaders have great gifts, our leader sirknight with the great gift of giving of freedom, and our leader apostol @ darlenys01, chosen by God to represent us in our passion, with the great gift of helping to be a guide. Every faithful member of the Church has at least one spiritual gift, and the Lord invites His children to "search. . . diligently the best gifts, always remembering what they are given for "(D & C 46: 8). In the Scriptures, many gifts of the Spirit are taught.

The Lord blesses His children in many ways, depending on their fidelity and needs, as well as the needs of the people they serve.

This publication teaches us the diversity of spiritual gifts, once we understand the gift we possess, we must put it into practice.

Very important this information for the community, excellent, the identification of them is relevant to ensure that we are all clear about what we are and have. Greetings to all the community and leaders.

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