in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)


It feels terrible and sad to know how this beautiful garden called earth has turned upside down due to bad human nature and policies of governments and circumstances beyond the control of mankind.

These circumstances render innocent people into abject poverty and sometimes homeless. It's through this challenges and factors that the God has laid on the hearts of @sc-v to contribute their quota through "Bread of Heaven" an initiative aimed at dealing with the challenges children face in Venezuela and the world as a whole.

We parishioners from @sc-g is privileged to render our support and be a part of this great crusade of freedom in respect to the #hungerfree initiative.

An article written by Anthony Faiola for Washington titled "Venezuela's economy is so bad, parents are leaving their children at orphanages" indicates that the state of life of Venezuelans has deteriorated due to economic mismanagement by the government. This situation has caused a lot of parents to abandon their children not because they don't love them but because they cannot feed them.

A study by the Catholic Charity Caritas in poorer areas of four states found the percentage of children under five (5) years lacking adequate nutrition had jumped to seventy-one(71) percent (%) in December from fifty-five (55) percent (%) seven (7) months earlier.

Steemchurch as a platform initiated by @sirknight has been a great transformer in the lives of parishioners and the entire steemit community. This impending project by @sc-v is taking off on the 10th of September 2018 will desire all the support they can obtain from all #parishioners and the entire steemit community.

The Bible says in the book Deuteronomy 15:11
"For the poor will never cease out of the land. Therefore I command you to surely open your hand to your brother, to your needy, and to your poor, in your land."
This word teaches us that, as long as this world is in existence, poor people will never depart from it. So the Omnipotent God commands us to open our hands to them by given alms.

The Bible says that whoever gives to the poor lends it to God and He will multiply it in due time to the giver. God will indeed reward all the parishioners of @sc-v who have listened to the cry of these innocent souls in their societies.

@sc-g entreats every parishioner, steemians to be part of this blessing by assisting them in any way you can. Aside providing bread(food) @sc-v also aims at:

a) Educate in healthy eating habits using the food plan offered.

b) Collaborate with the feeding of children in a street situation and social risk.

c) Promote the adaptation of children to the diversity of menus and to a discipline in the act of eating that includes courtesy, tolerance, solidarity and education for coexistence.

d) Engage the family in the benefits that can be obtained from a joint collaboration with those responsible for the dining room, both in terms of health and nutritional education.

h) Foster attitudes of collaboration, solidarity and coexistence, raising awareness of the family in patterns of behavior acquired in the children's dining room. Promote love through the word of God.

May the good Lord empower @sc-v parishioners with His spirit,strength, wisdom and knowledge to achieve this project. Amen



We have to be good to others whiles it's within our capacity to do so. Steemchurch will indeed be a great blessing to many and transform lives. I stand with the church @sc-v in their effort to promote this initiative

Been good to others is been good to God. Thanks @Collinz.

It is we body of @steemchurch to put back the lost hope of these children through this project of #heavenbread.

Your are right @bigssam.

It is great to see such altruism from the church, lets support heavenbread to better the lives of children in venezuela

We are solidly behind them @nattybongo

The Lord rewards people who helps needy children.

Yes is very true , who ever gives to man gives to God and will surely be rewarded .

Good work ....

congratulations to everyone for this beautiful activity.

Thanks for your support for this Bread of Heaven project. I think this will go a long way to help our young children

The bible says he that giveth to the poor lendeth to God. This is so heart touching and warming, my heart goes out to all children in Venezuela and my prayer to our dear Apostle @darlenys, @sirknight and the entire vessels God is using.
What's the progress with the #Heavenbread project. Whats the modalities of interests and participation/participants?

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