in #steemchurch6 years ago

Offenses are bound to come so long as no one has yet graduated from the school of perfection. Our fellow humans are ones who will offend us or sin against us so long us we live them.

Judgement is in no one hands to deliver but the Lord. God doesn't want us to mete out judgement or payback on a brother for his sins but to forgive so there will be a peaceful coexistence between us.

God wants us to live peacefully with our brethren and not to be at loggerheads or fight among ourselves just because a brother went wrong against us. Instead He wants us to build a harmonious relationship which is free from strive so that the devil do not get any chance to penetrate and tempt us to sin. It is therefore important that we learn how to settle issues amicably when there is one that we can qualify to be God's children.
Let's learn from the Bible to know what do in case a brother sin against us:

Moreover if your brother shall trespass against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone: if he shall hear you, you have gained your brother. But if he will not hear you, then take with you one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto you as a heathen man and a tax collector. Mathew 18:15-17

Tell Him His Fault Between You And Him Alone

The first thing Jesus wants us to do when a brother sin against us is to let him know his fault. It is always a good thing to let people know what they have done wrong against you rather than harboring it to take revenge.

Sometimes it may be something they did unknowingly or untentionally and you will really do them good if you prompt them and point out their wrong. The Bible says it clearly that it should be between you and him alone. This means there should be no invitation of a third party at this stage.

Many Christians find it hard to call the attention of a brother who has sinned against them but it easier for them to broadcast to others what has happened. We may cause more harm than good if we ignore first step of God's way of settling issues.

Find Two or More Witnesses For A Word To Be Established

If the first step fails and a brother remains unrepentant then, two or three brethrens should be called in, firstly they should make sure that the offender is in fact guilty and secondly to make sure that they do their best to reconcile both parties.

It is so important for every Christian to always engage fellow Christians in dispute settlement. The warns us against taking any matter to the Law court and allowing third parties who are unbelievers to handle our issues. Therefore it is important that we take the matter to the church(group of believers) when both the first and the second approach have all failed.

Tell It To The Church

If a brother will still not change or will not hear the witnesses, and then tell it to the church, that is all believers who are in Christ. The pastors, the elders, and bishops are the right persons in the church to handle the matter. No matter how the offence or the sin is the entire community of believers should appeal to the offender to apologise.

Should there still be no change, then that brother should treated as an unbeliever who has refused to obey God and should be seen as one who is no longer part of their fellowship or church.

You should not hate a brethren in the heart and become cold towards him just because he sinned against you. Be more interested in his repentance and restoration than anything. We can't be God's children if we are not peacemakers.


So true! No one is graduated in perfection and we sin against our brothers, knowing how to handle the situation provides a healthy community.

Well said @emiliocabrera ,when we handle situation in a Godly way and make amends,there will be healthy community

Our Lord's expectations is for each soul to make it into His kingdom and as we embark on this journey there are so many things we will encounter with our brother,if one way or the other we sin or one sin against us we need to forgive...For we are serving a forgiving father....

Thanks @sc-g

He is truly a forgiving father ,thanks @odsam2

Sometimes when people hurt us - mostly someone close to us, our human nature comes into play. We withdraw, resent and sometimes don't want to have anything to do with them any more depending on the level of hurt that they have done to us. But if we can understand that no one is perfect and that not all hurt intentional or as a result of hatred for us, we will learn to forgive easily. Beside, we all sin every day and in his infinite mercy still pardons us, so we should all learn to forgive and reconcile with our brothers when the hurt or offend us. That is one of the proof that we're truly born of God. Nice piece!

We should learn to forgive and reconcile with our brother s when they hurt us...

Thanks @sc-g for enlighten us to how we need to relate with those who are not our Christian believers.

Good to see you around @bigssam.

Every problem must be dealt with by the leaders of the church to try to solve the problem.

That is very true, leaders are to lead and not to be led.

It is not easy forgiving someone who has wronged you, it takes lots of diligence and the holy spirit to let it go

It truly takes a lot but in way we shouldn't forget our father also forgive us for the wrong we do

Day in day out we offend God but He forgives us so we should learn to do same for our brothers who offends us

That is a wise thought of yours.

Great post @sc-g techniques in solving challenges among neighbours

Good to see you around @oppongk

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