in #steemchurch6 years ago



And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. Galatians 5:24

Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

Galatians 5:19-21
In this text, Paul lists the acts of the flesh which reflect the sinful nature of man. He draws the believers attention to the fact that those who live by the desires of the flesh and for that matter not the Christ-like character would miss heaven. This sermon is to encourage believers to overcome the desires of the flesh by yielding their lives to the Holy Spirit.


The Apostle Paul made it clear in his letter to the Galatians that the acts or works of the flesh are clearly noticeable as long as the believer walks in the sinful nature and not in the new nature in dwelt by the Holy Spirit. The sinful nature is characterised by the following acts:

SEXUAL IMMORALITY :which involves "adultery", that is unfaithfulness in marital relationship, and "fornication - the unlawful sexual relationship between unmarried couples". Impurity or uncleanness in thought, word, and deed or sensuality (Ephesians 5:34).

DEBAUCHERY which is also translated "Lewdness" or "Lasciviousness" connotes the open, shameless and bold display of the sins or acts mentioned above (2 corinthians 12:21)

IDOLATRY in this context is not only the worship of idols, but also the immorality that accompanies demonic activities and giving priority to anything other than God (Mathew 4:10).

WITCHCRAFT OR SORCERY means interaction with evil spirits, or the use of magic spells. It may also include superstition.

HATRED is the strong feeling of malice directed towards people. This attitude also leads to discord, contentions, variance, and quarrels among believers.


JEALOUSY is a feeling of ill-will toward someone because of an achievement of advantage that person may have. It also manifests mistrust or suspicions. Fits of rage or wrath is outburst of hot anger or passions at the expense of others. Dissension are the same as "factions" or "heresies" which are divisions caused by disagreements. They also result into sects or groups by people with self willed opinions in an organisation. Envy is displeasure at the success or prosperity of others. In fact, envy and jealousy are related.
Drunkenness refers to habitual intoxication caused by strong drink. Drunkenness was condemned (Genesis 9:20-27,Galatians 5:21)because it made people insensitive, an economic ruin, and morally and spiritually bankrupt. Orgies or revelries as some translations put it are riotous gatherings for entertainment accompanied by drunkenness.
Paul warned his readers (believers), that those who do these things will not inherit the kingdom of God. In other words, those who lives are characterised by works of the flesh are not saved.

Are you saved?


The plant may bear fruit and the fruit may bear it seeds. Thanks for sharing with us @sc-g

Our mission as Christians is to have the privilege to meet our father,this is only possible when we bear the fruit of the spirit as Paul wrote...

Let me say with care that the fruits of the Holy Spirit can not be obtained in a store like the others, but yes, in the relationship and interaction we have with the Holy Spirit.

His teaching is valuable to the community! God bless you @sc-g

Indeed, no one can live like Christ if the desires of flesh have not yet been crucified. The old man and his nature must first be crucified, then the new man can be formed. It is only the new man that can live as Christ.

Thank you @sc-g for this admonishing

God bless you. Paul wrote these things because there were many people doing evil and they thought they were saved.

The word of God through Paul has spelt out some characters portrays by people especially believers that hinders our Christian lives which will eventually make us miss heaven. So we should check our lifestyle, if we fall short in any of these, must work on it.

very good post blessings. there are people who think that as they do not harm anyone they will be saved

the reality is that we can not become equal to Christ but the glory of God is wonderful that sent his son to resatarnos

Wow. Great post by @sc-g. There are many hindrances to godly living. Both from within and without. Lets make sure that we arw able to overcome both so that we live a godly life for the glory of God.

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