
 The world and its Vices.


In ancient times the vices of man were primitive and simple, perhaps barbaric but orthodox, today the man has developed a series of sinful vices that are the very sin of evil on earth, drugs, alcohol, games, and quantity of elements that move man away from a holy life and in communication with the creator.


These vices seem to be created by evil, in order to destroy man; drugs destroy the nervous system of the human being, like alcohol, and smoking causes a number of diseases that cause a number of incalculable deaths. This without naming the social damage that these abnormalities cause in the individual, because the alcoholic, drug addict is an unstable person and that can harm others.

The man does not realize that his body is the Lord's abode and therefore he must keep it clean so that he can live, but if you do not clean the Lord's house and fill it with sin, only sin and lamentations will find and follow you. An example is a house, that if you keep it clean, nothing dirty will be created in it, but if on the contrary, it is not cleaned or cleaned a house, bad smell and bacteria will be created. As it is the body of the human being, if you treat it with carelessness and digest things that are not healthy, surely it will end badly.


Among other vices and bad actions of men are, pornography, homosexuality and all its derivatives, also witchcraft, and I tell them vices, because they are sins and as everyday sins, they are always in them repetitively, causing harm and moving away from the paths of God.


Ephesians 4:17  "This, then, I say and I require in the Lord: that you no longer walk like the other Gentiles, who walk in the vanity of their mind, having their understanding darkened, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that there is in them, the hardness of his heart; which, after they lost all sensibility, gave themselves up to lasciviousness to commit with avidity all kinds of impurity. " 

Perhaps it is something common for the people of the world, drinking alcohol or as many say: Jesus also drank, because he turned the water into wine and celebration. "But the Lord did not do it with intentions to sin or to feel good, men and women who commonly ingest alcohol or other substance that alters the mental state, do so with the premeditation of committing some sin.  

Evangelicals are labeled bored or outdated, because they do not smoke, drink alcohol, or go to sinful parties, but we are only protecting ourselves from sin and temptation, being wise and clean for God, because the one who goes to sin, sin becomes, and as the wise writing says, the wise man sees evil and departs. But it is not that we continue trying to save those we can and tell them that those are not the right habits to please God. 

Let's show them the right way and save more souls in this world. 


Wounderful post on the topic "vices". the rate of sinful vices that are the very sin of evil on earth may include drugs, alcohol has drag man to hell and self destruction.

Thanks for sharing this wouderful sermon with the @steemchurch....
Upvoted and resteem

Thank you for your attention, God bless you, vices lead man to his own destruction and not only that they drag their loved ones with them, but whoever can do something must do it, trying to help someone to amend their way, I would save a soul from condemnation.

Wounderful post my friend...... we should all stsnd up and shut the gate of hell and vices of the devil from our lives

yes brother, once I myself had the habit of smoking a cigarette but thank God I understood that it is something that damages our body and leads to physical death and spiritual death.

Most Christians have been regarded as bored, because they try to separate themselves from some group of people. But the truth is they are wise and actually know what they are doing when trouble and challenges arise they will be able to solve it without much stress. But a fool won't.

It is correct not to share to go to parties where only things in the world are considered boring, but what they do not understand is that we have seen the true meaning of life in Christ and as they say, the principle of wisdom is the fear of God, and for that same fear is that we act with caution. Thank you, God keep you

The world is really filled with evil these last days. You've said it all in your post and it's best we flee from these sins so as not to stain our bodies which is the temple of God.

Flee and try to warn, because we must also try to save others and help them see the truth that the sinful world has hidden from them

Great post, keep the good work. We should endeavour to go against any vices that will tarnish us spiritually, physically, and morally

It is our duty as Christians to maintain the temple of God in holiness and purity.

Sometimes when you think about the kind of vices in this world, you begin to wonder how come people still do this kind of things. I think only when the word of God is in your heart can you be able to see the fact most things of this world are wrong.

you are right, if we are not in the way of the Lord, we do not see those things, or they seem normal, but once we have been created in Jesus Christ we can see the true destiny of the world with man, which is nothing more than destroying it and away from God.

Let us abstain from vices. They kill our spirit and obviously gets us deviated from his bidding of us. Let us know that as children of God we're not allowed to get involved. He deserves our respect and therefore we should give him all we've got. #keepofffromvices.

What most deserves God is our sincere love and that we are good children keeping their mandates. God bless you brother

vices entail evil,we should always take our stand vices are of the devil jesus said we have overcome the devil by the blood of the lamb.Anytime a temptation of an evil vice comes up,we should rebuke it like jesus did.nice post

Jesus who died for us on a cross and in a painful way, was tempted until the last moment but remained faithful to the Father, just as we must do it to be worthy of eternal life.

Among other vices and bad actions of men are, pornography, homosexuality and all its derivatives, also witchcraft

I don't think people realize too often that their body is the temple of Christ so therefore it should be treated as such!

that is why we must take the word to every corner of the world and to each person so that they know that their body is the temple of God.

This post has received a 4.81% upvote from @lovejuice thanks to @katerinhernandez. They love you, so does Aggroed. Please be sure to vote for Witnesses at

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