Spiritual gifts, what can we use them for?

Spiritual Gifts 


In 1 Corinthians 12: 8-10 Paul mentions:

Word of wisdom, Science, word Faith, Health gifts, The doing of miracles, Prophecy, Discerning of spirits, Different genres of languages, Interpretation of languages.

1 Corinthians 12: 8-10
For to this is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another, word of science according to the same Spirit; to another, faith by the same Spirit; and to another, gifts of healings by the same Spirit. To another, to work miracles; to another, prophecy; to another, discernment of spirits; to another, diverse genres of languages; and to another, interpretation of languages.

The mentioned spiritual gifts are only as references, because later in the same chapter he adds:

Gifts to help
Management gifts

"And there are different ministries, but the Lord is the same. And there are different operations, but God, who does all things in all, is the same. "1 Corinthians 12: 5-6.

But then he adds: "But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for profit." In other words, spiritual gifts are meant to be profitable and meet needs.

The Apostle Paul later writes about the body where the members are different and that the members in the body should care about each other.

1 Corinthians 12: 11-15
But all these things are done by one and the same Spirit, distributing each one in particular as he wants.
For just as the body is one, and has many members, but all the members of the body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ. Because by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free; and we were all given to drink from the same Spirit. In addition, the body is not a single member, but many. If the foot says: Because I am not a hand, I am not of the body, is that why it will not be of the body?

God has prepared works and, often, they are right in front of us and helping those around us.

Spiritual gifts will end, but love gives us something of value here in this life and also a content for our lives in eternity. Then, at the same time in this life we

can diligently acquire and use the gifts that the Holy Spirit wants to give us.


An even more excellent way than receiving spiritual gifts is when love is what motivates us. So, it is like a person who has found water in the middle of the desert and who desperately seeks some means to bring water to those who are also thirsty. Spiritual gifts are like this container. The container is not very useful on its own, but when it is used by someone who has love and has found that it can give life to a thirsty soul, it becomes useful.

In this sense spiritual gifts reinforced with love are placed by God so that his work is great and the quality of how we want and are loved is intensified. Because once we understand the absolute and resounding love of God, then we can love the way we love our brothers and only then we are also showing God that we love him according to his word. 


The gifts of divinity are identified with basic motivations. Its purpose is specific to the benefit of the body of the church. Very good explanation @rubenmedina182.

I love the gift of speaking in tongues and discernment.

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