in #steemchurch6 years ago

Greetings to the parishioners of steemchurch, Grace and peace be unto you all. I’m sure we have been fairing well in our journey in the blockchain. Thanks to Steemchurch of which I am a parishioner of and to @SirKnight for this great priviledge.

I recently wrote on Growing in faith as Christians, now I’ve come with a different message I wrote being inspired by Fr Abu.


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It’s the ultimate wish of every human to live happy, joyful and peaceful. No person who is in his or her normal mental state will want to in the midst of choosing between ‘leaving in peace’ and ‘living in fear’ will want to opt in for the latter category.

It is therefore certain that there’s a high demand for peace and a crave for happiness. Sadly, very many people who have this good craving do not know how to attain it. For some who have attained a high level of financial freedom, who thought that riches is the most important factor or the yardstick for measuring the level of peace, yet, they are distant away from this good substance – peace.

One can have so many mansions and yet be troubled, one can have so much acquisitions and yet be in a state of fear, hence, once material possession is not a determinant factor for the attainment of peace.

In the Book of John 14, Jesus the Master of Peace spoke to His disciples: (we can now take our main text)

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“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” – John 14:27 (KJV)

Despite the problems and struggles we face in this world, Jesus said “Peace I leave with you…” What kind of peace is this that can exist in a darkened world, where humiliations, attacks and envy are present, where war tends to rise against us even that which comes from household, family, relatives whom we least expect betrayal from?

What kind of peace can we get when we are in the era of economic hardship, insecurity, pains, hunger, strife and bad governance?

Dear friends, as we reflect on these rhetorical questions, we must learn to interpret things the way God does. We have clearly seen that the biblical definition of peace contradicts that of the world. Little wonder Jesus added that phrase “not as the world gives, I give to you”.


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The Peace of Christ is not that one that prevents us from tough times or oppositions; it’s not that one that assures us of the absence of troubles and tribulations; it’s not a peace that takes away the pains RATHER it’s the peace that gives us the confidence to walk through the “valley of the shadow of death, fearing no evil’.

It’s the peace that helps us to forgive easily and encourage us to act obediently to God’s Word despite the struggles and difficulties, perplexities and vicissitudes of life.

Fr Abu defines this peace as that which will make us happy even in poverty, not the peace of material security; a peace that allows you to turn to the other cheek when slapped; it’s a peace that allows us to surrender ourselves and our security to God alone.

Hence, this strange peace is truly not one that the world can understand, since it’s alien to them (just like dogs doesn’t eat metal, neither do fishes fly).


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It’s only God that can lift up our countenance and give us peace (Numbers 6:26). True peace sources from Him and Him alone. Psalm 34:14 says “depart from evil, and do good; seek peace and pursue it”.

Therefore, we pray Psalm 29:11 upon us all - may the Lord give us (His people) strength and continue to bless us with peace abundantly. Amen!

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Good to hear from you richi, Thanks for sharing with Us!



Bliss is a proof of the nearness of God's Spirit in our lives. Peace is the product of the Holy Spirit. In this way, we are obliged to combine to His lessons to collect the profits of this great unceasing product - which is simply a definitive peace.

True peace comes only from the lord, only Him can lift up our countenance and set you free from all pain and bondage of the devil.

Thanks for sharing this post

The Peace of Christ comes from studying his teachings and obeying his commandments.

Owk let me contribute to this wonderful piece.

This peace is that which gives the greatest assurance - God's presence. Jesus Himself is the peace in the midst of the storm.

Indeed, True peace sources from Him and Him alone!
Thanks for sharing bro.

Upvoted and resteemed.

Great and very informative. It’s the ultimate wish of every human to live happy, joyful and peaceful. No person who is in his or her normal mental state will want to in the midst of choosing between ‘leaving in peace’ and ‘living in fear’ will want to opt in for the latter category.
It is therefore certain that there’s a high demand for peace and a crave for happiness. Sadly, very many people who have this good craving do not know how to attain it. For some who have attained a high level of financial freedom, who thought that riches is the most important factor or the yardstick for measuring the level of peace, yet, they are distant away from this good substance – peace.
It’s the peace that helps us to forgive easily and encourage us to act obediently to God’s Word despite the struggles and difficulties, perplexities and vicissitudes of life. thanks for sharing

Thank you, Jesus, for the peace you have given me. I pray you will use me as an instrument of that peace so I can help my family, friends, and the world in which I live. I feel so different right now, knowing that you and I are now OK, knowing I am on the road to a deeper understanding of what it means to live for an audience of one. I ask you to help me pray when I become upset so that I will have your peace in any situation I face - good or bad. Help me to get ready to help other people as others have already helped me.

Happiness is a proof of the nearness of God's Spirit in our lives. Peace is the product of the Holy Spirit. Along these lines, we are obliged to unite to His lessons to gather the profits of this wonderful interminable item - which is simply a definitive peace.

The phrase "not as the world gives" is the key statement here.

Joy is an evidence of the presence of God's Spirit in our lives. Peace is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we are obliged to consolidate to His teachings to harvest the dividends of this awesome eternal commodity - which is the ultimate peace itself.

Thanks for this great content. Keep steeming, creating good contents and being an asset to the promotion of the gospel on the blockchain, brother @Richi-3

Great post @richi-3. Truly, the peace that Christ impress in the heart of His own can in no way be compared with the "unsettled peace" peace which the world gives. Sincerely, I love the quote from Sheila Walsh:

"Peace is not the absence of trouble, but the presence of Christ"

Thanks for sharing.
Kind regards.

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