¡You can make a difference!

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Hello appreciated community- Welcome to my blog!

One day a young man approached me in the church and asked me: Sister "Could it be possible that a young man could make a difference in this hostile world where we live? - I looked at him and I answered: you can decide your hands are the decision, get up, take a step and then another, walk and be passionate about what you do.

Then when we had the opportunity to talk more about the topic, we exemplified with biblical characters that made a difference in everything they did and we took as an example Daniel, and Jose
We speak of men who marked history as: Jesus of Nazareth, Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Adolf Hitler Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Walt Disney, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin among others, many men full of knowledge and risky to reach his dreams, turned out many positive things to the world in terms of information and knowledge, but none could match Daniel, let alone Jesus of Nazareth.


Dear community, we live in a world where you feel and live a moral crisis, things that were previously practiced as values, today have settled strongly in this world as anti-values, things that are argued in the word of God as good and we say bad.
I want to remind you today of one of the many men who made a difference in the Bible, out of love and fidelity to God.
That man was Joseph, a man who put God first in his life, Joseph was a man of integrity, a man with a heart for God, a man who could keep himself and stay faithful in the midst of so many hardships and trials that he could live , but Joseph never gave up that identity that differentiated him from the others, on the contrary, he was filled with God every day, and He was his strength and strength in all his way


Genesis 42. 18 "And on the third day Joseph said unto them, Do this, and live: I fear God."

In all of Jose's history we find that God was always at Jose's side, since he put God in the first place of his life, his decisions were made according to the commandments of God, and Joseph was a man of integrity. all his actions, not only I keep respect towards God, but he was also a man of integrity with all the men who presented themselves in his life.
Jose was a God fearing man, for that reason he made a difference in every place, and left indelible marks in the history of his life.
For this reason, Jose defeated sexual temptation in an extraordinary and exemplary way, not letting the woman of Potiphar, who had given him all the confidence to manage his house, seduce him, because, when she tried to seduce him, he remained faithful to God. , and he recognized that he could not betray the trust and kindness that he had given him, and he escapes by not compromising his integrity.
Another thing that I want to emphasize in Jose, is that he did not allow sadness or bitterness to destroy his life, he did not allow these situations to destroy his dreams, Jose knew that he had a dream, that was not his, it was from God , a dream that the same God had put in his heart, and that nobody could erase.


Integrity makes you guard your heart, allows pride to not make you sick and integrity to God makes you strong, makes you recognize that only God is worthy of glory, Jose had decided from a young age to give glory only to God.

Jose took care of his heart of pride, the most reliable proof we can look at when God blesses him and elevates him to a gigantic position of power and wealth, and do you know what Jose does? to give the glory to God, in everything he uplifted the name of God.
¡If we can make a difference, you can be one of them!


Excellent @ricci01, we can make a difference, in spite of the pain, the betrayals, the envy, when God gives you a dream, that dream will be fulfilled despite the circumstances, Jose, had a wise identity that his viison was powerful , and although for a moment it was hidden, it was the one that carried the revelation and the provision.

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