When Jesus is in the boat (Steemchurch)

in #steemchurch7 years ago


LUKE 5: 1-11.
This historical fact occurs in a difficult time, where Rome governed Israel and there were political, economic, social conflicts ... where the Lord Jesus Christ met some fishermen, specifically with Pedro who was one of the best of the moment.
Initially I want to emphasize that Pedro had been fishing since night without the instruction of Christ, when the Lord previously had already made this call. He was fishing with his means, on his own, with his ways, with his experience. God had given him a trade: fisherman. He knew the sea, he had grown on the shores of the genearet lake (also called the sea of galilea) he learned the trade of fishing and knew the lake very well. But what do you think? He had not been able to catch anything, he was fishing at that moment, by his own means, and he was trusting in his own capacity.



Brothers and friends, I want to talk to you about the full boat. But before specifying, I must conceptualize that the full boat is the first miraculous catch, performed by the Lord Jesus Christ and means: transformation. Restoration, vision, faith, obedience and subjection. Obviously in this miracle there is a great revelation about what the Lord Jesus Christ really wanted to do spiritually with these men, and there is something so great in those profound words of Jesus when he approaches Simon and says: Simon, boga offshore ! And cast your nets to fish.
There is one thing that stands out in this miracle and it is seeing that the abundance of God flowed when after a frustration Jesus Christ did in things of the second what they could not do all night, what was the difference, if they did what they were used to? do? Gentlemen was the same boat, the same lake, the same nets, the same fishermen! So, what had happened, where was the error, why had they failed?
The Lord Jesus Christ shows us that the great fishing is done when we trust in the power of his word, in his time, not in our time, as and when he tells us, and do you know what the difference was? The difference was that Jesus was with them in the boat. When you allow God to take your boat, the blessing flows, limitations fall, Cairo enters, supernatural miracles take place ...



Brothers in the midst of any adversity, the Lord Jesus makes us look to the future and use his word to activate faith in us. That is why Peter at the call of Christ says: "more in your word I will throw the network sir" than words so passionate and relevant ... there Peter was recognizing the majesty of our Lord, he was saying sir we could not by our own means, but in your name in your word I am going to cast the net, and the rite of God was unleashed, this word honored our Lord, remember that He created everything that today is constituted by the word, and by that same word Peter was also going to throw the nets, what a great thing! Faith leads us to live differently in our present, and to look at our future with hope.
Notice that Jesus says to him before: sail out to sea. That is, Peter do not stay here, go again, get up, trust, go deep ... The Lord is always willing to do the miracle, but we must be willing to row to the deep waters.


It represents one of the most beautiful miracles in the history of Jesus Christ, for the man who obeys him and gives his life, his boat to Him.
It represents a blessing without limits, it transforms and restores dreams, our vision of life, a life based on the word of God.


The full boat demonstrated the power of God, authority, which impacts Peter's heart producing a profound change when he throws the net by the word. In this miracle the rite of God was highlighted, which occurs at a specific time, for a specific place and in a specific circumstance. Peter was radically transformed and receives the design of God for his life, receives the greatest prophecy, the greatest trade: fisher of men.
It is interesting to note that the great reason why men today do not achieve success, is because they have taken Jesus out of the boat, and He wants to live in the lives of all men and women and especially in those who have received specific calls for his kingdom.
The full boat is a sign that Jesus Christ controls nature, that God knows the needs of human beings, but the most important thing is to re-establish our relationship with Him. Fill your boat, allow it to enter, be present and be Who directs it!

God bless you richly and powerfully!


This is one of the biblical experiences that I like most, it is when Peter meets the blessing of God, a blessing that left him on his knees. He fished all night and did not get anything but in the word of God he cast his net, what we can conclude that it is in the word that all things are sustained, in Jesus the verb.Nice post @ricci01

thanks @ darlenys01 very good comment, in jesus are all things supported.

Why am happy to see this post is because I thought of exactly this same thing two days ago.
Now I believe people are inspired to post in the steemchurch.
Christ being in that boat indicates so many things in our life.
The boat might indicate our life or our home, and when Christ leaves our home, or when Christ is forgotten in our home, the storm arrives like it happened in the boat.
Just like when the storm came, the people that were in the boat were trying to overcome it themselves, because they think there power could change things. Not until they chose to wake Christ up.


That’s the tittle I drew from that story.

Excellent comment @odiaprecious, without a doubt what makes the difference in our life is the presence of God!

Thanks for the fine one. Jesus was really teaching them the need to develop faith. He that has faith can definitely move mountains. It is a very fine account to learn from.

Thank you @jaff8, the faith is awesome.

This story truly demonstrated the power of God.
If the world truly and fully witnessed the power of God, all will follow him without doubting. But Christians follow him through faith in his power.

thanks for comment @dyz7

The theme of your article sparked a light in me and I remembered the different that is made when Jesus is in our lives and when he is not.but from your write-up it could be shown that faith is very important because it can move mountains

thank you for commenting, the righteous by faith will live.

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