The heart of the intercessor

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Text to ponder: Exodus 32.11-14

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The scriptures teach us that Jesus is an example of a true intercessor, He always intercedes for us, because He is the intercessor par excellence, therefore we must learn from him.
The minimum that we have to do as Christians is to approach Jesus through his timely help, we are all called to intercede, there is not a man who is so strong on this earth that he does not need to intercede before the father, Jesus is the only strong and yet he showed us that between God and the Christian there must be a relationship, there must be an intimacy.
Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the church and of each person to intercede continuously.


How is the heart of an intercessor?

The heart of an intercessor is someone who surrenders and leaves everything in place to intercede on behalf of another, someone who is filled with the love and mercy of God, someone who feels the burdens of another and intercedes with pain before the father someone that is filled with God to find his favor, is someone who knows that he must have a deep communion with God and struggle spiritually, someone who understands that the fight is with the flesh and must groan spiritually.

Did you know that praying is not the same as interceding?

Normally the person who prays always introduces a list of supplications and requests and in a certain way, it is repetitive and mechanical, however the intercessor knows spiritually that he is facing and cries with unspeakable moans as the apostle Paul said The intercessor is always at war, because he knows that his battles are fought from the spirit, and he can not fight them with carnal weapons, because he considers, as the scriptures say, that he confronts the satan himself, since he "walks like a roaring lion" looking for whom to devour.


For this reason we find in the book of Exodus the heart of an intercessor.
"Then Moses prayed in the presence of the LORD his God, and said, O Jehovah, why will your anger be kindled against your people, which you brought out of the land of Egypt with great power and with a strong hand?
Why should the Egyptians speak, saying, He brought them out for evil, to kill them in the mountains, and to destroy them from off the face of the earth? turn from the heat of your wrath, and repent of being evil against your people ... "

Moses shows disinterests, and a spirit of intercession that prevails over the destructive effects of weakness and human sin, here we look at the heart of an intercessor, a man who disposes his life to cry and puts himself in the place of another, a man willing to challenge the same world as long as God hears it.
Thus an intercessor is activated, someone who stands on the battle line to interpose himself between God and the adversities opposed to the desired purpose.

Moses intercedes for the people of Israel, a stubborn people, but he cried out for mercy, he interposed in their favor even though Moses knew that they did not deserve it.

This is the heart of an intercessor, a heart full of God's mercy to cry out


The heart of the intercessor!

The true character of Moses was revealed in the response he gave in prayer when he learned of the ingratitude and rejection of Israel, caring for the honor of God and not for his
Moses begged God not to destroy Israel, after renewing Israel's commitment to God, Moses exposed his life for theirs
Then he returned to the mountain another 40 days to receive once more the commandments of God, but Israel could not blame God for the delay in receiving the promise; his own sins had delayed the divine purposes, but these purposes were kept intact because Moses had interposed himself between the sins of Israel and the divine wrath.
Non-selfish intercession prevails over the destructive effects of human weakness and sin!


Today more than ever in the history of humanity, God is looking for men and women who are willing to stand in the gap between God and this world to intercede before Him for a more just world for all, for a nation with rulers according to the heart of God, for a Church that is always on the offensive, for a strong and united leadership.

Excellent topic @ ricci, l always learn a little more in your post of God

Good message sister. A wonderful model of intercessory prayer is found in Daniel 9, while praying for his people who had turned away from God.

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