in #steemchurch6 years ago

ISAIAH 41:10 AND 13.



Beloved brothers and friends, I want you to set your eyes today on this beautiful promise that our creator has bestowed upon us for his mercy. Let's look at the good that God communicates to us in this passage. He tells us: do not be afraid, because I am with you, do not be discouraged, because I am your God who will give you effort; I will always help you, I will always support you with the right hand of my justice. And reiterate: do not fear, I help you. It is a key verse for you to discover that God speaks to you yesterday, today and forever.
We are surrounded by problems and difficulties that overwhelm us day after day and because of this there are times when we do not feel defeated and without strength. This is an invitation from God to never feel alone or helpless. God has been, is and will always be with you. And he tells you: do not fear. I am your helper. Jehovah is our help and our deliverer. David understood this very well and said: "Though afflicted I and needy, jehovah would think of me. My help and my liberator are you; My God, do not delay. "You trusted the promises of God and do not let yourself be intimidated by a defeated enemy.

Remember those words that the Bible says in 2 Timothy 1: 7 "because God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and self-control" and in Luke 10:19 says: "Behold, I give you power to tread on snakes and scorpions, and on all the strength of the enemy, and nothing will harm you. " There are those who fight against the children of God And seek their destruction, do not return evil for evil, but wait for the time of God. Isaiah 41 11,12 says: "Behold, all who are angry with you will be ashamed and confused ; they will be like nothing and those who contend with you will perish. You will seek those who have contention with you, and you will not find it; they will be like nothing, and as a thing that is not, those who wage war against you "

The scripture says that those who are angry and war against the children of God will be ashamed, confused, they will be like nothing, they will perish, they will not be found and they will be like something that is not. If today you are going through some tribulation I tell you: Hold tightly on the hand of God and walk confidently in Him, the victory is sure, because He goes with you, He is your helper and your deliverer. We must not forget that God has promised to be with us. Wonderful to know that in times when you have problems and you are alone, hurt, hopeless and afraid. God is thinking about you, only that in many of the occasions you are not thinking about Him. Satan wants to disturb your peace and your courage by making you forget God. He knows perfectly well that all the children of God have been given authority and power against the whole kingdom of darkness.


Jesus Christ will give us victory in every situation of danger, and attack the enemy on our lives, attack our talents, gifts, envy to hurt you and remove our vision of God's purpose. Romans: 16,20 "... and the God of peace will soon crush satan under your feet ..."

In Isaiah's time, like today, there were many visible reasons that caused fear. The northern kingdom, Israel, had been eliminated by the Assyrian military might, and it seemed that Judah could not survive much longer. The people urgently needed a message of consolation and hope. Isaiah try to infuse encouragement and joy, and this is what I want through this message. Transmitirte that same spirit, so that you motivate yourself to get up and to trust in this powerful promise. For us, on this occasion, the text of Isaiah 41: 10 has a special ingredient, the presence of God. DO NOT THINK, I AM WITH YOU.

Fear has been part of our history from the beginning. For many thinkers, fear is the main cause for man not developing his skills. Fear is attributed to human defeat in every respect. However, fear is not a cause, rather it is a consequence caused by the true cause of all human problems. Fear is a consequence of sin (see Genesis 3: 8-10). Fear is an ally of our defeated enemy, and is the result of our ignorance of God, because when God is revealed to us, fear begins to escape from our life, the more we know about God, the less fear there will be, because we understand that the author of fear, is defeated, is defeated, annihilated, then we are not intimidated by someone we know has no power in the children of God. When God tells me NO THOUGHTS more than simply asking me not to let myself be intimidated by a defeated one, he is inviting me to know him more, to spend more time alone with him, to share with him, because his promise is "I am with you".

The natural consequence of fear is to faint, to faint, to stop trying, to see the bigger obstacles than they are. The Lord invites us to remember who He is. The God who can do everything. What is present Who knows everything. The God who is in control, who fills us with strength. The world is a battlefield, there are external struggles that oppress, diseases that weaken us, physical and emotional pain, material, spiritual and social needs. But the real war is inside, with our lack of faith. That is why Isaiah's wake-up call is through this promise, so that we can restore our life, because that is what God wants for us.

"Do not be dismayed because I am your God that I try hard"
If I want to have a life free of fear, full of joy, full confidence in the power of God, I must spend time to know God. The rediscovery of the majesty of God will accomplish great things in my spiritual life. It will be impossible to keep our attitudes healthy while our idea of ​​God is wrong. If we want to bring spiritual power back into our lives, we must begin to think of God in a way that comes closest to how He really is.

I will always help you.-

God accompanies each one of us, gives us the courage and help we need in the face of adverse situations in life. He will defend us and sustain us with his justice in front of those who want to harm us. It is necessary to highlight a word that gives you great relief: ALWAYS. This means that God will not only be at all times, in all places, and in all circumstances.

I will always sustain you

When we are in the midst of difficulties it is difficult to give control to God. Then when we doubt. We do not understand what happens, if we are doing everything right. We say "sir, but what happens". It is what comes to our mind. It is good that we understand that when God allows our world to collapse, it is because He is preparing to do something new in us. When he allows things to be destroyed around us, he wants me to recognize that I depend on him. I must learn to say, God is my sustenance. I depend on Him for everything. If I need food, He is bread from heaven. If I am sick, He has healing power. If I need money, "Mia is silver and Mine is gold" says jehovah. If I need company, he says "I'm with you"

With the right hand of my justice.

Finally, I want to meditate on the last line of the text. The right hand of my justice. The justice of God is a deep issue, difficult to understand because of limited human capacity. For us justice has a less personal connotation. We see it as a legal concept, and we do not attribute to it the personal element, so perceptible in revelation. Justice is a natural manifestation of God. It is difficult for us to understand how God is just and at the same time merciful. God's compassion flows from his goodness, and kindness without justice is not kindness. God forgives us, because it is good, but it could not be good if it were not fair. Human mercy, in God's sight, is injustice. True mercy pays the price, but human mercy is an atrophied mercy. We can feel happy, for what he has to sustain us is not human justice. It is the justice of God. It is the mercy of a just God, pious and loving.

When Isaiah wrote this message, the people of God needed encouragement. They were about to be attacked by the enemy, and the words of the prophet were of inspiration for the people. For us, thousands of years later, the same words remind us that we are not alone. May the wonderful presence of God manifest in our favor. God wants us to remember that we are his children, that we should not fear, that he will sustain us and that the guarantee of his promises is his eternal justice. That the security of his sustenance is anchored in his omnipotence.

In this opportunity God has an invitation for each one of us. We are afraid, we have pain, we have sadness, but the words of Jesus for us is: Do not be afraid, I am with you ... in Psalm 56 David, who knew very closely the fear in his life, left us a teaching: "On the day that I fear, I trusted you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust. I will not fear. What can man do to me? If God with me is. Joshua 1: 5 "No one can meet you in all the days of your life; As I was with Moses, I will be with you; I will not leave you, nor forsake you "what God promises he fulfills. That is why we should not let anything or anyone intimidate us, let alone someone whom Jesus Christ defeated in the work of the cross. Our enemy is a defeated adversary. Victory is ours. Jesus Christ is our refuge, our sustenance, our justice.

God bless you richly and powerfully!


How wonderful to know that in those moments when you have problems and you are alone, hurt, hopeless and afraid. GOD IS THINKING ABOUT YOU, only that in many of the occasions YOU ARE NOT THINKING ABOUT HIM. Satan wants to disturb your peace and your courage by making you forget God. He knows perfectly well that all the children of God have been given authority and power against the whole kingdom of darkness.

His word is expressed in Luke 10:19 "... Behold, I give you the power to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the strength of the enemy, and nothing will harm you ..." Tremendous word of power. NOTHING WILL DAMAGE YOU. Satan can never defeat you, because Christ has already overcome him.


Beautiful and detailed Ricci message, that touches my life have been so many times in which fear has wanted to paralyze me, but perfect love casts out fear, and that perfect love is Jesus, King of Glory.

This is an invitation from God to never feel alone or helpless. God has been, is and will always be with you. And he tells you: do not fear. I am your helper. He has said he will never leave us or forsake us that a promise to us, and He always keep his word

Jesus has won all battles for us on the cross. Poverty, sickness, death and every other hindrance has been defeated on the cross. We just have to claim that victory and walk in it!

Fear of course is the reason why most Christians will not be courageous enough to take decisions, that's why the bible referenced fear not in the bible in a whole lot of situations, if the children of Isreal kept living in their fear they wouldn't have gotten to the promise land, if Peter was afraid he wouldn't have walked on water, fear is an enemy that we must vanquish In other for us to move forward.

This is truly an inspiration from the Holy spirit to members of steemchurch we should never be discourage and intimidated by a defeated enemy because with Jesus on our side we are winners

Intimidation is defined as the act of making someone afraid. Our enemy does this so that we will be unable to live healthy, joyful Christian lives that are characterised by the freedom to do what is right and good and God-pleasing, as well as the calm confidence that says

I know God will never leave me nor forsake me." Our enemy knows that when we live in fear, we will never be able to live out the abundant, purposeful life that God has for us.

Thanks for sharing, God bless you.

Jesus promised that in this world we are sure to face troubles, but we shouldn't be afraid (or intimidated) because He has overcome the world (John 16:33). Instead, we should know that attacks and testings will come, and we should prepare for them.

The enemy shall always 🙇 be conquered in all the his straight will be dissolved for only those who trust in the lord.
Only those who trust in the lord will always win in all situations. Every body must die but only those who trust in the lord will live forever.
Our concern should always be focussed on the paths of the living God and it should be directed towards doing things for those who don't have.
God has given us power to always preach his word and follow his parts which will lead us to the parts of righteousness.
We should love our self .
We should extend our live to christ because he is always there to save us from all our weakness hr is the alpha and the omega .
Come to him any time you have sinned and fine contrary to his will .
He is always ready to accept you any time

Set your mind and heart on Jesus. Look to Him and not at your enemy. Protect yourself with the armor of God (Ephesians 6). Be diligent to
memorize Scripture and know what
is true.

You can defeat the enemy of your soul by not allowing him to confuse you and instead having faith in the Lord. An unshakeable faith isn’t one that is perfect, but rather one that is
placed on the unshakeable God.

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