¡Building Youth in Sunday School!

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Hello appreciated community Welcome to my blog!

My passion is to scrutinize the scriptures and work with young people for the transformation of true freedom in Jesus Christ

Today I want to share from my heart for the whole community of steemchurch, a conclusion of a day of classes in my local church, a rural community where I perform activities as a Sunday School teacher, specifically for a long time, by the grace and mercy of God

Today has been a special day like every day that corresponds to me to exchange Biblical knowledge with the young people, the topic to be treated was selected by the same young people, where they wanted to study "integrity in youth", a topic that I had casually published as a reflection In these last days.

obviously today we are in a world where there is a crisis of morality, where the good is told that it is outdated, and what contradicts the Bible is what marks trend, is the socially accepted, however all Christians are called for God to manifest as light of this world, to make a difference, and what greater example than to invest those values in young people

I want to emphasize that the work that I have been doing with the youth of this local church has been of benefit for my personal and spiritual life.
Here I present a group of young people with whom we share today,
hahaha ... among the young I have one that has a white head, but it is not old is a 23 year old who painted gray before his time, he is very loved by all, because he possesses a beautiful talent is the "pianist of the church"and it is a privilege to have him as a student

I firmly believe those words spoken by the prophet Isaiah cited in chapter 55:11 "so shall my word be that goes out of my mouth, it shall not return to my emptiness, but it shall do what I want, and it shall be prospered in that for which I sent it "

¡I definitely believe that God is calling a youth to keep integrity!

Having said that, we began to reflect on integrity and each one of them limited his ideas, taking as a point of reference the book of Daniel, chapter 1: 1-6

I asked the reason why they took Daniel as an example, because they concluded that it seemed interesting to them that Daniel had been able to keep himself in a very hostile and complicated world of worldly life, such as the Babylon where he was taken as a slave.
Ask if it was difficult to keep oneself for God and practice integrity as a value, for the spiritual and social growth of their lives, and they concluded: "for God, nothing is impossible, when there is intimacy with the father".

Below I leave a conclusion of the theme by three of the young people with whom I had the pleasure of exchanging Biblical knowledge about the practice of "integrity".


Excellent work @ricci01, little by little the church is taking seriously the youth ministry and why not ... if in our country there are many young people. In my experience of knowing youth ministries of almost all my country, I can summarize these objectives in the following :

• Observe them in their process of maturity, strengthen them spiritually and ethically, announce the love of God, enrich their novel forms of celebration (although in some churches certain expressions of youth are still very suspicious), develop a critical attitude (evangelical) to the cultural and political events, introduce them to Jesus in a creative way and open space for participation in the church.

Congratulations sister, thank you for being a fundamental piece in the kingdom of God.

Amen @darlenys01, We must instruct through the word to young people to awaken values and motivate them to a true encounter with Jesus, Thanks for your words

Hi @ricci01! Teacher!

Your work is magnificent, preparing the Youth with the values of Christianity is fundamental to a country's good future.


Amen dear brother @emiliocabrera thank you for commenting, that's the attitude !, all the glory is for the eternal father

Continue like this, sister!

Many changes in society always occur with the participation of young people. Investing in youth is synonymous with preparing young people for these changes.

How good that work done by the church; Young people need to understand that the truth is only with God.
You look pretty and elegant in that photo with the national tricolor.

Thank you very much @nayibe, working with young people is passionate, Thanks for your comment

It is true that young people enhance your spirit, motivate you to move forward.

Sunday schools are a great help for the growth of the church, thanks to the Sunday schools, many young people reinforce their love for the Father Jesus Christ

Amen @ marcelo182, thanks for commenting

Excellent work ricci sister, promote the faith and work of God with young people is to show love to God.

Thank you very much @susanalara for commenting, you are also a young woman and appreciate your comment.
God bless you and give you wisdom in everything you undertake

What a beautiful and enriching sister ricci, to preach and strengthen the faith of the young people who are the future, is blessed by God

Amen @marialara, it is a privilege to advise and instruct young people, I also do it on a secular level, but spiritually dealing with them is priceless, thank you very much for commenting

We need to teach our young people that the Christian life is not just a question of believing, but a question of action, because today's young people look for the meaning of life and in Jesus there are answers for them, excellent work @ ricci01

Excellent work @ ricci01, God bless your ministry and as you say. "the word will not be empty", young people are the strength and the future, therefore building values in them through the gospel is great.
God bless you

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