A Prayer That Works Wonders

in #steemchurch6 years ago


"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ" (2Corinthians 10:3-5)

Praying God’s word fights the fleshly battles of life using His spiritual weapons. This gives us authority in the supernatural realm to pull down strongholds. We no longer are in agreement with darkness but agree with the light of God’s Word.

God loves to hear your voice praying His Word back to Him. Did you know that praying the Bible out loud brings spiritual breakthrough? God’s spoken Word is much more powerful than any of us realize. The Bible is absolute truth. We pray from the foundation of absolute truth. We believe it and as we pray God’s Word out loud, our faith grows.

We can kick the enemy and defeat him by speaking the Word of God. Praying the Bible out loud is powerful for spiritual breakthrough. Praying God’s Word with our lips is a dangerous weapon to Satan. He knows the power of the Word of God.

Many Christians do not realize that praying the Word out loud breaks through the enemy’s defenses. It can bring destruction to his plans and bring victory to God’s purposes. Let’s not be ignorant of the power we have in the Bible. Let’s learn to use the Word of God and speak it out loud for spiritual breakthrough. When we do, the spiritual atmosphere of entire cities can change. We can make a huge impact in our nations through praying or singing God’s Word out loud and over it. The government of God is released through our prayers.

The Word of God contains many promises about the circumstances and situations we face. Reading, proclaiming, declaring, and meditating on these promises found throughout Scripture will increase our faith. Faith comes from hearing the Word (Romans 10:17). We actually pray the Holy Spirit’s inspired words back to God. He is faithful to His Word. His promises are consistent with His character. You will be able to pray with wisdom and authority as you pray God’s promises. As we pray God’s promises out loud, we begin to understand God’s plans and agenda. Our desires fall in line with His

There are so many creative ways to pray the Word. The knowledge of this great treasure we have should cause each one of us to rejoice. It is far more valuable than silver or gold.

TODAY'S RESPONSE God’s Word is life-giving. Let’s use it daily in our prayers. Let’s learn to pray it for spiritual breakthrough.

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