in #steemchurch5 years ago

Paul is speaking to the church of Hebrews about how to inherit the promises that God has for each one, promises of healing, promise of prosperity, promises for your children, promises for your marriage, promises for your finances, promises for your family. God did not leave a vacuum, He did not leave a need without a promise, for all needs He gave promises. Paul says that there is a formula for the miracle, it is like an equation and this is faith and patience.


Everyone thinks that the only thing that is needed for the miracle is faith. No, it is not the only thing, Paul teaches that another ingredient is needed and that is patience; Without patience, the formula of inheriting the promise is not complete. Nobody waits patiently because he wants, patience is learned, and God often teaches us by force.

Psalm 40: 1: "I waited patiently for the LORD, and he bowed himself to me, and he heard my cry."

What David is saying is that prayer not only needs faith to be effective, David is saying "I prayed with faith, but I needed another ingredient for God to hear me and that ingredient when I added it to the faith, the formula worked and He heard me, it's called patience. "

Psalm 37: 7: "Be silent before the Lord, and wait patiently on Him; do not be irritated by the success of others, of those who plot evil plans. "

Do not be irritated because the other prospers, because the other is doing well and does not serve God, do not be irritated. The Bible says that they, like the green grass, will soon dry up, trust in God, do good and live in the promised land, says the Word.

Many believe that the only ingredient for a prayer to be effective is faith, when the Bible teaches us that patience is also required. Patience is the practical expression of faith. How do you show your faith? When you have patience you are expressing faith. But when you do not have patience you lack faith.

Hebrews 6: 12: "That ye be not lazy, but imitators of those who by faith and patience inherit the promises."

Many times you start praying with a lot of faith for that family member, praying for the country, praying for that business, but since you do not see it in the time you want or when you want it, you get discouraged and loose your prayer; but, haste is the death of prayer.

You have to stop, listen and pay attention to what God is talking about. It takes patience to receive the promise and to hear heaven speak with you. True faith can wait even if everything is wrong!


When we are in communion with our heavenly Father we come to know Him and we learn to wait patiently in Him, because God always has the best in mind.

Patience is a virtue. It is also a way in which the Lord gives us His blessings for us. Just as nature waits patiently for rain and dew to fall, so holy patients wait for God to pour out His blessings upon them. "Therefore, brethren, be patient until the coming of the Lord. See how the husbandman waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently until he receives the early and the latter rain. "(James 5: 7)

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