Value God
There is a praise that says: "I take my life out of anonymity, gave me a crown and royal dress, so is Jehovah exalting the little one ...", singing this weekend that praise reminded me of my origins, where I come from, what was and now I am, it made me understand that I am not as good as I sometimes pretend to be or that the things I have achieved have not been done by my own merit but that everything is God's cause.
Who were we before? Most of us were people without a sense of life, without direction, without direction, we were lost, we lived without hope, we lived bitter, full of rancor or hatred, adrift, in anonymity, sick people soul and many of the body, however despite everything we were God saw us with eyes of love, he saw in us what no one else could see, I noticed that we were valuable and he called us to forgive us and give us a true sense of life.
What were we then? We were made his children, we were accepted by Him, called to great things, restored little by little, lifted up, removed from anonymity, we were made real lineage, our life changed completely and now we are called children of God with a glorious future that awaits us.
What are we now ?, maybe people who do not value everything that God did and we live complaining about what we do not need or claiming God more than what he did for us. We are many times ungrateful children who forget where God took us out and we began to live a life full of our own desires, according to our sinful will and not according to the divine will.
It is sad when we no longer value what God did for us, when we forget where we came from, where the Lord took us from, and it is sad because it is there that we unwittingly return to the same place from where God took us, to that life without sense, aimless, disoriented, lost, and worst of all, deceiving ourselves believing that we are what we do not show.
The apostle Paul advised the Ephesians by saying: "I also ask God to make them understand clearly the great value of the hope to which they have been called, and of the salvation he has given to those who are his." Ephesians 1:18 (Translation in current language).
Today I want to invite you for a moment to reflect on:
How much are you valuing what God has done for you?
Are we really living a life that pleases God? Does my mouth really exalt it? Do my thoughts praise it? Does my behavior speak well of God? Are my plans built on his will?
Let's not forget where we come from and where we are going, that we do not forget that God has brought us to where we are and has supported us. If it were not for him we would not be here, for this reason we should live every day May our actions and our whole being glorify God and thank Him for all the good He has done in us.
Let's live each day with the sole purpose of doing his will and love him not only in word but with our testimony, that people see in us the image of Christ reflected and that with it we exalt his Name among the nations.
Let's value what God has already done in us!
"But, thanks to what Christ did for me, now I think it's not worth what I considered valuable before."
Philippians 3: 7 (Translation in current language)
Give thanks in everything; because this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)
Today we want to motivate you to stop for a moment, so we can value and appreciate the things that God has given you.
When you value the things you have, you will begin a process of recognizing and when you come to recognize you will enter into a dynamism of gratitude. and we give value to the creator.
We must value God and put him first in everything we do.
This is amazing, thanks for sharing...
Conciousness is 'god'. God is just a word created by human. Everything that exist first has to be created in conciousness. Look around you, everything you see there first has been thought through. Its easy to understand with things invented by 'human'. But its the same process with a 'being'.
Our brains are just antennas that recieve and send data into the conciousness. What you believe, no, not what you believe but what you know, without the slightest hint of doubt, is what MUST happen. Its an universal law. The word believe in itself implies a doubt. You understand what i mean?
And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
We all have access to the same conciousness. Not everyone has his own conciousness. Just everyone decides on his own what parts of conciouness he uses.
By meditation you learn to rise up or down or left or right or even directions you have not learned in the community, your frequency to access what ever you like. Most 'outside the box' conciousness seems to us like 'going mad' and thus we dont allow ourselves to dive in there because we fear this state. But infact if you are able to completely shut on all frequencies, in this moment we feel connected to everything in existance. Buddha calls this nirvana, jesus enlightenment, and so on... you better invent ur very own meaning.
In this state everything you decide must come true. In this moment the 'mouth of god' opens (its a chakra in the back of your head, like almost down your neck. You will clearly feel the thoughts comming from there and you will realize how pure these thoughts are and how they instantly(!) Manifest.
Infact everything that happens around you is created by your thoughts on some level of conciousness, but most of them not instantly cuz they are full of unpure emotions and thoughts. The pure thought that comes from a pure mind manifest instantly.