Please Bring Back Steemchurch Nigeria

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Dear Sir Knight, my name is Gift Thomas. I am a Steemchurch Nigeria Parishioner.
I have heard of your kindness and fathering from other Parishioners.

Life has been hard for me and my children, since my husband passed away February.
I found it hard to feed my kids and pay my son's school fees, because my husband's family put me through hell after his death and took all his properties.

My sons,
Laoye who is three years

And Laolu
Who is one now

Refusing to turn to prostitution, I started working as a sanitation manager in a primary school and earn just N15,000 per month($41.6) which is not s
even sufficient to cater for my family's needs.

Then I joined Steemit in June and I reached out to Adedoyinwealth, who then introduced me to Steemchurch and Steemchurch Nigeria.
And my life changed. I have made good friends like @joagawu, @roleerob, @chazzyexclusive...

Steemchurch Nigeria gave me the opportunity to share my views and experience about Christianity.
It is like and escape from the woes of life. After a long day at work, I feel at peace and encouraged to face challenges when I read posts from other Steemchurch Nigeria Parishioners.

Steemchurch Nigeria has also helped me and my family greatly by supporting my posts with upvotes from the famous mice I have heard about Sniffnscurry. We have been able to eat at least one proper meal a day.
I make stories about them and tell them to my sons at night.

On my way back from work on Tuesday, the 3rd I went into early labour and lost my baby of 7months, he was born stillborn and i had to resign from my job.

Steemchurch Nigeria is all I have left. Please don't take away our hope.
Earning on Steemit platform is hard and this development has put me back to square one-naked and defeated.

Please have compassion on us.
Thank you Sir.

Thanks to everyone for checking on me.

Please bring back Sc-n


Thank you for your story Queengift and this Knight is sorry for your loss. But this post is an example of the problem.

Your heartfelt post has now been on Steem for 13 hours at a time when many are sad about the temporary closure of the Parish. And yet there is not a single comment. No comment from your countrymen in condolence or support.

Your countrymen have turned to this Knight to support their Steemit aspirations, and this Knight gave them every opportunity to build a successful community.

Now your countrymen look for other persons to blame for this predicament - instead of looking at yourselves.

Unless the people of Nigeria can unite and support one another in community aspirations, your success in Steemit will be limited.

What makes this worse still Queengift - this post of yours was brought to my attention by a gentleman from Venezuela.

The future of the SteemChurch Nigerian Parish is uncertain. This Knight is waiting. Waiting for a leader to arise who can build the magnificent Nigerian Steemit community you should be aiming for.

I leave it with you and your countrymen to decide who this leader should be.


Hmmnnn... First of all its good to see you're seeing this @sirknight. But I think the way steemit is built with thousands of people, its not really possible for everyone to see it almost immediately its posted.

Your heartfelt post has now been on Steem for 13 hours at a time when many are sad about the temporary closure of the Parish. And yet there is not a single comment. No comment from your countrymen in condolence or support.

I'm just trying to talk about this, so it won't be like Nigerians are not caring. Me personally, I don't really stay on steemit recently because of my work, so I might not see everyone's post.

Nigerians love each other, just that not all Nigerians come together under the umbrella of Steemchurch, so I think thats why. So sorry about it though. We really sympathize with our sister and also our brethren in Venezuela... We really feel for them and we pray that the Holy Spirit will comfort her. Amen

Thank you @sirknight for your fatherly care.

It is an honour to see your reply on my post.
I am sorry I failed to mention in my post that I received calls and financial support from several Nigerians especially @Adedoyinwealth, who has been my confidant all this while.
Thank you very much for your kind consideration as we await Sc-n's comeback.

Up before 🌄 (here), with the roosters @queengift, and coming to your post, due to finding reference to me in it. Given its content, I was saddened that I was not available to reply sooner, but I am currently on my wedding anniversary getaway with my beloved lifemate.

What can I do in the limited time I have to offer? Some gentle advice and some encouragement, as our Lord leads.

First, I was pleased to see you have already received a well-written response from @sirknight, as your message was addressed to him. As I was reading your post, I was thinking to bring to your attention the way formatting in Steem works. Specifically, that we have to write it just like you see here, with the '@' symbol in front, otherwise the person(s) will have no idea of your reference to them. Fortunately, by His divine intervention, someone in Venezuela passed on your appeal to @sirknight for you!

Second, as you have referenced, @sniffnscurry (note same formatting issue here ...) do great work. I don't have any idea who this (these) person(s) is (are), but they always seem to "show up!" At just the right time. In just the right place. We all have been blessed by their tireless efforts.

Third, I will let you know I came back to your profile a few days ago, hoping to find some recent content I could promote in the @pifc community, into which I have currently chosen to invest my time and finances (story here). If you feel led to write future content, I will do what I can, as I think you have done a very good job with your content creation in the past.

With these references to Steem-related details now down and aside, I will close with that which has nothing to do with Steem. But, instead with the church universal - the body of Christ. For your sake @queengift, given the circumstances you cite here in your post, I hope you are a member of a local strong, healthy body of believers. For that, there is no substitute.

For hopefully your encouragement, I will share what our Lord opened my eyes to see on a fateful day, when I was myself in darkness and despair. On that fateful day, according to what He gave us in Psalm 118:24, my eyes were drawn to the heavens where I noted what a gloriously, beautiful day it was. Completely contrary to what I was feeling at the time. In His still small voice, He let me know He is sovereign. Full stop. Period. He never leaves us, nor forsakes us. He never fails, for He cannot. He is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore.

He will see you through this hard time in your life @queengift, if you keep your eyes on Him. I hope I will be reading about how this unfolds "in here," in the days and weeks to come. I will be praying.

Until we “meet” again, I am yours in Christ, from the other side of the world.

Your brother, @roleerob

Hebrews 10:23-25

Happy wedding anniversary brother.

, I will let you know I came back to your profile a few days ago, hoping to find some recent content I could promote in the @pifc community, into which I have currently chosen to invest my time and finances (story here). If you feel led to write future content, I will do what I can, as I think you have done a very good job with your content creation in the past.

Thank you so much. I feel so loved.
I am actually a Muslim turned Christian and joining Steemchurch and meeting amazing people like you, Adedoyinwealth and several Nigerians is the best thing that has happened to me in a while
Thank you so much brother.
I am encouraged to continue writing.

Back home this evening, pleased to find you are encouraged @queengift. And praising Him for answered prayer.

Looking forward to what you feel led to write in the future!

Until we "meet" again, all the best to you and yours!

Thank you so much brother

Haven't "seen" you in a while @queengift, so hope all is well with you and yours.

I was thinking of you this evening, since we first "met" in your looking at one of my Travelogue series of posts. Tonight, I have finished the latest - Yampa River Botanic Park.

It is about a wonderful park full of gardens. In it, I reference the Garden of Eden. It might be something you would enjoy "seeing" through my eyes.

Until "next time," I truly hope all is well with you and yours!

It's so good to hear from you brother.
I've been running around trying to raise funds for my son's school fees.
1 Steem can't buy a loaf of bread here, so I have to work harder.
I am making a post now. I'd definitely visit your blog in a few to see your amazing travel pictures☺️

So touching! I'm so sorry for your lost. I can totally relate to your post on how hard things are for you. I am from Nigeria a too, and i know most of us are not finding this economy funny. I pray God will send an helper to you. Stay strong my dear for where we are weak He is strong.

God bless you

Thank you Sister. I am encouraged

This is so touching but I hope @sirknight will hear our cries and reconsider Steemchurch Nigeria once again. Please sir, bring back sc-n we beg you

I hope so too

My dear....i feel your nurture a child in your womb and lose it close to due time. God will wipe away your tears....He promise to be a husband to the widow....He will not allow you and your children to shed tears again nor beg for bread....'He will fight for you and you only just need to hold your peace"

Thank you so much. I appreciate you all

This is so sad. I sympathize with you sister. I'm really speechless right now because thus is so deep. I pray that may God comfort you and see you through this trying time.

I am also in Nigeria and understand how things are. May God visit us in Nigeria, Venezuela and other parts of the world.

So sorry sis. Do take good care of yourself. God bless you.

Thank you my Sister

Honestly, steemchurch Nigeria is a blessing.
Sorry for the lost, but I must say, you're great woman, for not giving up on life-- and your beautiful kids.
God bless you, stay awesome!

Thank you my brother.

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