Drugs - The Official Teaching

in #steemchurch7 years ago

We at the Ecumenical Order of Christ, often get asked about the use of Marijuana and other drugs, are they acceptable to use to get high?

This is our official response: Hemp Seed Oil is highly recommended for its health benefits, while smoking of any kind is not approved of.

Quit Smoking! The fog of deception will soon clear from your temple and the Light of Christ will enter.

A glass of red wine at dinner is very beneficial to your health, 6 glasses is not.

Christ has spoken on the very topic of pharmaceutical abuse upon mankind.

The word "PHARMAKEIA" means "sorcery", and the word "pharmaceutical" is derived from.

So now, when you read about the chastisement of America in Revelation 18:23, you understand that the "sorceries/pharmakeia" mentioned in the verse, is speaking of drugs.

Revelation 18:23 “And the light of a lamp will not appear to you again, and the voice of a groom and the voice of a bride will not be heard in you again, because your merchants had been great ones of The Earth, for by your sorceries you deceived all the nations!”

Mat_6:24 No man can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one, and love the other: or he will sustain the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

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1st Corithians chapter 6 verse 19-20

Don’t you know that your body is a sanctuary of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought at a price. Therefore glorify God in your body.

It hurt when I see children involved in drugs...... Say no to drugs, let us come together and fight against Drugs

Well,Richard I quit smoking joints more then a 3years ago ( with 3 times falls in the three years when I smoke with some friends one joint ) but I still have a problem with cigarettes,so now I start to using the electronic cigarett. I found organic liquid without nicotine withCBD(cannabinol without THC)that helps me(for 8 days I smoke only4 cigarettes a day,yesterday I smoke 3 cig.)What I must do?

Replace a bad habit with a good one, you have the strength within you to overcome.

Sir thanks for this post... But what can you say about one that is addicted to drugs..... I think it will take more than the person 's willingness to break free..... Shalom

Most people are too weak on their own when it comes to breaking strong addictions, specialized help should be sort.

I love the verse you quoted at the end. So true that we cannot serve two masters.

The pharmaceutical industry has really helped make a terrible epidemic, especially in America. "PHARMAKEIA" is a serious issue and we can see the repercussions with what is happening with the serious opioid problem ongoing now. Along with many other issues. It is sad when there are so many healthy alternatives that the Earth can offer for means of healing. I've always been a sceptic and attempted to stay away from any sorts of medication, I don't like taking anything unless I know it is natural and from the Earth. As I've always said, it's sad but it seems the government's motto is "there is no money in cures..."

Drug abuse has seem to be the order of the day now, thanks for this apostle

Kids involvement in drugs just breaks my heart when i hear of it, how are we going to be the leaders of tomorrow if they dont let go of this poison

I Love this particular scripture

No man can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one, and love the other: or he will sustain the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon

First video is a classic - really hammers in some common sense.

Second video - Lord Rayel... looks like we are going to war Brother. I don't believe Lord Rayel is open to negotiation.

In the meantime all... get off the drugs and you might actually find happiness, like us men of faith.


The UN, governments, religious leaders, and News outlets have all been informed and are in the know, they want to take it to the bitter end, Armageddon.

The use of drugs in the world should be addressed before it claims more lives than it already has.

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