in #steemchurch5 years ago


That the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ to reach all nations of the world with the gospel is a real and literal spiritual battle is not in doubt. It is pertinent that the Church sees its mission as such. The persecution of every war must be based on clearly understood strategy. For victory largely depends on:

one, the quality and wisdom behind the battle strategy and

two, the ability of soldiers to implement the strategy.

A bad strategy implemented for instance will guarantee loss and endanger the lives of the soldiers. Same with a good strategy unimplemented.

A keen observation of cross-cultural missions today sadly reveals a clear departure from biblical strategy in the battle to win the nations.

a. Jesus did not send His disciples into any region He did not go. He was very strategic. He formed a partnership with the 10 missionaries as they invaded those unreached regions. Luke 10:1

b. The Church of Jerusalem backed the missionary exploits of Philip in Samaria and sent Peter and John to back the work. (Acts 8:18).
This again was strategic partnership.

c. When the Church in Antioch sent Paul and Barnabas for the mission work, there was a formidable partnership between the established Church and the missionaries on the field.

Modern Church history reveals that the Church in Europe played a great role in supporting the missionaries who brought the gospel to Africa. The result was that the missionaries had strong support base. I believe that the political and military might of Britain in the 18th and 19th centuries was a divine and strategic support base that assisted the penetration of the gospel into the hinterland of Africa.

America was raised by God in the 20th century to support missions. Today, the intensity of the battle is on.

There are thousands of unreached people groups in Africa. God is raising missionaries but there is disillusionment as to strategy. No missionary should move into enemy territory without a formidable support base. The lonely missionary with stories of woes, deprivation, and defeat is not the plan and joy of heaven, it is the failure of the Church. No man prosecutes a state war at his own expense.

What is responsible for the radical change in the pattern today? I think it is isolationist culture instead of the strategy of partnership. The metropolitan denominational Churches of today are the results of cross cultural mission work, directly or indirectly. Hence, they must be mobilized to back up frontier missionaries who are in unreached regions.

The mission agency must open up their doors and change its negative attitude to the metropolitan Church as a worldly backslidden and complacent bunch. That attitude has in my judgment done more harm than good to the cause of cross-cultural mission work because it unconsciously causes a rift where partnerships ought to be established.

This is the rift that GO YE MINISTERS NETWORK is bridging. It is the divine strategy to advance the cause of the gospel. Anything short of going back to biblical strategy for our war of missions is to endanger the lives of the soldiers on the battlefield.

Morale is the most crucial feature of a strong army when the morale of a regiment is down because of lack of basic resources due to isolation, casualties are inevitable.

That is what we are witnessing. But thank God the gates of hell shall not prevail.


Support other agencies networks God ordained to provide the bridge between frontier missionaries and the established Churches. Don’t be left out.

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