Steemchurch: The Strategy to take Lead in Career and Business

in #steemchurch6 years ago


Many persons in the world today face a major challenge to reach the top or maintaining the lead if they ever get there, I am going to be comveying the steps [carefully outlined] to attain greater height with the objective of reaching the top in your profession.

Everyone wants to succeed in their various careers or businesses but one thing they fail to do is the prior purchase of the right information and knowledge in their different areas of specialization or their various fields. Below are the various steps in strategizing to take the lead in your career.

'Knowing yourself is the beginning of wisdom'. This quote is attributed to a Greek philosopher called Socrates forget the fields used in the quote just focus on the intent which carries the meaning that knowing yourself is very important, some persons don't really know themselves or simply don't want to accept the truth of themselves.

There is this prepaid behavioural pattern that is embossed in the mind of every human and how they react with their environment though change is inevitable and constant. Considering the fact of how you relate with humans in your surroundings tells exactly who you are. There is this advantage of knowing who you are that has to do with where you are coming from, reason because if you know where you are coming from you definitely must have a defined goal or objective, that happens believe me you.

'What is that one thing you must be' is a big question that we must know and answer within, it is the first step that keeps you on the starting line to reach the top and dominate, having the vision of who you are meant to be either a lawyer, engineer, business mogul just name it or a cryptopeneur as in the case of steemit.

After coming into the consciousness of whom you are meant to be, then focus on investment on your particular field. Investing had to do with gathering, processing and analyzing of relevant information and knowledge of your field or specialization.

This is an important stage because how you live out and carry out your vision solely and critically is attached to this stage, because what you don't know you can't use neither can you recommend or apply when face with a particular situation. To come out with quality facts of knowledge and information you need to structure how they should be acquired and base learning process on praticallity rather than amassing it theoretically.

Having broad and vast knowledge gives you this notification or what I term being abreast of any kind of situation you ate dealing with from your practical acquatainces with the right knowledge. One thing you must know is that knowing something about a particular situation in detail already solves 30-40% of it.


This path has to do with certification or qualifications that are accrued and termed as necessary to your respective field or specialization, getting the required license brings easy access of practicing your profession without any form of impedance and hiccups.

Qualifying also entails getting the required skills that boosts your career effectiveness acquisition could either be formal or semi-formal which could take this format commonly seminars, study leave, solitary programs. This skills gives you an excellent approach in handling your business, which makes you extra unique with relevance to your field. For example acquisition of knowledge in Industrial archicad software qualfiies you in handling building designs that involves an industrial setting.

Getting to the top in addition also has to do with the persons surrounding you, connections are very important in the ladder of moving up successfully in business and networks are very essential to get move from one point to another point of great deal with those connections some paths in business are turned for rocky to rosy.

Endeavor to keep your connections strong which entails people around you which has to do with how you relate with them and how you see them and their relevance, being honest and straightforward with people can have a great deal of how they can recommend you or your works to other people.

A piece of advice keep them close, maintaining a healthy relationship, keeping in touch, reminding them via social media or what have you to pass a message across to them fostering a healthy link between you and them.


Leading is the final step I give to you after branding yourself with INFLUENCE which provides you incessant opportunities. Leading and passion have something to do with each other in common. They are just like a set of gear system where by passion is the driving gear and leading is the driven gear.

Channelling the appropriate force into your career, this is not forcefully achieved but it is something that goes on its own, as you possess deep passion for your career working your way to the top and leading becomes exceptionally easy, what others in your area of specialization take as a conquest to them becomes a mere thing of a child's play.

Finally I have come to a conclusion with the last step on the previous paragraph the strategy of taking the lead in your career and business which goes by the acronym IIQIL which all stands for:



Thanks for sharing this excellent writeup. God appreciates it when we work hard. Success is attainable when we put God into the picture.

Wow you are ao correct. Indeed there are steps in life you need to take to be successful and you have listed so many of them. We should not forget that our direction should be right with God because is God that giveth wisdom.
Thanks for this educative and enlightening post.

Firstly, A business Man must have an Idea on how to move his Business Forward.
Secondly, He must put God first in All he does..Matthew 6:33 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
Lastly, He must be a giver.. Most people dont see reasons for this...
But A Giver is a Receiver...
Every Business has the tendency to Fall or Rise..
Lets be Wise, and take Dominion.
Genesis 1:26 "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."
Thanks @philip98

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