in #steemchurch6 years ago

Matthew 10:22,

And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake:but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.


It is simply defined as the ability to continue doing something painful or difficult for a long period of time without complaining.

Endurance is so important in our life as a Christian because it shows our faith and stand in God. Jesus is a good example of this.

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He came to earth just like we human beings, went through birth like us but what differentiate Him from us is because He died and rose up the third day. He took our infirmities away make us a new being in Him.

Through His life time,He endures all hardships,trials and temptations and never fall or look back. Jesus knew the work He came to do so He concentrated on it,endures to the cross and after the third day,was given a crown of glory.

He also expects us to do the same,we should endure despite troubles,afflictions that weigh us down. If we only look unto Jesus and follow Him,He will also give us the crown of glory in His eternal kingdom.

In our Bible text, Jesus after calling His disciples, gather them and told them all these things. He was addressing them that they should go out to preach the gospel regardless of what they will pass through, He said they should endure and told them that "he that endures to the end shall be saved."

One thing you should know is that since you have decided to follow Jesus,you should be prepared to face whatever that comes and be able to absorb all manners of abusive words placed on you.

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Just know that you have a higher place you are going since the word cannot go without being fulfilled.

Endurance is a strong and painful decision because once you starts the journey, you must finish to the end so that you will be appreciated. "It is better not to start a journey than starting and quitting at a point and not moving forward."

Remember when you go out to preach,there are different kinds of people;

  • One who will listen to you but will not accept what you say.

  • One who will not even be interested

  • Another one will listen and also accept what you say out.

Jesus also preached but many hated His preaching and hoped to kill him oneday which they finally accomplished but they all failed later because He rose up again and took the key of death in His hands.

When you go about with the work of God,people will rise against you even your families and friends abusing you,hate you,despise you and even spit on you. But you must never look at that but endures till the end.

There are some who will want to offend you in a way just to make you fall,do not mind them but look toward the high calling of Christ,not for any sake but for the crown ahead of you.

For ye have need of patience, that,after ye have done the will of God,ye might receive the promise.(Hebrews 10:36)

Endurance is the opposite of patience, when you are patience, you are enduring the pains in order for you to take the glory ahead of you.

When we have done the will of God by enduring till the end,His promise for us is a sure thing.

James 1:2-3,

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;
Knowing this,that the trying of your faith worketh patience.

Many temptations will come around,but only be patience and pray because joy is yours. When you have patience, your faith is been tested. God is always happy when despite trials and temptations. A Christian still stand on his ground. Let's take Job as an example.

Job was a perfect man before God and was His favourite. He had so many possessions, beautiful wife and wonderful children. He still serve God with all his riches.

Then oneday, Satan was among the sons of God who came to present themselves before God.(Job 1:7-11)

After God gave Satan the go ahead,he took everything Job has but he was so patience that even when all was gone,he still stood his faith in God.

God was so happy with him,even Job refuse to curse God when his wife told him to do so(Job 2:9)

He endured all hardships and troubles that befell him but at the end,he recovered all in folds and was honoured.

We should not give up the work of God before us just because people are mocking us. The Bible had already made mention of it in Matthew 10:22,so it should not be surprising to you but endure to the end.

But let this be your say always,

I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me.(Philippians 4:13)

When Christ is in you, the hope of glory. Christ gives strength to those He assigned for His work,and once His strength is in you,Enduring the pains will not be difficult but will find the work more interesting everyday.

Romans 12:12,

Rejoicing in hope;patient in tribulations; continuing instant in prayer.

Make sure you are always praying for the strength and the enduring spirit so that you can benefit from the crown of glory at the end.

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Good to hear from you permanent, Thanks for sharing with Us!



Like the common saying, a dog who waits patiently and endures would eat the fattest bone. That goes ti us as usual, we should not be in a hurry. Allow the will of God be done.

Well said, endurance is the Christian ability to continue/ maintain your christian race, doing something painful or difficult for a long period of time without complaining just for christ sake.

Endurance makes us know that despites it tarries , it will surely come

Thanks for sharing

Warm regards


Endurance "the power of going on in spite of difficulties." Popular colloquial phrases describe it as: "Keep on keeping on." "Hang in there." "Put up with it." "Stick-to-itiveness." "Don't quit." Its synonyms are determination, perseverance, tenacity, plodding, stamina, and backbone. When endurance is used in the Bible it means "to abide under," "to bear up courageously," and "to tarry or wait."
The Bible considers endurance a priority. Paul expressed its importance in character development, "And not only that, but we also rejoice in our afflictions, because we know that affliction produces endurance, endurance produces proven character, and proven character produces hope. This hope does not disappoint, because God's love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us" (Rom. 5:3-5). The writer of Hebrews also knew that perseverance was mandatory in the pursuit of character. "For you need endurance, so that after you have done God's will, you may receive what was promised" (Heb. 10:36).

At the point when Jesus requested that the devotees go to the opposite side of the lake in a watercraft, they complied, yet an awful tempest broke out that frightened them. Jesus dozed serenely. Without a doubt he was depleted by the strenuous hours of instructing. At that point, they woke him up and He quieted the tempest. Something comparative we could state that happens these days, on the planet. It seems as though we were cruising on a ship that appears to sink on account of outer dangers. Our family, organization or church can be that vessel that sinks for what it tries to attack and suffocate those of us inside. Consequently, we have to raise a group of individuals persuaded that what is outside must not enter and harm what is inside.

It takes someone that has Christ at the center of his/her heart to really endure hardship.

Jesus Christ shows what it means to endure to the end and by accepting Him we have the grace to endure through the help of the Spirit of God.

The more we focus on where we are going to,the more we will be strengthen to carry on when faced with challenges.

Indeed endurance is also know as patience. Endurance is the ability to bear in hard condition. What are you going on in life that is pushing you down? Just endure, God time is the best. God want us be patience because Christ was patience on earth. Edurance is one of the good fruits of the spirit. If we are in christ, we should be able to endure.

Endurance is a virtue that only few possess. Impatience has robbed alot of men their rightful possession. Waiting on the Lord has never been a waste of time.

God's timing is impeccable, He is never late in any situation. Why not wait a little longer???

This is a great and wonderful message. Endurance is so important in our life as a Christian because it shows our faith and stand in God. Endurance is a strong and painful decision because once you starts the journey, you must finish to the end so that you will be appreciated. "It is better not to start a journey than starting and quitting at a point and not moving forward.
Many temptations will come around,but only be patience and pray because joy is yours. When you have patience, your faith is been tested. God is always happy when despite trials and temptations. A Christian still stand on his ground. When Christ is in you, the hope of glory. Christ gives strength to those He assigned for His work,and once His strength is in you,Enduring the pains will not be difficult but will find the work more interesting everyday. Endurance is the opposite of patience, when you are patience, you are enduring the pains in order for you to take the glory ahead of you. When we have done the will of God by enduring till the end,His promise for us is a sure thing. Thanks for sharing

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