Go back to your full judgment

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Go back to your full judgment


"They come to Jesus, and they see him who had been tormented by the devil, and who had had the legion, seated, clothed, and in his right judgment ..."

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When God works in your life, He does it in calmness. He brings peace to your life. All hell can be thrown at you, but you will sit comfortably and whistle.

This man with an unclean spirit sat quietly at the feet of Jesus after his release. He had been screaming and delirious, wandering the mountains and among the tombs, without rest in his external actions, as he had always been in his inner being. After being released by Jesus, he knew the peace that only God can give.

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This man was now dressed, and not naked as times gone by. The Bible tells us that those who overcome the enemy "wore white robes". They will be in the eyes of God as if they had never sinned. Peter tells us that we should be "clothed with humility", completely submitted to God so that we listen to what God wants us to hear. See what God wants us to look at, and say what God wants us to express (Revelation 3: 5 and Peter 5: 5).

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Have you thought about the fact that this man, once freed and forgiven by Jesus, remained as if he had never been under the influence of the power of a demon called a legion? It was as if he had never walked with chains hanging from his arms and legs, wounding himself with stones and living in the cemetery. He was dressed in justice. God saw him only as someone forgiven.

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I no longer had a "past" before God, only a bright future.
The security of forgiveness is what gives man a sense of peace. When you truly know that you have been forgiven, you feel that calm that is born of truth, a peace that is born of security. Paul described this to the Philippians as a "peace that surpasses all understanding" (Philippians 4: 7).

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All the men I know need this kind of peace. You can not be the head of your home and a hysterical person at the same time. You can not collapse because your wife collapses. You can not lose serenity because your children lose it. Someone must maintain their judgment and tell them "let's get out of this difficulty". As a priest of your home, you are called to be a stabilizing and protective force in your home. When you walk through the front door of your house, everyone in your family should feel safe. You have been called by God to have a "clear and pure mind and feel". "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 2: 5).

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Having this mind and feeling means being aware of your responsibilities and accepting them.
I know several men who allow their wives to take charge of the family's tension, including the anxiety that the administration of finances produces, the concern of the spiritual life of each family member, and to take care of the provision of the family. That is not the role that she should play. You and your wife should share the responsibility of the children and work together to make a plan for the family. It is like an act of cowardice that a man tells his children every time they ask him to make a decision, "go, ask mom."

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Can you answer these questions about your children?
Where are your children?
What time do they go to school?
What time do you get home?
Where are they in the afternoon?
What time do you return home?

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You should know!
Having this mind and feeling clear and pure means being responsible for providing for your family. I can not see at all that there is an excuse for a man not to have a job. If there is no job available in your community appropriate for your educational level, look for a job that is below your academic level and meet until a better opportunity presents itself. If the work is not illegal, and it is not a sin, do it. Take a shovel and open a trench if you have to. You could say to me: "Brother, have you ever done that? Yes I do. I had to dig ditches until my hands were blistered, so I could earn $ 10 to buy the food for the girls for the following week.

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While I am at home, I am responsible for providing for all household needs.
If you can not provide everything you want for your family, do what you can. You do not know everything, but you can find someone to teach your children the things they should know. You may not fully understand the bible, but you can take your children to church, to Sunday school or to the youth group where they can learn from the Bible, experience the power of God and learn how to apply the truth of God in their lives. You may not know everything about prayer, but you can pray with your children with humility of heart and a love that expresses volumes.
Ask the Lord to transform you through the renewing of your mind (Romans 12: 2). The Lord Jesus Christ is your healer

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Ask God to give you today, a clear, pure, and correct mind


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