The Concept Of Beatitudes | In Anticipation Of Our Dearly Beloved Steemchurch Smart Media Tokens

The Concept Of Beatitudes | In Anticipation Of Our Dearly Beloved Steemchurch Smart Media Tokens

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Hello to all steemchurch Parishioners;


Everyday, I get up from my bed since the announcement of Steemchurch Smart Media Tokens, one thing comes to my beautiful mind and it's a prayer for our Generous leader @Sirknight for the giant and incredible step he has taken to ensure that he makes the steemchurch Parishioners cheerful and happier, weathier, important...etc.

For someone who is known as "A STRATEGIC GENIUS", I wasn't shocked when our dear founder Announced that the name of our dearly beloved SMT's will be "BEATITUDES" as he is known for bringing community oriented and Christlike concepts .

Another thing we should understand is that the Steemchurch Smart media Tokens will be different from every other one and it's because it's our Knights own way of handling it. He is embarking on this project to bless all faithful and hard-working Parishioners who have contributed one way or the other through thick and thin for the development of this glorious community. Having exposed all these, I will love to ask ?.. "How can someone be more generous than this?". If you agree with me, then of course SirKnight deserves an accolade.

Lets quickly head to the topic before us "The Concept of Beatitudes".

The Concept Of Beatitudes

On the Sermon on the mount, our dearly beloved Christ and Saviour of mankind did give us 8 beatitudes which were designed to be blessing to us all in the book of Mathew.

However recall that before Mathew, Jesus Christ's coming had been earlier talked about in the old testament. Nonetheless, Mathew's gospel pointed the radar that the saviour talked about in the old testament was Jesus Christ of Nazareth and that He was sent to rescue all men from the bondage of sin.

If you read the scripture very well, you will discover that the teaching and preachings of Jesus Christ were as easy as ABC. They were very easy to understand and in most cases, he spoke using stories and considering the times at which Jesus was on Earth, you will agree with me that Jesus was quite very creative and different in the way he taught.

In contrast to the mandate handed to Moses on the old testament on Mount Sinai pertaining to the 10 commandments which mostly consisted of commands and do's and don'ts , The one Jesus handed over to us in the new testament where the Beatitudes and they were designed to make our lives more prosperous . Jesus's message is a complete embodiment of purity, love and Humility.

Most assuredly as Christian's, if we decide to follow Jesus which is not going to be an easy task by the way, we will definitely get our rewards in the long run. The beatitudes represents the salvation for us Christian's and promises us hope, joy, peace ,love and many other good things of life.

For the records, Beautitudes means having something that is precious and that is of extreme value. I mean, who doesn't want to have that?. Now lets quickly take a look at the Beautitudes.

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven

Poor as used here doesn't denote wealth but denotes humility and tries to eliminate any strand of pride in any individual. The kingdom of God or those that will reap the benefits are not for those who do eye service but for those who truly deserve it. It denotes that you are aware just like our Knight @Sirknight that all you have is from God. We can confidently say that @Sirknight is poor in spirit and of course we arent wrong as it is clearly evident of how he has brought himself down to our level and act as a father we can communicate to.

Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

Humility makes us remain grateful for all our possessions and makes recognize that all the benefits we are enjoying comes from God. Nonetheless we must quickly note that mourning as used here doesn't really mean crying but blessing as lamenting over the nature which we have given away brings makes us to straighten our paths. Likewise, even when we mourn , the Holyspirit is always there to comfort us.

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth

Looking at the life of Jesus, we can vividly say He was humble and meek. Once we show a humble heart and we remain faithful to God, we remain fearless even in the face of adversity. Once we show this character, we will enjoy peace available.

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied

When we hunger and thirst for righteousness, we will definitely be justified and enjoy the seal of righteouness placed on us by God.

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy

Our God is a very merciful God and as such we are expected to show this disposition so as to enable us enjoy the blessings of God.

Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God

When you don't hold grudges or evil intentions against your friends and neighbors, then this will lead you to do the right thing always and ultimately will be rewarded with seeing God's face.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God

We naturally as children of God supposed to be peace ambassadors. Several Christian's nowadays don't have this virtue and it is very important to possess it. You need God's love to fill your heart and mind, souls and spirit.

Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven

Jesus has already made it clear from inception that the race will not be an easy one. A Christian will pass through several persecution but when he/she is patient enough to overcome, you will have a bountiful reward.


It is a period of jubilation and exciting times ahead in the coming days when we will wake and just see that we have blessed with the precious steemchurch Beautitudes. My advice is that you keep giving quality and keep contributing positively to the growth of this platform.

Finally, we should always learn to remember our leader @Sirknight in our prayers. We pray for more wisdom for him and pray that anything he ventures into will be success.

Stay blessed.


Great Beatitudes summation Apostle Owoblow - and thanks for the kind comments on generosity.

And yes... the meek will inherit the Earth and the righteous will be satisfied.

Believe this Knight when he says he feels like Santa at the moment.

'He's making a list; he's checking it twice.'

Those who contribute to SteemChurch in this time of drought will surely be favoured in blessings.

Thanks @sniffnscurry as well as our dear Sirknight
These are really trying times and some people have decided to still stick with us
Any reward they get of it is fully deserved

I love your statement, "those who contribute to steemchurch in this time of drought will surely be favoured in blessing." Very inspirational!!!

It's so thoughtful of SirKnight to have deemed it fit to call the Steemchurch SMT- "The Beatitudes"...
And again, I must say this is a nice post. But this line struck me more than any other part:

The kingdom of God or those that will reap the benefits are not for those who do eye service but for those who truly deserve it.

Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for the wonderful tribute towards our highly anticipated Steemchurch Smart Media Tokens

Apostle acknowledged


My dear....@sirknight is one of a kind, selfless, compassionate fellow....he is a blessing to all and sundry.....
May God enrich, bless, honour him....*"with long life, peace will God satisfy him.

Absolutely @joagwu

He is a rare gem and he deserves an award

Thanks for your contribution


The beautitudes was the best sermon on the mount, and it's meaning and beauty was one of the most symbolic message of Jesus, that's why I feel it's really significant for steemchurch coming SMT.

Thanks for always coming around with your contributions


I am anxious that the Beatitudes arrive, thank you for this post that clarifies many things apostol.

Thank you for the words and enlightment. The Beautitude is a blessing to us all that has contributed to #STEEMCHURCH one way or the other. Sirkinght deserves some accolades.

He truly deserves an award for all his kind deeds and his steps into making humanity better

Thanks for stopping


Good message The best way to honor a Leader is to imitate what He is. The church and the world need more people like Sirknight. Blessings

This ideas of the smt beatitude is really a nice one. May God continue to bless our leader @sirknight for his good heart and he's concern towards humanity.

Thanks for your contribution mate

Our prayers will reach him wherever he is.

Thanks for stopping by


Good teaching provided by the beatitudes of Jesus.

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