The Circle Of Life

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Hello steemians and welcome to a topic I have tagged the "The Circle Of Life". I have discovered that several persons or beings go through this circle round and around and sometimes it may or may not end well. I was pondering about this circle in my quite time and I came out with the below.

Too Young

At this stage of life, we are still very young and really don't know anything about life. We only care about eating , playing and crying. At this stage you are not even able to walk, you move by the help of people from place to place or even just manage to crawl around. Nothing really concerns us.

Too Carefree

The carefree stage is a stage where we really do that have any problems or worries at all. We have no anxiety at this stage or circle of life. Here you are still young but may be able to walk around.

Too Self Confident

At this stage we are already in school and already learning alot about life. We are enthusiastic about everything and very confident too.

Too happy

At this stage we are very happy, it could be that we just had a major breakthrough in life like marriage and other things.

Too Busy

Yea , you are married and of course you have to provide for the growing family, you work day in day out, you hardly have time for yourself. You begin to realise that you are not living for yourself but for others.

Too Worried

At this point in your life, when the pressure is really becoming too much, you begin to worry too much about your family and even yourself as you don't even know when you will leave all of the hustle and bustle and finally go to rest

Too Old

Yea, now you have worked and all your bones are already feeling the effects of the work. The only thing you can do at this point is take a walk round the park or your garden, admire nature as you are getting ready to leave the earth

Too Late

At this stage , you are done with everything that has to do with this world and people are either celebrating you or mourning for you. This will depend on how you have lived your life.

However, the life that is spend for God and with God is always a fulfilled life. Therefore , let's strive to always put God first in whatever we do. Directions are easy for us to take when God is the one driving us.

Thanks for reading



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When it come to the circle of life this Knight has always been drawn to this...

Enjoy Brother.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hello Sirknight
Thanks For Coming around
The video isnt available


Signed @jeaniepearl

Thanks @wafrica
It encourages me to do more

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