Reasons Why Praising God Through Singing Matters

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Hello to all Steemchurch parishioners . Peace be unto you. Today, I will unveil to you some reasons why praising God through Singing Matters. It is no longer new that God is the creator of this Earth and everything that is in it. He giveth life, He taketh, The morning and Night is His creation, the birds in the air, He feeds them.... And so, He commands huge respect and for Him to do more for you, you need to appreciate Him. Bringing it down a bit, how many of you wake up every morning and dedicate few hours or minutes as the case maybe to appreciate God and sing praises to Him for the things He gas done and for the one He is yet to do?. If we want to move God to do more than we expect, we must first and foremost appreciate Him and sing praises unto His holy name. Paradventure you are not convinced with the reason I just stated, below are some reasons why you should give God praises through singing

Reasons Why Praising God Through Singing Matters

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Firstly, praising God through Singing Matters because it gives you strength when you are passing through tribulations. Remember that scripture which ultimately turned to a song about Paul and Silas?. Yea, Paul and Silas were imprisoned and they prayed and sang and the Holyghost came to set them free. That's how powerful praising God through Singing does. Several people are usually of the notion that singing only comes to play when you are joyous and the Lord does something incredible in your life. I stand to debunk it. Praising God through Singing moves the Hand of God to show in that situation or tribulation you are currently passing through. If you have been praying and it's not working, oh , why not carry your trumpet or flute or tambourine and begin to sing. You will quickly discover that in no distant time, after rigorously giving God praise, that your burden has become light or has been lifted. Trust me, it has happened before, it is still happening and it will continue to work. Praising God through songs opens the heavens to come to your aid when you need them.

Secondly, praising God through Singing as noted in the Bible is something we must do. Yea, I mean that it is actually a command. Collosians chapter 3 vs 16 says thus;

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God

Yea praising God is what we are made to do and the best way to do it is through teaching and admonishment of each other through Singing hyms and Psalms according to the scriptures above. This means that when we continue in the art of singing and praising God, we are doing that which God has commanded us to do and ultimately doing His will.

Thirdly, praising God through Singing Matters because, it helps to impact growth on others. Trust me, singing to God is like a strong perfume whose fragrance can be contacted. When you praise God through Singing, you unveil the wondrous works of Jesus and His promises which never fail. Trust me , if I am an unbeliever passing by or maybe of the same faith but not one that believes strongly in God, my faith will be strenghtened. It will ordinarily amaze me if am an unbeliever that there is something I can put all my strenght and Joy and hope on. The Bible even says in Ephesians 5 vs 19 that;

Addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs

This means that we can actually admonish each other through Singing hyms to God and praising Him earnestly. Likewise, praising God makes God arise and fight your battles for you. A gospel artist once said that if you are not grateful to God, then you are no better than a great fool. When God sees that you are greatly, He is naturally moved to come help you defeat the devil and destroy his plans in your life.

I hope with this few points of mine, you have been convinced on what singing can do and why it matters. Please do go and start singing.

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PS......Do not only start singing praises and hyms to God only when you are happy and joyous but in every situation you are going through and if you do this genuinely, God will show forth His mighty hand.

Thanks for reading



Thanks for sharing with SteemChurch our dear apostle. Steem Church Musicals is definitely a part of SteemChurch that shows we appreciate this form of worship. Have a blessed day!

Upvoted & Resteemed

It's definitely a part of worship. From time immemorial Angels in the heavens have been using their voices to praise our beloved God. It is a privilege to participate in this form of worship. Any talent we have was given to us by God, it shows wisdom when we use such talents to serve him.

this is amazing brother Owolabi,God loves music and praises rendered unto him, that's why we have a host of angels rendering praises unto him.
In times of difficulties, when we praise God, it's like a key to open heaven, and doing this, it's like we're calling on God to move quickly in our situations.

Singing is an habit we must develop to worship God judiciously it is a wonderful thing to praise the name of God with that habit.Howbeit praises is the only thing that God wants from us.
Believers should develop the nature of singing with Thanksgiving or adoration.There is this scripture that says God inhabits the praises of his people.During praising God some people are only moved to connect maybe probably because their favorite song was raised by the praise leader they respond with much joy,no praising God is actually far more than that it is far more than the gyration that accompanies the song but the message behind it that affects our lives.
Also since God loves music,when we praise him from our spirit the heavens are opened on our lives to receive different kind of good things in bulk. Some people has this misinterpretation that unless they have been bless with material possessions they have no cause to sing unto God with the aim of gloryfying him,that's so wrong. In Matthew 6 verses 24 or thereabout was speaking on the context of one great testimony we have to share which is us to keep us praising God for wrothing such wonderful thing for us which is our lives and body this scripture actually entails in detail that our body is much more than materialistic raiment and our lives is more than comfort we crave for.
If you praise God even when it seems you have no course to do that,imagine how he will bless you for that you have done, he will say I have given him so little he glorifieth much howbeit I give him my much.

Yea,this is amazing and great,it's important to always praise God ,he is tge reason we live and exist,we are born because of his will and purpose and praising God is a way to honour our Father,Psalms 9:1 I will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works. Psalms 9:2 I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High. Psalms 9:11 Sing praises to the LORD, which dwelleth in Zion: declare among the people his doings.

Praising God through song is my favourite way of adoring the Father because I get to sing all the beautiful ways he is everything to me.

I really enjoyed this part of your message "PS......Do not only start singing praises and hyms to God only when you are happy and joyous but in every situation you are going through and if you do this genuinely, God will show forth His mighty hand"

It's good to praise God always
That's for reminding us about reasons you we should actually praise God .
Being alive alone is enough reason to praise God

This town I created for myself; my praises will be published.
Isaiah 43:21 We were designed to praise God ... Everything that breathes must praise God. Have you seen the birds sing? they are an example, they dawn singing to the Creator. Santo Santo Santo Is The Lord.

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