Praising The Lord (Part 2)

In my first part of this topic I did talk about what praising Someone means and extensively looked at what Praising God means. If you have not read you can still look it right here.

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We should praise God expressively, honestly, faithfully and wholly. We must consider His personality and special works for us, which automatically draws soulful praise to Him. That was what Moses did for the victory at the red sea and so prompted to sing that "there is no god like the Lord God". It was so with Hannah such that among others ], she volunteered, "there is none holy li,e the Lord, there is none besides Him and there is no rock like our God". When we are gripped in such euphoric state, we let go of all things, including our problems and then give quality praises to God. Indeed, if you priaise your God highly; if you hold HHim in high admiration, you can properly praise Him. We can do this praise in the following ways;


103 Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name

Psalm 103 vs 1.

Praise should be activated from the spirit or the inner being of the individual


9 I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works.

Psalm 9 vs 1

Praise should be done completely; sincerely, enthusiastically and with determination. It should not be done doubtfully or in uncertainty.


Praises should be done with joy and gladness so that it can arouse the interest of the one being praised.


Praises should be given to God with thanksgiving. We must show gratitude by reflecting on the very purpose of the praise - the work that God did.

With Musical Instruments

We should accompany our praises with musical instruments; even our palms to make it joyful.

In Songs

We houkd praise God in songs. Songs give expression to intention.

In Offering

It should involve a sacrifice, such as money that attests honestly to our gratitude.

In Worship

It should be worship oriented and give reverence to God.

In Fruit Bearing

When we make disciples of others and so bear fruit, we attest to our appreciation of the saving sacrifice in the death of Christ on the crosss, which is then not in vain. He died that much fruits would come thriugh us.

By Living Consecrated Life

We should live in appreciation of the fact that we were purchased with the price of Christ's blood. We should therefore glorify God in our body.

By Declaring His Good Ness and Doing Good Works

We should forget to declare what good God has done for us. We should similarly draw praises from people to God by the good we do for them.

By Spiritual Unity

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We should live in oneness as expected by the Lord Jesus and so glorify God together woth one voice.

When Can We praise God

  1. In The Morning according to Psalm 92 vs 1-2 which says;

It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O Most High:
To shew forth thy lovingkindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night,

  1. In The Midnight as seen in the scripture above
  1. Continually

By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.

Hebrew 13 vs 15.

The Power Of Praise As Seen In The Scriptures

Praise delights God and motivates Him to greater favourable action. Whenever man's action fails in line with the will of God, Success and victory are assured because it is impossible that God should lie or fail. For example,

  • 2 Chronicles 5 vs 13 and 14
    When Solomon finished building the house of the Lord, he proceeded to remove the Ark of the Lord from the tent in zion to the temple. In appreciation to the lord he gave thanks with the offering of sacrifices. Then praises were raised with musical instruments and songs, which brought down the glory of God so mightily that the priest could not minister again. Praise brought down the glory of God.
  • 2 Chronicles 20 vs 21-23
    When faced with possible annihilation by three conspiring nations, and assured of God's own involvement, King Jehoshaphat and all Israel began to thank and praise God such that He set an ambush against the three nations and so gave victory to Israel without a fight.
  • Acts 16 vs 25, 26
    When Paul and Silas were unjustifiably assaulted and imprisoned in Philippi, they began to sing praises to the Lord rather than complain. Suddenly God responded with a grat earthquake which shook the foundations of the prison and flung the prison doors for their freedom.
  • Acts 16 vs 33
    As a result of God's action from the praise, the jailer and his household were instantly converted. It was a much unexpected breakthrough in evangelism.

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We should praise God by demonstrating it faithfully, honestly and wholly. A reflection on God's goodness facilitates and draws praise from the soul. Praise is powerful because it delights God and motivates Him to act favourably. We may praise God anytime and anywhere. May our praise motivate God to respond favourably to our situations. Let us continue to build up ourselves in the act of praising God, regardless of our situations/circumstances and environment. Indeed our God inhabits the praise of His people. Our wholehearted praises can bring down God's glory in our meetings.

Thanks for Reading



We should praise God by demonstrating it faithfully, honestly and wholly. A reflection on God's goodness facilitates and draws praise from the soul.

Thanks for sharing this

A well written post especially "We should praise God by demonstrating it faithfully, honestly and wholly. A reflection on God's goodness facilitates and draws praise from the soul. Praise is powerful because it delights God and motivates Him to act favourably. We may praise God anytime and anywhere. May our praise motivate God to respond favourably to our situations. Let us continue to build up ourselves in the act of praising God, regardless of our situations/circumstances and environment. Indeed our God inhabits the praise of His people. Our wholehearted praises can bring down God's glory in our meetings"

What an amazing post I've read brother OS the psalmist did praise God with voice and musical instruments, but like you said we can praise God in many ways and with our offering our lifestyle, and even with everything we do as a Christians.

We must always make sure that in everything we do, it should be an avenue, with which we praise God.

I followed up from your previous post ,and they are both detailed and extensive, alot of research done here apostle, from how to praise God(joyfully, thankfully,wholeheartedly) to ways to praise God(with instruments,songs etc) to what praises can do(promotes success and victories etc)..i enjoyed reading it!

Praising God is not a feeling. Praising God is a conscious activity. We praise Him by thoughtfully extolling His goodness, His greatness, His majesty, His love, His grace, His mighty deeds on our behalf, etc. Thanks

Praising God should have no time limit its something done everytime for God dwells inour presence steadily,thank @os for the wonderful lecture.

I read praising the Lord part 1, it's nice reading part 2.
I must say reading this inspires me...
I love this:

Acts 16 vs 25, 26

Praising God can set us free from bondage.
Thanks for sharing

Thank you for this article. God bless you for the insight

Really good! Praised be the Lord! Thanks for sharing. God bless

It is good to Praise the Lord always, nice post Apostle @owoblow-steemit

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