How Your Ordinary Life Can Make An Extraordinary Impact On The World

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Hello fellow steemchurch Parishioners and welcome today to a topic I have tagged "How Your Ordinary Life Can Make An Extraordinary Impact On The World". Some days back, I did talk about the topic "What you are doing in life that's making a difference" and a lot of people asked some questions both online and offline on how they can make impact when they really don't obviously have enough finances to propel the change they crave for. They where of the opinion that before you can meaningful pact in the world, you've got to just have resources to do it.

Anyway, my first point of call still remains that the problems in this life are too many to handle by one single individual. You have to take them one after the other. Look for the one you can solve and fix it with the whole of your heart till you are satisfied. Not every problem can be handled by a rich man. There is a limit to what money can handle. There is no point thinking that you are useless because you don't have finances. God did not create us as empty vessels and certainly you need not think in that direction.

We are problem solvers as children of God who He has found worthy to call out of darkness into His marvelous light. We are a compendium of ideas. You may not have money but you sure have the significant means to make meaningful impact in the world from where you are sitting or standing or eating from right now. All you need do is think, pick a problem that will certainly not weigh you down and get to solving it.

You may be wondering and ask on how to go about this and the answers are not farfetched. Take a look at our beautiful apostle @darlenys. It is obvious to the blind that through her, a lot of impact has been made in her country and she has tailored it into making sure that each and everyone benefits from it. How is she doing it. She is able to succeed in that endeavor because she has totally out become dependent on God. There is hardly anything you cant achieve when you rely on your maker except if He doesn't want you to have it because of His plan for you. Little by little, you see that He begins to use you significantly to make changes that will be evident in the life of individuals.

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Having said that, it is of high importance we come to realise that you don't need to be a cast in avengers to meet the needs of individuals of the society. All you need is the love of God and the heart that is willing to help. Therefore there is need to move your focus away from doing those big big things and shower God's love on people. A whole lot of people are depressed and you can counsel, why not head to doing it. A whole lot of people are suffering from the fact that they do not have access to the love of God, so why not show it to them. A whole lot of individual are facing health issues and you are a medical personnel, why not volunteer. The list goes on and on and on but what important is that you realise that you are designed to be an encouragement to someone. You are not born empty.

Now, do need a big plan to make work?? No you don't really have to go searching for a plan. Just access what God has been doing in your life , what He is about to do and ways you can draw energy to help people. Once you have the love of God shared abroad in your heart, you just see things happening the way you plan just like Smart Media Tokens.

Another very key thing you need to find out is what God actually want you to do. What is your purpose in life, what is your passion. You may never realize this if you don't draw close to God but once He has helped you achieve this, that's just about all you need to get started. Go to the world and make impact.

You don't really need to be a Superhero before you can make significant impact in this world......Go tackle problems one at a time.

Thanks for reading


When you speak of impact you speak of men that has every reason to be seclusive, yet they sacrificed their comfort zone to make other lives better.

You don't need to have all the resources in the world to make an impact. You don't need to know the person to make an impact, you don't even need to expect anything in return, just like @sirknight who stunned me with his SMT launching declarations. What a sacrifice.

Impact is a selfless act towards grooming someone to becoming a better person, without expecting anything in return.

What impact do you have for your generation?

Always ask of what to give and not what to get...

Yea,this is so true,we can make a difference with our life,everyone was born with a gift and talent to make impact,and we have to bring our talent and gift and master them and use it to fulfill God's purpose for life.
Everyone was born to make a difference in life.

This is a topic full of insight. I love this write-up by apostle @owoblow-steemit. Jesus Christ lived a life that has made the most profound difference any life could make! He died for all of humanity in order for their individual sins to be forgiven. What if He had not shown immense love, and patience and forgiveness toward us? Our lives would not be changed. We would have no way out of our lives of sin and spiritual darkness. And what about us? Are we trying to live a life that will make a difference in the lives of others? This is certainly a godly goal. Living this kind of life is not about preaching to others or trying to control them. It is about living a godly life as an example to others.

This is a point stacked with learning. I appreciate this audit by @owoblow-steemit. Jesus Christ went ahead with a presence that has had the most critical impact any life could make! He kicked the basin for all of mankind all together for their individual sins to be pardoned. Envision a situation in which He had not demonstrated colossal love, and resilience and absolving toward us. Our lives would not be changed. We would have zero chance to escape our lives of bad behavior and powerful obscurity. Besides, shouldn't something be said in regards to us? Is it precise to state that we are trying to go ahead with a presence that will have any sort of impact in the lives of others? This is verifiably a highminded objective. Going ahead with this kind of life isn't tied in with addressing others or endeavoring to control them. It is tied in with continuing with a veritable life for example to others.

This is a point loaded with knowledge. I cherish this review by @owoblow-steemit. Jesus Christ carried on with an existence that has had the most significant effect any life could make! He kicked the bucket for all of humankind all together for their individual sins to be excused. Imagine a scenario in which He had not indicated tremendous love, and tolerance and pardoning toward us. Our lives would not be changed. We would have no chance to get out of our lives of wrongdoing and otherworldly dimness. Furthermore, shouldn't something be said about us? Is it accurate to say that we are endeavoring to carry on with an existence that will have any kind of effect in the lives of others? This is unquestionably a virtuous objective. Carrying on with this sort of life isn't tied in with lecturing others or attempting to control them. It is tied in with carrying on with a genuine life for instance to others.

When you discuss affect you talk about men that has each motivation to be seclusive, yet they yielded their customary range of familiarity to improve different lives.

You don't need every one of the assets on the planet to have an effect. You don't have to know the individual to have an effect, you don't have to expect anything consequently, much the same as @sirknight who staggered me with his SMT propelling assertions. What a forfeit.

Effect is a caring demonstration towards prepping somebody to improving as a man, without expecting anything consequently.

What affect do you have for your age?

Continuously request that of what give and not what to ge

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