"The Parable Series" - #1: The Parable Of The Talents

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

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Hello brothers and sisters of the steemchurch! This post ushers the first in a series of parables that our saviour shared while he was on the earth. I'm going to be speaking on each and every one of them in what i titled:

"The Parable Series."

They are not arranged in any particular order. The first however that i'm going to be speaking about is that of
The Parable Of The Talents.

Matt 25:14-30 tells us about "The Parable Of The Talents"


"An earthly story with a heavenly meaning"

In this story, Jesus tells of a master who when travelling to a far country, gave his goods to his servants in the form of talents, some he gave 5 talents, others he gave 2, and to one he gave 1 talent, according to their ability.

Those that he gave the highest number of talents decided that they would try and make profit for their master while he was away, they felt it wouldn't be proper to return back to him the same as he had given them. These people had worked with their master and knew him to be someone who was business oriented, they had studied him closely and in their service to him had learned some of his tricks of trade and decide to make use of that knowledge.


They traded their five talents and they gained an extra five, they had made some profit all on their own! Likewise did the other servants which he gave two talents to, trade. They also made 100% ROI and had two extra talents to their name. These servants had made effective use of what was given them to create wealth. This was however not the case for the servant who was given one talent. The master in giving him one talent had evaluated his ability to handle a large volume of goods and decided that he wasn't quite ready for the big stuff. This was a test of the servant's capacity and success on the part of this servant would definitely earn his master's trust and place him in a better position among the servants than he currently was.

This servant however failed his test completely, in verse 18 of that scripture, the Bible records that:

But he that had received one went and dug in the earth, and hid his lord's money.


The servant thought it very wise of him to hide that talent, so that he wouldn't lose it and even though he saw others getting involved in their trade, he was too afraid to risk it.
The master came back from his trip and called to his presence all his servants and one by one, they presented themselves before him and gave account of their work. To those which he gave five talents, he congratulated, promoted and made them rulers over bigger things, the same thing he did to those whom he had given two, they were all promoted. Now let's see what happens to the one who hid his talent in vs 28-29:

28. Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which had ten talents

29. For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.

The talent was taken away from him and if you read further on to vs. 30, it is recorded that he was cast into outer darkness.

This parable tells us that God has deposited something in each and every one of us that is capable of taking us higher in the world, He is our creator, He knows our abilities and to that extent He has given us talents or in other words gifts which he expects us to make use of and in doing so employ His wisdom in order to turn in profit! God has given unto us in various numbers and types, according to our abilities and this story tell us to focus on that which we have been given and not look to others who may have been given more to be envious of them. God knows best.

This parable also tells us that you cannot use the fact that someone was better empowered than you as an excuse for doing nothing with what you have been given and also, there is something really bad that will happen to those who do not make use of their talents, the bible says that it will be taken from them and given to those who have done something with theirs. So, Dear steemchurch parishioners, God has given each and everyone of us the ability to make something of ourselves, some of us know what our talents are, others haven't discovered all and some have no knowledge of theirs. This is a time to look inwards, know your talents, your strong points, whatever it is that you are good at and invest in them. Do not be afraid to take risks, 2 Tim 1:7 says:

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.


Go out there and make something of a few things, rest assured that God has promised that more things will be added unto you.
And finally...do not forget that everything we do, we do to the glory of the Father. Make yourself useful in the church and employ your talents in turning out a bountiful harvest in the vineyard of the Lord, starting today!

Thanks for reading, do stay blessed!

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