in #steemchurch6 years ago

Jesus Christ Is Our Teacher In Life

As the skills acquired by every teacher, they teach from known to unknown, easy to difficult, none to something.

But, Jesus Christ as our teacher was seen to teach what is direct opposite to what the ordinary classroom teacher has been teaching; thus, Jesus Christ was seen to teach from unknown to known, difficult to easy and then impossibility to possibility of life.


Jesus Christ; our teacher of skills for vocation.

Teaching is the act of showing someone how to do something. As the best teacher, Jesus showed Peter; the fisherman who had fished for so many years, but on that faithful day, Peter couldn't make it. But when Jesus Christ appeared there, He taught Peter, the skills for fishing and even how to fish for men(Luke 5:10-11). Peter who had been involved in fishing for so many years admitted that indeed, Jesus is the master in fishing profession, and He employed the real skill for fishing. So, Peter was very astonished to see Jesus Christ with that amazing skills, through this he left everything behind and followed Jesus Christ, since Jesus Christ had already told him that if he follows him, He will let him be fishers of men.

Jesus Christ; our teacher of love.

Jesus Christ was the first being to demonstrate love practically to us without even considering the consequences it could come. What love suppercedes the love that someone should sacrifice his life for you? But, Jesus Christ gave his whole life to sacrifice our sins. Love is one of the most thing Jesus Christ instilled and encouraged us to adopt in our lives. At some point, Jesus said the second greatest among the ten commandments is love thy neighbour as thy self.

Matthew 22:36-40 New International Version (NIV)

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Jesus Christ, our teacher of humility.

Jesus Christ is humble, and due to this He said; look at me as I am humble and learn my humility. The bible confirms that even, on the cross, Jesus Christ demonstrated this humility. Though, He had the power to command the people who were torturing him to stop. But, He kept mute for them to do whatever they will do till his death. On many times that Jesus Christ had taught us to be humble in order to enter the Kingdom of heaven.

Jesus Christ, our teacher of truth and the way.

Jesus Christ is the truth and the way. Through this He has taught us that no one comes to heaven without being truthful. He spoke nothing but the truth from the beginning of his life till he was crusified. Even during his time of interrogation, He maintained his truth. We are all witness on Jesus truth, with this He also expect us to employ this truth in our lives.

Jesus Christ, our teacher of righteousness.

The main vision and motive of Jesus Christ to come to the earth is to save sinners from their sins. So, He said, "do not think that is because of the righteous people that I came. I came purposely because of sinners to get abundance of grace." For the righteous people, they have already repented and do not need much attention as compare to the sinners. As a teacher of righteousness, He has always been conscious to get people who are suffering because of sins on board so that they coukd be delivered. So, He decided moving from one place to another to get many people repented so that they can receive salvation. Throughout his evangelical work, he did not rest or relent on the task ahead of him. In spite of many challenges that he pass through, He did not allow these challenges to discourage him, but continued to preach the gospel, till many people became righteous. Even, before his death, He prepared his Disciples to continue the work of righteousness. All mankind are expected to change from sin to righteous.

In summary, Jesus Christ as a teacher in our live progresses, means that if we really absorb all these kinds of teachings that he continuous to impact in our lives, then we complete most of our lives activities. If these teachings will become materialize in our lives, then we need to be cooperative to all teachings of Jesus Christ we have discussed here and those that we could not discuss. As an ordinary teacher in School, we teach only few subjects, but Jesus Christ have all the topics, subjects and answers to the neccessary things we need for our live progresses.



Hi Brother, Our Lord Jesus Christ left us important lessons about his experience as a teacher. Nicodemus thought he could challenge him, but he was impacted by Jesus.

Thank you for sharing this valuable message.


This very true about the son of man.
His words and attitude is at now what is teaching us today, that we do some.
Sure Jesus is the very best teacher.
Thanks for the word.

You are welcomed bro.

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