in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

"The soul vs the body; the world vs the heaven."

What are the things that man is after, are they everlasting things or temporal things; things that are seen or unseen? Temporal things are some not durable and they fade out or destroy easily, likewise; things that are seen have short lifespan. But, things that are not seen are permanent; and eternally made for use by mankind if we endure for them.

"So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.
For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all compassion, as we look not to the things that are unseen.
For things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal."

Looking at verse 16 of this Scripture, Paul is saying that, our outer bodies which are seen are destroying, eradicating gradually from the surface of the earth. In spite of this, we shouldn't lose hope, since our souls which form the inner beings of us and are unseen are everlasting, hence renewed day by day. In addition to the explanation Paul gave here, we know that the physical body of every mankind would be buried into the earth and decomposition will take place. But the souls will not die with the flesh, since that what are going to face the judgement panel, and they remain eternally either in heaven or hell.

In 1Corinthians 5:1, Apostle Paul again made certain clarification in support of the above verses that: "For we know that if the tent that is our earthly home is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in heavens." Tent is a shelter that we stay in for protection and adverse effects of climatic changes. But, in reality, Paul is referring to our bodies as the "tent." If our bodies are destroyed, as Christians we have hope that there is eternal home which is heaven to stay there for rest.

Many things that are seen are temporal, and they do not last for our use: the earth, building, cars, sea, animal, human beings, trees are all temporal things launched by God and man, and such, a time will come that they will be destroyed. If all these things will be destroyed, what will be the faith and hope of mankind? The only faith and hope of mankind is to seek for the unseen things.

The Heaven is our unseen treasure that Christians and all believers are yearning to get. Who has ever seen heaven before? We only see the sky, but the original place that God has prepared for his righteous people is hidden from us, and that is the most precious thing we should be eager to seen and enjoy there. For so many years that Jesus Christ had promised us that he is going to prepare a place for us so that we all enjoy together.
To seek for unseen treasures depend on faith.
It is therefore necessary for those who come to God to believe that He is there. God too is an unseen being, and we can only accept that He is there if we have faith. Heaven is an unseen, we can only accept that is there if we have faith that a time will come that Jesus Christ will come select his righteous people to heaven as their permanent abode. Unseen things are everlasting or eternal and durable. Christians have one common goal striving to seek the permanent place which is heaven so that when our tent which is our body is destroyed, we will have place to rest. So we are advised to build our property in heaven, but not on earth that living organisms will cone and destroy.

To see the unseen depends on hard work.
Searching the unseen need hard working, endurance and suffering. Not all people are able to seek the unseen treasures, since it needs a selfless devotion of time and energy. One can pass through a lot of challenges and distortion, anguish and pain in an attempt seeking the unseen. To be chosen among the righteous people going to heaven need adequate preparation of mind and heart, that is devoid of sins. Jesus Christ said many are called, but few are chosen. This is because, it is difficult to see the unseen, unless those who have made their mind to see the unseen.

The most happiest and peaceful place for one to be is the unseen place. Jesus Christ promised that, the unseen place of heaven is full of joy serene environment made with gold, there is no mourning, neither sorrow is there. The description of the unseen and how beautiful the place is make it lovely. This means that, in spite of the difficult nature of seeking the unseen, those who are able to endure and wait will enjoy through that pain and suffering. We therefore need to search for this unseen of heaven, so that we do not perish.
Thank you for taken your time to read this post.
This is oppongk from #teamghana.


Thanks. What does it cost a man to eat the all world then lose your soul.

There is a saying that Spiritual thing are more real than the physical thing.
So in other words spiritual things are more important. Thanks for this post.

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