Be Unshakeable To The Frightening Actions Caused By The Devil.

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Hello beloved Parishioners of Steemchurch peace be with you all. This is another day God almighty has made lets be glad and rejoice.

Today, I am sharing with you on being "unshakeable to the frightening actions caused by the Devil." Many Christians have that kind of fear within them that any frighten cause by the Devil, then they begin to panic. As a Christian you must be strong and courageous in our Lord God always. We must be firm, rigid and unshakeable no matter the circumstances prevailing. No matter the tiding actions and the storm blowing around us, far as we have our God almighty there is nothing that we should fear.

Though, the frightening actions will come as in the Book of 1 Peter 5:8 of New Living Translation says that: "Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour."

Look, the Devil always kill the flesh, but we do not die since he cannot kill the souls. If we have someone to be frightened of, then it is the Lord almighty. The Devil only cause the pain and torture of the body that will make you forget of your maker and redraw your faith in the Lord. He will do something that will force you to separate your self from your protector and guidance in this universe. He has a deceiptive and canning way of luring people to his side. He can make things look more attractive, appealing and lucrative, but in the actual sense, it is not so as we see it. That is what the Devil did to Adam and Even, the first being that God created. The Devil used his canning way to deceive them to eat the forbidden fruit. The Bible described the fruit to be more appealing to the eyes for eating, but at the end what happened? Adam and Eve suffered the consequence for being disobedient to God's words. That is how the Devil does his things, he does it and redraw him self as if he is not the one. If we want to fear someone, then we should fear the Lord almighty, the creator of all things who can kill the soul.

“Don’t be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell."(Matthew 10:28NLT)

To be Spiritually strong and firm to withstand the frighting nature of the Devil, then we need to strengthen our prayers as Christians. Our great weapon to stand the great tribulations of the Devil is pray without ceasing. One the things the Devil fear is prayers, and this must accompany with the righteous living or Holiness. These two things move together, and every faithful Christian must have these characteristics of praying and living in holiness. But, Christians who are not firm in their Christian values and lack these basic characteristics will always be suffered in the hands of the Devil, with all their ways shaken in the deceiptive plans by the Devil. So many kinds of trials and troubles may be arranged by the Devil to come our ways, but if we have really dived into Spirit with God, none of these trials or troubles may overcome us. We will rather emerge victorious.

"Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints."(Ephesians 6:18KJV)

Let us always stay connected with the Lord God as Christians, so that the Devil cannot use us as "scape goats" for his frightening actions. We are indeed ambassadors for Christ, who always campaign for freedom, liberty and human right for all. We cannot remain where we are for the Devil to take a complete dominion of us. We are warriors who always fight for peace and tranquility to prevail. We are royals that heirs from our Father's property; the Kingdom of God, our ultimate goal for struggling on this earth. What thing therefore, will be of more valuable to exchange with the Kingdom of God? There is nothing to compare with our precious Kingdom of God. That is why our Lord Jesus Christ used the most valuable things mankind ever searches on this earth to the Kingdom of heaven, even those things the Kingdom of God is more valuable than them. We therefore be vigilant and extra conscious of the actions of the Devil in order not to lose the Kingdom of God.

Lets stay blessed and extra careful as we celebrate Saint Valentine today 14th February, 2019. Our movements, speeches, characters should resemble Christ who has called us on this land to serve-The most blessed @steemchurch Blockchain.

Greetings to our Legendary #SirKnight and all Leaders and Parishioners of Steemchurch.This is @oppongk wishing you all a happy Valentine day!


Knowledge and insight to His word is a great weapon for Christians in defeating the devil. Thanks for sharing with us.

Great brother publication, reveals many truths. God bless you

Amen!, more blessings to you too.

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