in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Introducing the Lesson

Question: “What do we celebrate or recognize when we observe Pentecost Sunday?”

Pentecost Sunday recognizes the coming of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2. The. Spirit's extraordinary move almost 2,000 years ago affects the world even today. The Holy Spirit makes repentance, salvation, Spirit baptism, and Christian discipleship possible. This Counselor and Comforter Works in believers lives to empower them mightily for God' s purposes.


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The spirit Came at Pentecost

The Bible reveals to us that God exists in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is present in events in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament, though once we come to the New Testament, we see the Spirit's involvement with more clarity. After the: resurrection and ascension of Jesus, the Spirit became active within the Church as Well as the lives of individual Christians. The Spirit , was always present, yet He arrived in a dramatic way on what is now referred to as Pentecost Sunday.

(A) The Spirit Promised (John 14:15 ;17)

Question: "Why was it important for Jesus to send the Holy Spirit after His ascension?”

On the night is the Last Supper, Jesus had a long discussion with His disciples (see John 13:17). During this time, Jesus instructed them to do .‘what' He commanded, and do so out of the motivation of love. While His disciples did love Him they would not always find it easy to do what He commanded. They would need help and Jesus was going to provide that help for them.

Once He was gone, He would send them a Helper, the Holy Spirit. Scripture describes the Spirit as a Comforter (verse 16, KJV) or Advocate. Jesus also identified the Holy Spirit as “the Spirit of Truth” (verse 17).

Question: “Why is it significant to refer to the Holy Spirit as 'the Spirit of Truth'?”

This points to the essential role of the Spirit in guiding Christians into truth and exposing falsehood. Although Jesus would soon die, rise again, and ascend into heaven, the Holy Spirit would be with them always.

(B) The Spirit in Believers (John14:17-18)

Question: “For whom is the Spirit sent?”

The Spirit Is sent for believers. He indwells all who know Christ, and He also empowers them for service. Yet the Spirit has a message for the world as well: New life is available through Christ.

Jesus noted that the world cannot accept the Spirit because they do not know the Spirit (verse 17). Note that the word “know” in this instance refers to experiential knowledge. We come to know the Spirit because the Spirit lives within us and is at work within us.

Jesus also assured the disciples that He would not leave them comfortless (verse 18). This word can also mean “orphans". ln Bible times orphans were often mistreated and sometimes even sold as slaves because they had no one to protect them. This reaffirms, the truth that Jesus would never truly leave His people alone. Just as Jesus had been their Friend and Guide, the Spirit would fill that role as well.

(C) The Spirit's Arrival (Acts 2:1-4)

The Holy Spirit has always been present but the events recorded in Acts 2:1-4 fulfilled the promise of Christ from John 14 and ushered in the SpIrit-empowered EarlyChurch.

Question: “What do these verses tell you about the scene in the Upper Room?”

A number of significant facts are given. Those present were In “one acoor ”(verse 1, KJV). That is, they Were unified and of one mind. Suddenly, miraculous events took place that could be seen and heard through their physical senses: the sound of rushing wind and the appearance of what looked like tongues of fire resting on each of them (verses 2~33) These two Emiraculous scenes were not repeated In future manifestations of the Spirit. However, the third manifestation was they all miraculously spoke In languages they had never learned (verse 4).

The miracle of speaking in unknown languages was especially significant in that it served as a witness to all who, heard them. People from; throughout the ancient world were in Jerusalem that day, and they recognized the languages that were spoken. This confirmed the; reality of what was happening and thus testified to the power of the gospel that would be preached from that day forward.

The Spirit Helps Believers.

The Holy Spirit dwells in the lives of Christians for a specific reason. Although the Spirit provides comfort, assurance of salvation, and guidance into truth, there are several specific roles the Spirit fulfills for those who follow Jesus.

(A) Our teacher (John 14:26)

Jesus told the disciples the Spirit would teach believers. We might conclude this takes place in two ways. First, He will teach them 'fall things'. He helps believers understand everything that needs to be known to live for Christ;
Second, the Spirit helps believers remember all that they have learned of Christ's teachings.

Jesus did not say the Spirit would enable us to understand all that can be known about God and His creation. Rather, the Spirit equips us to understand and apply the truths within the Word of God. It
is of great value and comfort to know that the Spirit is there to help us at critical times when we need to recall or recognize Spiritual truth.

Question: “How can the promise of the Spirit impact the way we use the Word of God?”

We need to know the Word, then trust the Spirit to bring it to mind at just the right moments in time. Christians face all manner of trials and difficulties it is comforting to know that the Spirit can bring the words of Jesus and the promises of Scripture to our minds.

Lesson continues!


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