in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Introducing the Lesson

Question: “What role does a godly lifestyle play in our salvation?”

This question is often debated as Christians seek balance between the false extremes of Seeking salvation through good works on one hand, and on the other hand concluding that because of grace we need not be concerned with how we live.

God calls His people to live for Him, holy unto Him and distinct from the world. This isn't something sufficient for Life and Godliness.


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(A) Great and Precious Promises (2 Peter 11-4)

The Book of 2 Peter was written near the end of Peter‘s life, perhaps as a farewell message to encourage Christians to stay true to the faith (2 Peter 1: 1). It is believed that he wrote primarily to Gentile believers, emphasizing the precious nature of their faith. It Is a faith of unequaled value, worthy to be cherished and guarded.

Question: “What Is the key to finding true grace and peace (verse 2)?”

Spiritual blessings and temporal harmony are found through only one means: knowledge of Jesus Christ. This is mote than mental affirmation of one's beliefs. It is experiential, practical knowledge lived out in one's actions, attitudes, convictions, and priorities. in this sense, verse 2 previews a major focus of the apostle's message in this epistle. Following his opening greetings, Peter began to describe God's graceful action in providing for Christians everything they need for life In this world (verse 3).

The Lord has called His people to exhibit the divine character of Christ in their daily living (verses 3-4). However this can only happen through His provision.

Question: “What specifically, do you think God provides to believers for godly living?”

God has given precious promises past, present, and future. Among them are the death and resurrection of Christ, the gift of salvation, the example of Christ's life, empowerment for godly living and perhaps most intriguing participation in “the divine nature" (verse 4). This must not be taken to mean that we somehow become divine in any way. Rather, it refers to regeneration.

The divine nature is implanted in believers at salvation, becoming the wellspring that equips, informs, and empowers believers to live godly for Christ. This new nature places the lifestyle of God's people in sharp contrast with the ways of the world, which embodies the cravings and corruption of the sinful nature.

(B) Make Your Calling Sure (2 Peter1:5-11)

Life in the Spirit is not static. Our faith is either growing or dying. We cannot, then, simply cling to a statement faith. We must move forward.

Question: “In what ways does Peter call Christians to grow in 2 Peter :5-7, and what is the evidence of growth in each of these areas?"

Peter's call to Christian growth as founded on seven qualities mentioned in these verses. Of these Seven, two relate primarily to the believer's relationship with God (knowledge and godliness) and five relate primarily to his or her relationship with one another (virtue, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, and love). These qualities cover a variety of priorities and practices, but they could be distilled into a simple statement: Serve God, honor His name and treat one another with godly love (see Matthew 22:37-40).

Built on a foundation of faith. such a life will yield good spiritual fruit among all who serve the Lord (2 Peter 1:8) In contrast. those who do not pursue these things Wl" become Spiritualiy barren. living as if they have forgotten the blessmgs of salvation. forgiveness, and eternal life Christ has provided for His servants (verse 9).

Question: “What does it mean to confirm your calling or election as a believer, and who are included among 'the called' (verse 10)?"

“The called” includes every person. All are caied to be saved, but not all will respond in faith. Those who respond are the chosen, as described in Christ's teaching in Matthew 22:14.
Peter was exhorting his readers to examine themselves to ensure that they were in the faith that they had responded to God and were among the elect (see also 2 Corinthians 13:5).

Peter's words in 2 Peter 1:10-11 offer a clear reminder that we must not take salvation for granted. The apostle described distinct characteristics that clearly identify those who are following Christ. A verbal confession of faith in Christ must be followed by a transformed life. In living as Christ lived and honoring Him with our lives, we give evidence that we belong to God. Such a life demonstrates our faith to be sincere and valid.

Verse 10 focuses on the responsibility of the Christian rather than the redemptive action of God. Christians confirm that they have been called and chosen when they practice the virtues noted in verses 5-7. To claim faith in Christ while living otherwise exposes a contradiction. True faith should be followed by a godly lifestyle that testifies to the hope of eternal life given to all who follow Christ (verse 11).

Lesson conclusion will be posted tomorrow! Meanwhile read up! 2 peter 1: 2-21.



The divine nature is implanted in believers at salvation, becoming the wellspring that equips, informs, and empowers believers to live godly for Christ.

This new nature places the lifestyle of God's people in sharp contrast with the ways of the world, which embodies the cravings and corruption of the sinful nature.

Well written


Hi there

We found your post valuable to the steemchurch community

Thanks for sharing



MAKE YOUR CALLING AND ELECTION SURE. A powerful statement for the believer in Christ Jesus. Amen
What captivated me most was when you mentioned two groups of people that are treading on a dangerous path: the hyper-grace Christians who demonstrate faith with no works and the Religious Christians who think their works can save them. I wish they come to true scriptural understanding before it is too late.

Reason we have to keep talking and not stop as the holy spirit gives us understanding. Hopefully we will reach out!

Thanks for pointing that out!

great notification from you a debt of gratitude is in order for sharing

This new nature puts the way of life of God's kin in sharp diverge from the methods for the world, which exemplifies the desires and debasement of the wicked nature.

No work of man is considered just enough to buy salvation or to cleanse our sins, just as faith without works is dead, the word of God says that we can give our lives for others and if we do not have love we are nothing and not It's worth nothing, only love covers a multitude of faults.

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