in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)


As Christians, we know we are not to hold grudges against other people. We know we are to love every person as much as we love ourselves. Yet there are certain people we don’t seem to be able to get along with. We may not have spoken to former friends or relatives in years.


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Sometimes our conscience says we should try to be reconciled, but in our heart we know we are relieved to have those people out of our lives. Our pride tells us we are the innocent party. Yet the Holy Spirit whispers that we need to be reconciled.


(A) Like A Child. (Matthew 18:1-6)

QUESTION: Who do you think is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?

This is the question, Jesus' disciples asked Him. Jesus surprised them by having a small child come and stand among them. This unknown end innocent child stood in sharp contrast to their hunger for power and glory. Jesus warned them that unless they “be converted”, they could not enter the kingdom of heaven. He told them the one who would be greatest in the kingdom of heaven would be the one who humbled himself like that child.

QUESTION: Why is self-exaltation harmful to a Christian.

The most important consideration of any believer must be his relationship with God. Self-exaltation severely harms this relationship. Humility is not an option for a Christian, for God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble (Proverbs 3:34).

QUESTION: Why is self-exaitation harmful to the cause of Christ?

Self-exaltation harms the cause of Christ because it attempts to rank one believer beneath another to establish degrees of importance for various functions within the body of Christ. A self-exalting attitude results in jealousy, friction, and strife.

(B) Demonstrating Love (Matthew 18:7-14)

Jesus moved his discussion from causing others to stumble to Self-discipline. If something in a person’s life is causing him to sin, he should get rid of it whatever the cost, even if getting rid of it seems as hard as cutting off a hand or foot or plucking out an eye (Matthew 18:7-9).

QUESTION: Why is sin so damaging that Jesus told us to cut-off a foot or hand if it causes us to stumble?

Jesus used hyperbole to show the lethal effect sin can have in our lives. When we continue to tolerate sin in our lives, we are demonstrating a heart condition that is not worthy of a disciple, but rather of one who is destined for everlasting fire and eternal separation from God.

QUESTION: When we reflect on the fact believers are so precious to God that He has assigned each one an angel, why are we so presumptuous to treat others with disdain?

Jesus went on to say that God personally cares about the spiritual condltion of each believer. He told a parable about a sheep owner who has a hundred sheep. If one of his sheep strays off, he is so concerned about it that he leaves the ninety-nine to go in search of it. Such is the value of each person to God the Father and His Son. All people are precious to God. He is not willing that even one should perish.


(A) Take The First Step Matthew 18:15-17 5 ’ /

If a believer sins against another beIiever the one sinned against needs to go to the offending/brother (or sister) and show him his fault. The offending believer is to be given a chance to repent and be restored to fellowship with the offended party.

OUESTION: According to Matthew 18:16, what is the next step if the offending believer refuses to listen?

If the offending party refuses to be reconciled, then the offended party is instructed to repeat the procedure, except this time take one or two other church members. It the offending party does not listen to any of them, they will serve as witnesses to the offended party’s desire to have the relationship restored.

If the offender refuses to repent and be reconciled, the situation is to be brought to the attention of the church. If the offending party refuses to respond to the plea of the church members, he is to be treated as “a heathen man and a publican” (verse 17). They are to treat the offending party like an unbeliever.

(B) Act In Christ’s Authority (Matthew 18:18-20)

QUESTION: According to Matthew 18:18-20, what steps need to be taken before determining to treat an offending believer like an unbeliever?

The first step of church disclpline ls that there be an agreement about discipline as stated in verse 18. The second step is that there must be agreement in the community regarding the will of God (verse 19). The members need to be in prayer until they reach an agreement that they are sure - is in agreement with God’s will.

The final step is for the community of believers to be in agreement. “In my name” (verse 20) means to be under His authority. Jesus is promising His power and Spirit will be present to make sure His will is established for each member of His body, the Church.

Lesson contunues!


God places so much value on us by sending His son

We are supposed to follow suit

Thanks for sharing


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We found your post valuable to the steemchurch community

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We are valuable in the sight of God, He created us in His image and still sent His only begotten son to us even when we are yet sinners.
Jesus Christ humble Himself even unto death and He want us to appreciate others as the work of His hands.

The humility of Jesus christ till his death says it all and sets an example for belivers! Thanks for coming around!

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