in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Lesson continuation!


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(B) Injustice and Misery (Micah7:1-6).

Micah was heartbroken at the woeful condition of his people (Micah 7:1). lt seemed as if there were no godly people left. He likened the scarcity to the futility of finding fruit on the vine after the harvest (verse 2).

The nation's leaders were compared to hunters who trap the helpless in nets (verse 2). They perverted justice to take advantage of the poor and powerless. Rather than being helpful, they hurt others like briars and thorn hedges (verse 4).

Question: “What can Christians do to address the injustices they see in society today?”

Christians are to call for justice for those who are treated unjustly, while also leading by example in treating others fairly. Such actions are founded on the truth that all people have value, for all are created in the image of GOd (see Genesis 2:6-27).

Like a watchman on the walls, Micah warned that the day of God's judgment was coming (verse 4). He warned them that no one could be trusted (verses 5--6). Even close friends and family members would use what was said to take advantage of one another.

When people are unable to trust even those closest to them, the fabric of society unravels. Selfishness becomes the basis for how people interact with others. Micah recognized the dreadful danger of this, but his warnings went unheeded.

God Restores the Humble

(A) Hope in God's Deliverance (Micah7:7-14)

In contrast to the lack of trust that existed even among family members, Micah determined he would trust In the Lord (Micah 7:7). He focused on the faithfulness of God, putting his hope in God for deliverance.

ln verses 8-40, the prophet spoke on behalf of the remnant the Lord will restore. This remnant recognized their sinfulness and God‘s just judgment on them. They warned their enemies not to gldat over their fall. Although God would deal with them for their sins, He will fulfill His promise to restore His people. Then, those who taunted the Israelites would themselves be brought low.

In verses 11-14, Micah prophesied of Jerusalem and the kingdom of Judah. Though they would become desolate because of God's judgment, they would be rebuilt and restored. Even Israel's ancient enemies would be drawn to Jerusalem to learn about and worship the Lord. Those who exist outside of the kingdom, however, would experience desolation. While this passage found fulfillment in Judah's return, from exile, its ultimate fulfillment will come during the millennial reign of Christ.

Seeing what was to come, Micah prayed for the Lord to shepherd His people (verse 14). Just as the Lord cared for and guided His people long ago, Micah desired to see Him do it again.

Question: “How can hope in the Lord help believers live for Him today?

Without hope in God's sovereign power and deliverance, it would be easy to give up in despair. Rather than continue to live righteously and proclaim the goepel, we would become self-centered and self-seeking. Hope helps us keep trusting God in these perilous times.

(B) Trust in God's Mercy (Micah 7:15-20)

The Lord promised to watch or and care for His people, even as He did during their exodus from Egypt (Micah 7:151-120). The nations would again see how the Lord worked wondrously on behalf of His people. They would be humbled by what God would do in the last days for His people. They would fear the Lord as He displays His power. They will show respect for God's restored people.

Micah rejoiced in the unchanging character of God. He knew that the Lord is merciful, forgiving, compassionate and faithful. Though His people weren't always true to the Lord, He would always be true to them.

Question: “How would you answer someone who asked you why you trust in God?”

Many responses could likely be summarized this way. God is who He says He is and does What He says He will do. As we come to better know who God is, the more we can trust Him for our futures. Being confident that God keeps His promises should bring peace to our hearts. We are never hopeless because we know God and can fully trust Him.

In conclusion

This study should cause us to evaluate how we think about sin. Do we see sin for the danger it is? Do we justify the little things we do that we know to be wrong? Do the little things escalate to big things as the deceitfulness of sin hardens our consciences? Do we believe God when He says that we reap what we sow?

Sin does have consequences. Yet God is merciful and will forgive and restore when we humble ourselves before Him in repentance.

This post was meant to wrap up the seven days lessons! But i'll go on due to the responses I got to continue!



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Sin does have consequences.

Yet God is merciful and will forgive and restore when we humble ourselves before Him in repentance

Nice read


Iniquity has been part of man's life, but glory be to God for his mercy and kindness for putting us always on the right path.

God's love and grace has kept man! But we have to hunger for righteousness for a time is coming when we will have to be accountable.

The love of God is so great that he waits patiently not to consume us. The lawyer ppr the restoration

Sometimes, we give in to our human side as opposed to challenging authority when we sense injustice and tend to forget that God is our greatest arsenal. May God give us the grace to say no in the face of unjust suppression.

Christians must ask for justice from God and wait on Him, we can not take justice for ourselves, but God is the one who can judge and act. And we pray that He works.

God's mercy always reaches us when we are humble and sincere when we make a mistake.

Humble, sincere and have a repentant heart.

Thanks for stopping by!

Although we sin God does not punish us with the judgment we deserve, he has mercy on us, in the midst of pain he restores us and gives us another opportunity because he knows our hearts.

God bless you

minha firma.png

Bless you too brother!

Excellent teaching

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