in #steemchurch6 years ago

Introducing the Lesson

As Christians we must learn that we do not live for our own pleasure; No matter what position of authority we might hold, we are required to submit our plans to God and give Him credit for any success that results from our actions.


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Warned against Being Prideful

(A) God's Warning (Daniel 4:19-26)

The familiar story of the fiery furnance in daniel 3 affirms that king Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon was filled with pride from a human perspective, this is not surprising. The king held immense power and authority in ruling a massive kingdom. He had developed a military force capable of conquering virtually any foe, making him in essence the supreme leader of the Ancient Near East.

Nebuchadnezzar was unaware of the real reason for his success, however. God had raised up this king to discipline the people of Judah for their disobedience to Him. The success Nebuchadnezzar had experienced was allowed by God But the foolish king took full credit for It.
In Daniel 4, Nebuchadnezzar's story continued with the king having a strange prophetic dream.

Question: “Why do you think God gave Nebuchadhezzar a prophetic dream?”

God wanted Nebuchadnezzar to understand the true Source of his success He was ignorant concerning the One True God and needed to 1. itembe instructed in a manner that would leave no doubt that God controls all things.

After Nebuchadnezzar attempted unsuccessfully to have his dream interpreted through his normal channels, using magicians and astrologers, he turned to Daniel for help (Daniel 4:1 9.26, see verses 1-8; note that in this passage Daniel was referred to as Belteshazzar, the name given to him by the king in 1:7).

Daniel’s interpretation of the dream spoke to the ultimate authority of God. God had raised Nebuchadnezzar up giving him unparalleled power in the region. And so God could also strip the king of that power.

Daniel informed the king that God was going to remove him from his throne for a period of seven years in order to show him that human power was nothing compared to the power of God. During those years the king would live like an animal. He would sleep on the ground and eat the grass of the fields. The poorest citizens of Babylon would live like kings compared to him.

Question: “How would you expect the king to respond to this advice?”

Daniel's Counsel (Daniel 4:27; psalm 10:4; Proverbs16:5)

Daniel offered Nebuchadnezzar a vilay to avoid God's judgment. If Nebuchadnezzar would simply turn from his sins and live righteously, God would not carry out the dream Daniel4:27).

Filled with pride, Nebuchadnezzar was not wiling to listen to Daniel. His actions made it clear that his power exceeded even that of God. He would not seek God because he did not feel that he needed God. He acted as if God did not exist, a trait common to wicked men (Psalm 10:4).

Question: “In what ways do people act as if God does not exist today?”

Such expressions of pride are prevalent today. Political leaders give lip service to God, even as their actions reveal their true attitudes toward God's authority. Corporate leaders many times give little consideration to the poor while building personal wealth. Sadly, rather than seek God for His plan, some ministers even attempt to build ministries on their own ideas or secular principles then ask Godto bless their plans.

Pride is often hard to spot in one's own life but God sees it clearly and He has no tolerance for it.

Question: “Why do you think God is offended by pride?”

Pride places self at the center, declaring that there is little or no need for assistance from God. Pride takes the glory from the Creator and directs it toward the creation.

Those who do not know God need to be confronted with His truth. Their pride will be punished if they do not turn from their ways. But pride is not solely a problem for those who do not know God; pride can slip into the hearts of believers as well. When this occurs, God often delivers a strong, clear message:

Every human being needs Him and must depend on Him. Like Nebuchadnezzar, we can avoid going through times of chastening if we repent and direct honor and glory to God(Proverbs 16: 5)

Lesson continues!


God favours those who humble themselves, it will be a time that all will be appeared before the throne. And what will be our stand?

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